course information of 103 - 1 | 6521 Educational Sociology Special Study(教育社會學專題研究 )

Taught In English6521 - 教育社會學專題研究 Educational Sociology Special Study

教育目標 Course Target

教育在現代社會的兩個主要目標:一是社會化,亦即使社會組成成員接受社會規範及價值,以適應社會生活。二是選擇,即是培養個人知能,為社會經濟發展選擇適當人才。從社會學的角度分析,教育目標的制定、實施與家庭、學校、社會、經濟、國家政策與文化傳統都有相當的關連,這些因素影響個人在社會中能夠得到何種及多少資源和機會,以及個人的價值態度和行為的養成,進而循環影響到個人的教育成就與社會地位的取得。中外許多的研究也充分顯示,個人的學習成就與其個人或家庭所處的社會地位,社會網絡、教育制度與教學過程均具有密切關係,因此從社會學的觀點來看,吾人所關心的諸多教育問題,並不能僅從個人的心理層面或理念的哲學層面,也必須從社會互動、網絡、組織、文化和制度面來探討。 因此本課程的目的放置在,訓練修課學生能夠從教育與社會互動的視野探究教育現象,並試圖從些分析當中發現教育的社會層面問題,並找尋解決困境的方法。課程的設計將從分析教育現象的基本社會理論著手,再逐次運用到不同教育現象的分析;對不同教育現象的社會學分析除了觀念的闡述與釐清外,也進一步檢閱實證的研究成果,以協助學生瞭解如何進行教育社會學的研究。本年度的課程規劃包括教育社會學經常探討的社會階層、社會資本、國家霸權等理論與實證的探討外,也將包括十二年國教與教育機會均等的議題,期待學生透過理論與實務的不斷對話,來理解教育與社會的關係,並養成更具全面解釋與解決教育問題的能力。期待學生完成本課程後將獲得下列能力: (一) 能了解教育社會學的重要概念與理論 (二) 能了解教育社會學關懷的基本議題與觀點取向 (三) 能具有從教育社會學的視野對教育現況反思的能力 (四) 能對社會弱勢群體的教育現象產生關懷興趣,並投入探究問題 本質的能力Education has two main goals in modern society: First, socialization, which means that members of society accept social norms and values ​​to adapt to social life. The second is selection, which is to cultivate personal knowledge and select appropriate talents for social and economic development. From a sociological perspective, the formulation and implementation of educational goals are closely related to family, school, society, economy, national policies and cultural traditions. These factors affect what and how many resources and opportunities individuals can obtain in society. And the development of personal values, attitudes and behaviors, which in turn affects the individual's educational achievements and social status. Many studies at home and abroad have also fully shown that an individual's academic achievement is closely related to the social status of the individual or family, social network, educational system and teaching process. Therefore, from a sociological point of view, many education issues that we are concerned about are closely related. The problem cannot only be explored from the personal psychological level or the philosophical level of ideas, but also from the aspects of social interaction, networks, organizations, culture and institutions. Therefore, the purpose of this course is to train students to explore educational phenomena from the perspective of interaction between education and society, and try to discover the social aspects of education from these analyses, and find ways to solve the dilemma. The design of the course will start from the basic social theory of analyzing educational phenomena, and then apply it to the analysis of different educational phenomena. In addition to the elaboration and clarification of concepts, the sociological analysis of different educational phenomena will also further review empirical research results to assist Students learn how to conduct research in the sociology of education. This year's curriculum plan includes theoretical and empirical discussions on social class, social capital, and national hegemony that are often discussed in educational sociology. It will also include the twelve-year national education and equal educational opportunities issues. We look forward to students' continuous improvement through theory and practice. dialogue to understand the relationship between education and society, and develop the ability to explain and solve educational problems more comprehensively. It is expected that students will acquire the following abilities after completing this course: (1) Be able to understand the important concepts and theories of educational sociology (2) Be able to understand the basic issues and viewpoints of the sociology of education (3) Have the ability to reflect on the current situation of education from the perspective of educational sociology (4) Be able to show concern and interest in the educational phenomena of disadvantaged groups in society and devote themselves to exploring issues essential ability

參考書目 Reference Books

Arum, Richard and Irenee R. Beattie, eds. 2000. The Structure of Schooling: Readings in the Sociology of Education. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Phillipson, Sivanes , Kelly Y. L. Ku, and Shane Phillipson, eds. 2013. Constructing Educational Achievement: A Sociological Perspective. New York: Routledge.
Freire, Paulo. 方永泉譯,2003,《受壓迫者教育學》。台北:巨流。
Freire, Paulo. 方永泉等譯,2011,《希望教育學》。台北:國立編譯館、巨流。
Herder, Paul. 宮維明譯,2014,《關於教育這件事:》。台北:親哲文化。
Sandel, Michael J. 樂為良譯,2011,《正義-一場思辯之旅》。台北:雅言。
姜添輝,2006 ,《資本社會中的社會流動與學校體系》。台北:高等教育。
Arum, Richard and Irenee R. Beattie, eds. 2000. The Structure of Schooling: Readings in the Sociology of Education. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Phillipson, Sivanes , Kelly Y. L. Ku, and Shane Phillipson, eds. 2013. Constructing Educational Achievement: A Sociological Perspective. New York: Routledge.
Freire, Paulo. Translated by Fang Yongquan, 2003, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed". Taipei: Juliu.
Freire, Paulo. Translated by Fang Yongquan and others, 2011, "Hope Pedagogy". Taipei: National Compilation and Compilation Center, Juliu.
Herder, Paul. Translated by Gong Weiming, 2014, "About Education:". Taipei: Qin Zhe Culture.
Sandel, Michael J. Translated by Le Weiliang, 2011, "Justice-A Journey of Speculation". Taipei: Yayan.
Zhou Zhuying, 2003, "Who Tricked Taiwan's Educational Reform". Taipei: Psychology Press.
Jiang Tianhui, 2006, "Social Mobility and School System in Capital Society". Taipei: Higher Education.
Education Reform Forum, 2012, "What You Should Know About the Twelve Years of State Religion". Taipei: Shang and Zhou.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
class participation
Beginning experience report
class report
40 (含個人與團體)
Final report
40 (含口頭與書面)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/8,9,10[研討室]
授課教師 Teacher:趙星光
修課班級 Class:教育碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:3選1教育基礎課程之一, A研討室上課。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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