文學是精煉的語言文字藝術,表現了人類文明最璀璨的一頁。小說更是當代最受讀者青睞的文類,義大利小說家安伯托•艾可(Umberto Eco)說過:「建構一個由無數事件與人物組成的世界,無法鉅細靡遺,面面俱到,只能提示,然後由讀者自行去填滿所有的縫隙。每一個文本,就像我以前寫過的,都是部疏懶的機器,要求讀者也分擔部分工作。」一部完美的作品,少了讀者的閱讀,實在無法堪稱完整。拜科技之賜,訊息騰捷的結果卻剝奪了人們靜心閱讀的樂趣,反而使得芸芸眾生迷失於浩瀚的數位汪洋,輕易被枝節的訊息海浪所掩沒。
本學期以金庸的長篇武俠小說──《天龍八部》為指定參考書籍,以期能從精微的閱讀與品評中,跟著小說人物遊歷江湖,互訴衷情,恣意優遊於想像的大海。再者,從小說中錯綜複雜的人物關係,與環環相扣的情節安排中,探討本學期博雅中文共同書寫主題──「家」,釐清傳統觀念與人性慾望的累世衝突,重塑人、家、族、國的多重價值。Literature is a sophisticated linguistic art that expresses the most brilliant page of human civilization. The novel is also the most popular novelist of contemporary times, and the Italian novelist Umberto Eco said: "To construct a world composed of countless events and characters cannot be detailed and comprehensive, and can only be Tip, and then the reader fills all the gaps on his own. Each text, like what I wrote before, is a distracting machine, requiring readers to share some of their work. "A perfect work, without the reader's Reading is actually not complete. By the knowledge of technology, the results of the message cleverness have greatly enriched the joy of people's quiet reading, but instead made the crowd lose themselves in the vast digital ocean and easily covered by the waves of messages.
This period of this study uses Jin Yong's long martial arts novel "The Eight Parts of Tianlong" as a designated reference book, hoping to follow the novel characters to travel around the world, make love for each other, and play in the sea of imagination freely. Furthermore, from the complex relationships of characters in the novel and the interlocking relationship with each other, we explore the theme of Boya Chinese joint book written in this period - "home", clear the conflicts between traditional concepts and human desires over the years, and reshape people and homes. , ethnic group and country.
A. 經典閱讀:針對各學院系學科屬性,擇選相應之文本進行閱讀與討論。
B. 溝通表達:藉由各式課程活動,提昇學生的書面寫作與口語表達之能力。
C. 場域連結:透過文本的閱讀與書寫,引導學生思索「自我」與社會的橫向連結。
D. 文本實踐:將文本閱讀與日常生活進行連結,付諸書寫與創作。
The Chinese courses in our freshman year are named "Literature Appreciation and Practice" (General Class) and "Literature Reading and Writing" (Strengthen Writing Class). They are based on the foundation of cultivating literary literacy, due to the different subject attributes of different colleges and their facets The diverse needs of the job site are designed to include four major directions:
A. Classical reading: Select corresponding texts for reading and discussion on the subject attributes of each department.
B. Communication expression: Through various course activities, students can improve their ability to write and oral expression in writing.
C. Field link: Through text reading and writing, students are guided to think about the directional link between "self" and society.
D. Text implementation: Link text reading with daily life, write and create.
In the future, the four major models can be combined with different models based on the nature of the department, as well as the teacher's position, as well as the interests and needs of students to learn in a diverse manner.
1. Jin Yong, "Eight Parts of Tianlong" (Taibei: Far Li, 2005, newly revised version).
2. Jin Yong, "Eight Parts of Tianlong" (Taibei: Far, 1986, flat version).
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中成績期中成績 Midterm achievements |
25 | 期中習作。 |
期末成績期末成績 Final results |
25 | 分組討論、口頭報告。 |
出席成績出席成績 Attendance |
25 | 上課點名、學習態度。 |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
25 | 隨堂測驗、網路作業。 |