course information of 103 - 1 | 8551 Chinese(中文)

Taught In English8551 - 中文 Chinese

教育目標 Course Target

本課程為中文系必修課程,作為研讀國學以至掌握古文明的工具學科。主要介紹中國文字的形、字義和演變歷史,讓同學對於本國文字有一正確的認識,從而加強同學對於本國文學,以至文化的了解。 本課程屬於比較接近科學的一門學問,訓練同學求真的客觀方法和精神。透過對漢字的正確了解,讓同學掌握中國語文、文化的真正知識並建立個人對專業學習的自信能力。This course is a compulsory course for the Chinese Department and serves as a tool for studying Chinese studies and even mastering ancient civilizations. It mainly introduces the shapes, meanings and evolution history of Chinese characters, so that students can have a correct understanding of their own characters, thereby enhancing their understanding of their own literature and culture. This course is a subject that is relatively close to science and trains students in objective methods and spirit of seeking truth. Through a correct understanding of Chinese characters, students can master the true knowledge of Chinese language and culture and build their personal confidence in professional learning.

課程概述 Course Description

一、教學目錄: 1.提高修課者對古典文學較廣泛之欣賞能力。 2.側重人文薰育,藉作品尚友古人,期收以義役利之效。 3.加強文字傳達情思之能力。 二、授課內容: 1.範文的賞析 (1.)作者:簡要介紹作者生平,文學成就、作品風格等。 (2.)題解:闡釋題意,說明文章性質及大旨、旁及創作動機、寫作背景。 (3.)課文:從語言層面入手,並兼顧文章藝術性、思想性。 (4.)注釋:以貫通文意,有助閱讀為原則。 (5.)研析:從語言、經驗、思想三個層面加以探析。 2.應用文的學習 (1.)新式書信:中式、西式信封的寫法、親友函件的結構。 (2.)公文:分述的種類、格式、結構與作法、公文的處理程序等,著重「簽」和「函」稿的寫作。 三、期望學生通過程課學習之後,能習得文學基本鑑賞能力和閱讀力;另外,對公文有基本認識及對「簽」、「函」稿有初略的寫作能力。
1. Teaching catalog: 1. Improve students’ ability to appreciate classical literature more broadly. 2. Focus on humanistic education, use the works to make friends with the ancients, and hope to reap the benefits of volunteer service. 3. Strengthen the ability of words to convey emotions. 2. Teaching content: 1. Appreciation of model essays (1.) Author: Briefly introduce the author’s life, literary achievements, work style, etc. (2.) Question explanation: Explain the meaning of the question, explain the nature and main purpose of the article, the motivation for creation, and the writing background. (3.) Text: start from the language level, and take into account the artistic and ideological aspects of the article. (4.) Notes: The principle is to make the meaning of the text clear and to facilitate reading. (5.) Research and analysis: Analyze from three levels: language, experience, and thought. 2. Learning of applied writing (1.) New-style letters: Chinese and Western-style envelope writing, and the structure of letters to relatives and friends. (2.) Official documents: Describe the types, formats, structures and methods, the procedures for processing official documents, etc., focusing on the writing of "signature" and "letter" drafts. 3. It is expected that after studying in the course, students can acquire basic literary appreciation and reading skills; in addition, they will have a basic understanding of official documents and have rudimentary writing skills for "signatures" and "letters".

參考書目 Reference Books

Compiled by Xu Jiankun and others - New Theory of Ancient Sayings: Selected Readings of Classical Short Stories/Hongye Culture: 2007
Edited by Qiu Zhenjing-Selected Readings of Chinese Classical Novels/Wenjin: 2003
Edited by Sun Xun and others - Selected Analysis of the Essence of Shimin Novels/Daan: 1996

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Daily homework
midterm exam
final exam

授課大綱 Course Plan

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必修-3919 Chinese (158) / 中文:古典文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:王安碩,五/6,7[M231])
必修-3920 Chinese (96) / 中文:中國文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:柯維盈,五/6,7[M232])
必修-3921 Chinese (65) / 中文:古典小說選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:梁欣芸,五/6,7[M233])
必修-3922 Chinese : Reading and Writing of Literary / 中文:文學閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:高禎臨,二/8,9[H105])
必修-3923 Chinese : Reading and Writing of Chinese / 中文:中國文學閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:趙苑夙,二/8,9[HT101])
必修-3924 Chinese : Reading & Writing of Modern Prose / 中文:現代散文閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:吳孟昌,二/8,9[HT102])
必修-3925 Chinese (156) / 中文:現代小說閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:陳福智,二/8,9[C106])
必修-3926 Chinese : Reading and Writing of Chinese / 中文:中國文學閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:黃繼立,二/8,9[LAN109])
必修-3927 Chinese (133) / 中文:現代文學閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:郭苑平,二/8,9[LAN110])
必修-3928 Chinese (96) / 中文:中國文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:錢唯真,二/8,9[H204])
必修-3929 Chinese : Readings on Modern Prose / 中文:現代散文選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:阮桃園,二/8,9[H205])
必修-3930 Chinese (96) / 中文:中國文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:李皇誼,二/8,9[H206])
必修-3931 Chinese (157) / 中文:諸子名著選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:白恒旭,二/8,9[H304])
必修-3932 Chinese (158) / 中文:古典文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:藍日昌,二/8,9[H305])
必修-3933 Chinese (65) / 中文:古典小說選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:吳婷薇,二/8,9[H306])
必修-3934 Chinese (154) / 中文:古典詩詞選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:余 風,二/8,9[H307])
必修-3935 Chinese (65) / 中文:古典小說選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:陳昌遠,二/8,9[H308])
必修-3936 Chinese (158) / 中文:古典文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:賴欣陽,二/8,9[H321])
必修-3937 Chinese : Reading and Writing of Literary / 中文:文學閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:乃俊廷,五/3,4[H105])
必修-3938 Chinese (65) / 中文:古典小說選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:梁欣芸,五/3,4[H205])
必修-3939 Chinese (96) / 中文:中國文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:趙苑夙,五/3,4[H208])
必修-3940 Chinese (65) / 中文:古典小說選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:陳麗如,五/3,4[H209])
必修-3941 Chinese : Reading and Writing of Literary / 中文:文學閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:周翊雯,三/1,2[A101])
必修-3942 Chinese (156) / 中文:現代小說閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:唐毓麗,三/1,2[M146])
必修-3943 Chinese (154) / 中文:古典詩詞選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:鄔錫芬,三/1,2[H205])
必修-3944 Chinese (96) / 中文:中國文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:施盈佑,三/1,2[H209])
必修-3945 Chinese (65) / 中文:古典小說選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:吳婷薇,三/1,2[M119])
必修-3946 Chinese (158) / 中文:古典文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:王安碩,三/1,2[M244])
選修-5023 Special Topics on Chinese Texts and / 中文文獻與資訊專題 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:宋建華,一/8,9[H535])
必修-8101 Chinese / 中文 (資工系1,授課教師:陳麗君 ,二/12,13[H305])
必修-8301 Chinese / 中文 (運健學程 1,授課教師:施盈佑,二/12,13[A102])
必修-8501 Chinese / 中文 (美術系 1,授課教師:白恒旭,二/12,13[A107])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/12,13[AG104]
授課教師 Teacher:藍日昌
修課班級 Class:法律系1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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