課程採主題式教學,除基本寫作方式之外,主要以散文和小說為基礎,並補充數篇中國古典散文與小說故事,期望學生能學會如何欣賞文學之美,瞭解作家創作時的心境與寫作背景,並在修習此學科之後,能充分與現代日常生活作聯結,使文學知識與文學創意能信手拈來,運用在自己的平日生活點滴、其他學科與未來職場上。The course is subject-oriented teaching. In addition to the basic writing methods, it mainly focuses on prose and novels, and adds several Chinese classical prose and novel stories. It is hoped that students can learn how to appreciate the beauty of literature and understand the writer's mood and writing background when creating. , and after studying this subject, you can fully contact modern daily life, so that literature knowledge and literary creativity can be easily used in your daily life, other subjects and future careers.
A. 經典閱讀:針對各學院系學科屬性,擇選相應之文本進行閱讀與討論。
B. 溝通表達:藉由各式課程活動,提昇學生的書面寫作與口語表達之能力。
C. 場域連結:透過文本的閱讀與書寫,引導學生思索「自我」與社會的橫向連結。
D. 文本實踐:將文本閱讀與日常生活進行連結,付諸書寫與創作。
The Chinese courses in our freshman year are named "Literature Appreciation and Practice" (General Class) and "Literature Reading and Writing" (Strengthen Writing Class). They are based on the foundation of cultivating literary literacy, due to the different subject attributes of different colleges and their facets The diverse needs of the job site are designed to include four major directions:
A. Classical reading: Select corresponding texts for reading and discussion on the subject attributes of each department.
B. Communication expression: Through various course activities, students can improve their ability to write and oral expression in writing.
C. Field link: Through text reading and writing, students are guided to think about the directional link between "self" and society.
D. Text implementation: Link text reading with daily life, write and create.
In the future, the four major models can be combined with different models based on the nature of the department, as well as the teacher's position, as well as the interests and needs of students to learn in a diverse manner.
Zhang Xiaofeng "Pen Qing Qing and Me"
"Practical Chinese Lecture"
Shu Guozhi: "Shuicheng Taipei"
"Six Notes on the Floating Life"
"Choose of Prose in Qing Dynasty"
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | 申論題。四至六題。 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 | 申論題。四至六題。 |
個人報告個人報告 Personal Report |
10 | 為親人作傳(圖+文) |
分組報告分組報告 Sub-group report |
20 | 為親人作傳的延伸。口述歷史(圖+文+影音檔) |