course information of 103 - 1 | 2141 Sociology(社會學)

Taught In English2141 - 社會學 Sociology

教育目標 Course Target

社會學是什麼?讀社會學有什麼好處?社會學使我們瞭解到自己與社會及世界的關係,並能洞察反省事物表面與深層的意義。社會學讓我們知道自己所處社會的各種迷思與單一性,藉由社會學的閱讀,我們能更多元、抽象的思考,更為靈活的思考社會文化的發展、歷史觀與人類存在的意義與關係。 本課程希望建立大一同學對社會學此一學科進行初步的、系統性的介紹。由於同學剛剛接觸社會學系,本課程旨在培養同學社會學的問題意識之養成、分析觀點與方法。社會學知識必須建立在日常生活的現象觀察之中;從日常生活的分析與觀察之中,我們必須學習以社會學的各種觀點進行系統性的分析,並建立抽象概念與理論對話。藉由閱讀社會學研究者的著作,同學可以思維的是他人如何進行研究、發問,以及觀察學習他人如何產生批判的觀點。What is sociology? What are the benefits of studying sociology? Sociology enables us to understand our relationship with society and the world, and to gain insight into and reflect on the surface and deep meanings of things. Sociology allows us to understand the various myths and singularities of the society we live in. Through sociological reading, we can think more diversely and abstractly, and think more flexibly about the development of society and culture, the view of history, and the nature of human existence. Meaning and relationships. This course hopes to provide first-year students with a preliminary and systematic introduction to the subject of sociology. Since students have just come into contact with the Department of Sociology, this course aims to cultivate students' awareness of sociological issues, analytical perspectives and methods. Sociological knowledge must be based on the observation of phenomena in daily life; from the analysis and observation of daily life, we must learn to conduct systematic analysis from various sociological perspectives and establish abstract concepts and theoretical dialogues. By reading the works of sociology researchers, students can think about how others conduct research, ask questions, and observe and learn how others generate critical opinions.

參考書目 Reference Books

2. Giddens, Anthony. 《社會學》(上)。唐山。


2. 列印文章:費孝通,《鄉土中國》/ 〈見地〉/ 《社會的麥當勞化》/《血汗超商:連鎖加盟如何變成鏈鎖枷盟》等。
3. 陳宗延等25人,何明修主編,《人間社會學:24則關於溫拿、魯蛇、大小確幸的生命故事》。群學出版社。
4. 張晉芬,2011,《勞動社會學》。巨流。

1. Peter Hamilton and Kenneth Thompson,2007年七月出版,《社會學大有用》。國立編譯館。
2. Mills, Wright. C.著,張君玫、劉鈐佑譯,1995,《社會學的想像》。台北:巨流圖書。
3. Bauman, Zygmunt著,朱道凱譯,2002,《社會學動動腦》。台北:群學出版社。
4. Giddens, Anthony. 《批判的社會學導論》。
5. Abbott, Pamela, Wallace, C. and Tyler, M.著,鄭玉菁譯,《女性主義社會學》。巨流圖書。
1. Wang Zhenhuan and Qu Haiyuan (eds.), 2003, "Sociology and Taiwanese Society", Juliu.
2. Giddens, Anthony. Sociology (Part 1). Tangshan.
3. Cheng Lingfang, Lin Heling, and Wu Jialing, 2001, "Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Sociology as a Life and Practice
and Commitment”. Taipei: Qunxue.

【Textbook on Sociological Issues】

1. "History of Taiwan from the perspective of laborers" Volumes 2 and 3. Published by Jingren Labor Center and Kulao.com. (The content is placed on the teaching platform, students are asked to copy and read by themselves).
2. Print articles: Fei Xiaotong, "Rural China" / "Insights" / "McDonaldization of Society" / "Sweat and Sweat Supermarket: How Chain Franchise Becomes a Chain Alliance", etc.
3. Chen Zongyan and 25 others, edited by He Mingxiu, "Human Sociology: 24 Life Stories about Wen Na, Lu Snake, and Big and Small Lucky". Qunxue Publishing House.
4. Zhang Jinfen, 2011, "Sociology of Labor". Giant current.

【Advanced Reading】
1. Peter Hamilton and Kenneth Thompson, published in July 2007, "Sociology Useful". National Compilation and Compilation Center.
2. Mills, Wright. C., translated by Zhang Junmei and Liu Qianyou, 1995, "The Sociological Imagination". Taipei: Juliu Books.
3. Bauman, Zygmunt, translated by Zhu Daokai, 2002, "Sociology Using Your Brain". Taipei: Qunxue Publishing House.
4. Giddens, Anthony. Introduction to Critical Sociology.
5. "Feminist Sociology" by Abbott, Pamela, Wallace, C. and Tyler, M., translated by Zheng Yujing. Juliu Books.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Daily group teaching assistant results
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8[SS323]
授課教師 Teacher:鄭斐文
修課班級 Class:社會系1A
選課備註 Memo:限本系,不開放推廣部隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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