本課程經由「閱讀」與「寫作」的循環加強及持續精進,一方面培育學生具備解讀多元敘事文本的中文能力;另方面引導學生將生命歷程融入書寫表達,透過個人、他者與文本之間的交互撞擊與激盪,深化人文涵養,提昇文化競爭力。課程內涵以多元敘事文本為主要教材,採主題式單元授課,上學期以「生命歷程/個人發展」為主軸,包含「我是誰」、「有情世間」、「生命挑戰」三個主要單元,探討的主題有童年、青春/夢想、友情、愛情與變調人生。This course is strengthened and continuously improved by the cycle of "reading" and "writing". On the one hand, it cultivates students' ability to understand and read diverse texts; on the other hand, it guides students to integrate their life course into writing, through the personal, the other and the text The interactive collision and excitement deepens humanistic cultivation and enhances cultural competitiveness. The course content is based on diverse work texts as the main textbook, and thematic single-item teaching is taught. The first period is based on "life course/personal development" and includes three main elements: "Who am I", "Emotional World", and "Life Challenge". The topics discussed include childhood, youth/dream, friendship, love and changing life.
A. 經典閱讀:針對各學院系學科屬性,擇選相應之文本進行閱讀與討論。
B. 溝通表達:藉由各式課程活動,提昇學生的書面寫作與口語表達之能力。
C. 場域連結:透過文本的閱讀與書寫,引導學生思索「自我」與社會的橫向連結。
D. 文本實踐:將文本閱讀與日常生活進行連結,付諸書寫與創作。
The Chinese courses in our freshman year are named "Literature Appreciation and Practice" (General Class) and "Literature Reading and Writing" (Strengthen Writing Class). They are based on the foundation of cultivating literary literacy, due to the different subject attributes of different colleges and their facets The diverse needs of the job site are designed to include four major directions:
A. Classical reading: Select corresponding texts for reading and discussion on the subject attributes of each department.
B. Communication expression: Through various course activities, students can improve their ability to write and oral expression in writing.
C. Field link: Through text reading and writing, students are guided to think about the directional link between "self" and society.
D. Text implementation: Link text reading with daily life, write and create.
In the future, the four major models can be combined with different models based on the nature of the department, as well as the teacher's position, as well as the interests and needs of students to learn in a diverse manner.
Shi Zhisheng: "Memories and Impressions"
Yuan Jin: "Look"
Wang Yang: "China Gate"
Ke Yufen: "Youth Can't Be Learned"
Liu Ziyan: "Seven Days After Father"
Zhu Tianxin: "Keymen"
Special works by "Slide Weekly"
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期初閱寫測驗期初閱寫測驗 Preliminary writing test |
10 | 學生根據引導式命題,於課堂上即席寫作,該檢測旨在觀察其先備的思考與書寫能力,作為本學期初步瞭解學生,及教學調整、適性引導之參考 |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
50 | 包含:隨堂學習單或習作、上課態度及課堂活動參與、小組討論與記錄、出缺席狀況 |
分組報告分組報告 Sub-group report |
10 | 針對單元議題,分組上台進行PPT主題式報告 |
主題寫作及預讀作業主題寫作及預讀作業 Topic writing and preview |
20 | 與主題相關之單元寫作及預讀學習單,主題寫作題目依據每單元所提示的方向自行擬定 |