course information of 109 - 1 | 3891 Chinese:Appreciation and Practice of Literature(中文:文學欣賞與實用)

3891 - 中文:文學欣賞與實用 Chinese:Appreciation and Practice of Literature

教育目標 Course Target

以全人教育出發,透過經典閱讀、溝通與表達、生活實踐、職場語文四大領域,以建立個人獨立思考、群體互助精神、職場能力表現及生活創造潛能。Starting from the holistic education, through the four major areas of classic reading, communication and expression, life practice, and workplace language, we build individual independent thinking, group mutual help spirit, workplace ability performance, and life creative potential.

課程概述 Course Description

一、教學目錄: 1.提高修課者對古典文學較廣泛之欣賞能力。 2.側重人文薰育,藉作品尚友古人,期收以義役利之效。 3.加強文字傳達情思之能力。 二、授課內容: 1.範文的賞析 (1.)作者:簡要介紹作者生平,文學成就、作品風格等。 (2.)題解:闡釋題意,說明文章性質及大旨、旁及創作動機、寫作背景。 (3.)課文:從語言層面入手,並兼顧文章藝術性、思想性。 (4.)注釋:以貫通文意,有助閱讀為原則。 (5.)研析:從語言、經驗、思想三個層面加以探析。 2.應用文的學習 (1.)新式書信:中式、西式信封的寫法、親友函件的結構。 (2.)公文:分述的種類、格式、結構與作法、公文的處理程序等,著重「簽」和「函」稿的寫作。 三、期望學生通過程課學習之後,能習得文學基本鑑賞能力和閱讀力;另外,對公文有基本認識及對「簽」、「函」稿有初略的寫作能力。
1. Teaching catalog: 1. Improve students’ ability to appreciate classical literature more broadly. 2. Focus on humanistic education, use the works to make friends with the ancients, and hope to reap the benefits of volunteer service. 3. Strengthen the ability of words to convey emotions. 2. Teaching content: 1. Appreciation of model essays (1.) Author: Briefly introduce the author's life, literary achievements, work style, etc. (2.) Explanation of the question: Explain the meaning of the question, explain the nature and main purpose of the article, as well as the creative motivation and writing background. (3.) Text: start from the language level, and take into account the artistic and ideological aspects of the article. (4.) Notes: The principle is to make the meaning of the text clear and to facilitate reading. (5.) Research and analysis: Analyze from three levels: language, experience, and thought. 2. Learning of applied writing (1.) New-style letters: Chinese and Western-style envelope writing, and the structure of letters to relatives and friends. (2.) Official documents: Describe the types, formats, structures and methods, the procedures for processing official documents, etc., focusing on the writing of "signature" and "letter" drafts. 3. It is expected that after studying in the course, students can acquire basic literary appreciation and reading skills; in addition, they will have a basic understanding of official documents and have rudimentary writing skills for "signatures" and "letters".

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 《論語》。
2. 《老子》。
3. 《莊子》。
4. 《詩經》。
5. 《唐詩三百首》。
6. 《為什麼讀經典》卡爾維諾(台北:時報文化,2005)。
7. 《海納百川》阮桃園、許建崑、彭錦堂主編(台北:聯合文學,2005)。
8. 《談美》朱光潛(台北:萬卷樓,1998)。
9. 《大學國文》黃寶珊等編撰(台北:五南圖書出版社,2017)。
10. 《大學國文e點靈》蕭水順主編(台北:五南圖書出版社,2011)。
11. 《大學國文選》黃東珍等編著(台北:新文京開發出版社,2004)。
12. 《大學國文選》教學研討會編著(台北:幼獅文化事業,1984)。

1. "The Analects of Confucius".
2. "Laozi".
3. "Zhuangzi".
4. "The Book of Songs".
5. "Three Hundred Tang Poems".
6. "Why Read Classics" Calvino (Taipei: Times Culture, 2005).
7. "Hai Na Bai Chuan" edited by Ruan Taoyuan, Xu Jiankun and Peng Jintang (Taipei: United Literature, 2005).
8. "Talking about Beauty" by Zhu Guangqian (Taipei: Wanjuanlou, 1998).
9. "University Chinese Language" compiled by Huang Baoshan and others (Taipei: Wunan Books Publishing House, 2017).
10. "University Chinese Literature e-Dianling" edited by Xiao Shuishun (Taipei: Wunan Books Publishing House, 2011).
11. "University Chinese Literature Anthology" edited by Huang Dongzhen and others (Taipei: Xin Wenjing Development Press, 2004).
12. Compiled by the teaching seminar of "Selected Chinese Literature in Colleges and Universities" (Taipei: Young Lions Cultural Enterprise, 1984).

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm assignment
final assignment
Class participation attitude

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/8,9[H317]
授課教師 Teacher:白恒旭
修課班級 Class:社科學院、法律學院1
選課備註 Memo:第一階段限日間部社科學院、法律學院一年級選
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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