course information of 109 - 1 | 3843 Chinese : Readings on Literature and Writing(中文:文學閱讀與寫作)

3843 - 中文:文學閱讀與寫作 Chinese : Readings on Literature and Writing

教育目標 Course Target

恩斯特‧卡西勒在其所建構的「象徵形式哲學」中提出了「人是符號的動物。」之名言。可知人之所以為人的主體價值在於其能在符號的交互作用當中,以語言、藝術等符號活動完成文化的創造與傳承。「象」是代表中國文化的符號範疇,歷代的文學家紛紛以「意象」與「象徵」的符號形式來遙承傳統文化與表現生命情調。本課程嘗試以閱讀中國經典文學為根本,輔以神話民俗學的跨文化視域—— 巫俗‧身體‧儀式,帶領學生在課堂思辨的過程,能夠重新審視古典文學主題與現代生活情境的結合,而意象符號正是貫通古今的媒介。 In the "Philosophy of Symbolic Forms" he constructed, Ernst Cassiler put forward the famous saying that "human beings are symbolic animals." It can be seen that the main value of human beings lies in their ability to complete the creation and inheritance of culture through symbolic activities such as language and art in the interaction of symbols. "Image" is a symbolic category that represents Chinese culture. Writers of all ages have used the symbolic form of "imagery" and "symbol" to inherit traditional culture and express life sentiments. This course attempts to be based on reading Chinese classic literature, supplemented by the cross-cultural perspective of mythology and folklore—— Shamanism, Body, and Ritual lead students in the process of thinking in the classroom, allowing them to re-examine the combination of classical literary themes and modern life situations, and image symbols are the medium that connects ancient and modern times.

課程概述 Course Description

  本校大一中文課程名稱為「文學欣賞與實用」(一般班)與「文學閱讀與寫作」(加強寫作班),奠基於培養文學素養的基礎上,因應各學院學科屬性之不同,以及面對職場的多元需求,將課程內容規畫為四大模組: A. 經典閱讀:針對各學院系學科屬性,擇選相應之文本進行閱讀與討論。 B. 溝通表達:藉由各式課程活動,提昇學生的書面寫作與口語表達之能力。 C. 職場語文:引導學生觀察與學科性質相應之職場動態,並應用於語文學習。 D. 生活實踐:結合專業知識,將學習延伸出教室之外,實際運用在生活之中。   未來四大模組可依學院系性質、任課教師專長、以及學生興趣與需求,配搭出不同模組之組合,供學生多元學習。
The freshman Chinese courses at our school are titled "Literary Appreciation and Practicality" (general class) and "Literary Reading and Writing" (enhanced writing class). They are based on cultivating literary literacy and are adapted to the different subject attributes of each college and the challenges they face. In order to meet the diverse needs of the workplace, the course content is planned into four major modules: A. Classic reading: Select corresponding texts for reading and discussion based on the subject attributes of each college and department. B. Communication and expression: Through various course activities, students’ written writing and oral expression abilities are improved. C. Workplace Chinese: Guide students to observe workplace dynamics corresponding to the nature of the subject and apply them to Chinese learning. D. Life practice: Combined with professional knowledge, extend learning beyond the classroom and apply it in real life. In the future, the four major modules can be combined with different modules according to the nature of the college and department, the expertise of the teachers, and the interests and needs of the students to provide students with diversified learning.

參考書目 Reference Books


Written by Eliade; translated by Yang Rubin: "The Universe and History: The Myth of Eternal Return" (Taipei: Lianjing Publishing House, 2000).
Written by Fraser; translated by Wang Peiji: "The Golden Bough: A Study of Witchcraft and Religion" (Taipei: Laurel Books, 1991).
Written by Erich Neumann, translated by Li Yihong: "The Great Mother Goddess - Archetypal Analysis" (Beijing: Oriental Publishing House, 1998
Wang Li: "Ten Major Themes in Ancient Chinese Literature—Prototypes and Changes" (Taipei: Literature, History and Philosophy Publishing House, 1994).
Dai Junren: "Selected Poems" (Taipei: Chinese Culture University Publishing Department, 1993).

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
期末考試 期末考試
final exam
class report
出席與課堂討論 出席與課堂討論
Attend class discussions

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7[A101]
授課教師 Teacher:李珮慈
修課班級 Class:文學院1
選課備註 Memo:加強寫作班,第一階段限日間部文學院一年級選
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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