course information of 103 - 1 | 0012 Chinese.(中文)

Taught In English0012 - 中文 Chinese.

教育目標 Course Target

培育中文系學生對豐厚的文學遺產作思辨性、創新性的傳承,以利於培養出終生的志趣與使命感。 承上,故於課程實質進行過程,將要求學生對古典文學家的創作歷程,作情境思考、推理、想像,並學習與現當代社會生活氛圍為作對照、思辨,培育出「疑古與創新」的企圖心,例如:中國歷代古典作家多生活於農業社會,工業革命發生時已進入近代,然後是二十世紀末的電腦、網路革命。應當與網路世代的文學系年輕人一起思辨:農業世代,網路世代本質上產生的異與同,然後培育推理、想像力,改寫一位古典作家的故事。 ※終極目標:1.養成學生:積極態度、自信心、溝通、協調的團隊運作能力、責任感。3.有效體驗:語文利用音樂、藝術、舞台等媒介充分、成功地表達情意。3.具體實踐:學年度中文之夜戲劇演出。 Cultivate students in the Chinese Department to pass on the rich literary heritage in a critical and innovative way, so as to cultivate a lifelong interest and sense of mission. Following on from the above, in the actual course of the course, students will be required to think, reason, and imagine the creative process of classical writers, and learn to compare and speculate with the modern and contemporary social life atmosphere, so as to cultivate "questioning ancient times and innovation". For example, Chinese classical writers in the past dynasties mostly lived in an agricultural society. The industrial revolution had already entered modern times, and then came the computer and Internet revolution at the end of the 20th century. We should think about the differences and similarities arising from the nature of the agricultural generation and the Internet generation together with the young literature majors of the Internet generation, and then cultivate their reasoning and imagination to rewrite the story of a classical writer. ※Ultimate goal: 1. Cultivate students: positive attitude, self-confidence, communication, coordinated team operation ability, and sense of responsibility. 3. Effective experience: Chinese language uses music, art, stage and other media to fully and successfully express affection. 3. Specific practice: Chinese night drama performance during the school year.

課程概述 Course Description

A班:該課程雖為大一共同必修課程,但對象是中文系的學生,故有其專業的考量。因此,授課內容,會配合中國文學發展的流變,使學生對中國文學的發展,從詩經、楚辭至晚清小說的概況,有基本的認識,另外,加強對文本的分析與解讀,能更細緻、深入文本的內涵,使學生具有專業的文學能力。 C班:本課程為中文系大一必修課程,亦為本系入門之重要基礎。學生甫入大學,學習方式亟待改變:必須由記誦式轉為思考式。本課程透過選文之講析,引導學生瞭解作品背後豐富之情感與深刻之思想,藉以幫助學生觀察現象、發現問題、深入思考,尋求通透之解答。對於學生從事中國文學之研究,具有一定之啟發性。 D班:此為本系一年級必修課。教學目的在培養學生分析中國古典文學作品能力、並理解中國上古中古英雄之形象。內容以講解先秦以迄唐代之敘事文為主。
Class A: Although this course is a common required course for freshmen, it is targeted at students in the Chinese Department, so it has its own professional considerations. Therefore, the teaching content will be in line with the development of Chinese literature, so that students will have a basic understanding of the development of Chinese literature, from the Book of Songs and Songs of Chu to the novels of the late Qing Dynasty. In addition, they will strengthen the analysis and interpretation of texts, and be able to More detailed and in-depth text connotations enable students to have professional literary abilities. Class C: This course is a compulsory course for freshmen in the Chinese Department and is also an important foundation for entry into the department. When students enter university, their learning methods need to change urgently: from memorizing to thinking. Through the analysis of selected texts, this course guides students to understand the rich emotions and profound thoughts behind the works, thereby helping students observe phenomena, discover problems, think deeply, and seek transparent answers. It is inspiring to students engaged in the study of Chinese literature. Class D: This is a compulsory course for the first year of this department. The teaching purpose is to cultivate students' ability to analyze Chinese classical literary works and understand the images of ancient and medieval Chinese heroes. The content is mainly about narrative texts from pre-Qin to Tang Dynasty.

參考書目 Reference Books


1. History of Chinese Literature
2. Cultural History
3. Historical, geographical, cross-field and cross-regional knowledge related to literary works

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Personal performance of courses and crew groups
35 閱讀相關書籍,與小組共同承擔書寫小組工作企畫與紀錄
Midterm acceptance results homework
30 寫一份個人學習與思考(從教材提問)記錄
Final study record
35 練習寫一份透過思考後剪裁的紀錄並準時繳出,就可終生受用。不得遲繳

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必修-3919 Chinese (158) / 中文:古典文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:王安碩,五/6,7[M231])
必修-3920 Chinese (96) / 中文:中國文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:柯維盈,五/6,7[M232])
必修-3921 Chinese (65) / 中文:古典小說選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:梁欣芸,五/6,7[M233])
必修-3922 Chinese : Reading and Writing of Literary / 中文:文學閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:高禎臨,二/8,9[H105])
必修-3923 Chinese : Reading and Writing of Chinese / 中文:中國文學閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:趙苑夙,二/8,9[HT101])
必修-3924 Chinese : Reading & Writing of Modern Prose / 中文:現代散文閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:吳孟昌,二/8,9[HT102])
必修-3925 Chinese (156) / 中文:現代小說閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:陳福智,二/8,9[C106])
必修-3926 Chinese : Reading and Writing of Chinese / 中文:中國文學閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:黃繼立,二/8,9[LAN109])
必修-3927 Chinese (133) / 中文:現代文學閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:郭苑平,二/8,9[LAN110])
必修-3928 Chinese (96) / 中文:中國文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:錢唯真,二/8,9[H204])
必修-3929 Chinese : Readings on Modern Prose / 中文:現代散文選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:阮桃園,二/8,9[H205])
必修-3930 Chinese (96) / 中文:中國文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:李皇誼,二/8,9[H206])
必修-3931 Chinese (157) / 中文:諸子名著選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:白恒旭,二/8,9[H304])
必修-3932 Chinese (158) / 中文:古典文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:藍日昌,二/8,9[H305])
必修-3933 Chinese (65) / 中文:古典小說選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:吳婷薇,二/8,9[H306])
必修-3934 Chinese (154) / 中文:古典詩詞選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:余 風,二/8,9[H307])
必修-3935 Chinese (65) / 中文:古典小說選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:陳昌遠,二/8,9[H308])
必修-3936 Chinese (158) / 中文:古典文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:賴欣陽,二/8,9[H321])
必修-3937 Chinese : Reading and Writing of Literary / 中文:文學閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:乃俊廷,五/3,4[H105])
必修-3938 Chinese (65) / 中文:古典小說選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:梁欣芸,五/3,4[H205])
必修-3939 Chinese (96) / 中文:中國文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:趙苑夙,五/3,4[H208])
必修-3940 Chinese (65) / 中文:古典小說選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:陳麗如,五/3,4[H209])
必修-3941 Chinese : Reading and Writing of Literary / 中文:文學閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:周翊雯,三/1,2[A101])
必修-3942 Chinese (156) / 中文:現代小說閱讀與寫作 (共必修1,授課教師:唐毓麗,三/1,2[M146])
必修-3943 Chinese (154) / 中文:古典詩詞選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:鄔錫芬,三/1,2[H205])
必修-3944 Chinese (96) / 中文:中國文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:施盈佑,三/1,2[H209])
必修-3945 Chinese (65) / 中文:古典小說選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:吳婷薇,三/1,2[M119])
必修-3946 Chinese (158) / 中文:古典文學選讀 (共必修1,授課教師:王安碩,三/1,2[M244])
選修-5023 Special Topics on Chinese Texts and / 中文文獻與資訊專題 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:宋建華,一/8,9[H535])
必修-8101 Chinese / 中文 (資工系1,授課教師:陳麗君 ,二/12,13[H305])
必修-8301 Chinese / 中文 (運健學程 1,授課教師:施盈佑,二/12,13[A102])
必修-8501 Chinese / 中文 (美術系 1,授課教師:白恒旭,二/12,13[A107])
必修-8551 Chinese / 中文 (法律系1,授課教師:藍日昌,二/12,13[AG104])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4,Thursday/2[H307]
授課教師 Teacher:阮桃園
修課班級 Class:中文系1A
選課備註 Memo:學號雙號者
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 30 人。

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