course information of 103 - 1 | 6419 Sociology of Art Works(藝術作品的社會學研究)

Taught In English6419 - 藝術作品的社會學研究 Sociology of Art Works

教育目標 Course Target

Pierre Bourdieu曾說,「藝術與社會學是合不來的一對」。藝術傾向精神性、靈性的訴求,社會學則致力揭開神秘事物的面紗。究竟社會學式的藝術探討,如何能與人文學科的藝術研究相輔相成?面對同一個藝術研究對象時,社會學的強項與限制何在?縱使藝術社會學的發展已有一定的積累,然而,甚少社會學家直接以藝術作品作為其分析對象,也因此引發「作品社會學如何可能?」的種種質疑。職是之故,本課程旨在嘗試釐清社會學從事藝術作品研究的爭議與可能性,並且激發作品社會學發展的潛能。課程分為三個單元,第一單元首先介紹藝術社會學的原理,及其與傳統藝術史在取徑上的不同與相輔相成之處; 第二單元開始探索並詰問作品社會學的可能性,包括討論廣義的社會理論對於藝術作品的處理方式與藝術社會學的異同,如符號學、結構主義、圖像學與詮釋學,並藉此帶入作品社會學存在的可能性探討。第三單原則以專題的方式,研讀Bourdieu,Foucault及Benjamin研究藝術作品的社會學理論文獻,也將涉獵當代社會學家對於近現代藝術的洞察方式,並鼓勵學生跨越學科分際,統整各領域的學識,以掌握藝術對象與藝術現象在社會當中存在的美學靈魂與文化肌理。Pierre Bourdieu once said, "Art and sociology are incompatible pairs." Art tends to appeal to spirituality and spirituality, while sociology strives to uncover mysterious things. How can sociological art discussion complement art research in the humanities? When facing the same artistic research object, what are the strengths and limitations of sociology? Even though the sociology of art has accumulated a certain amount of development, few sociologists directly use works of art as the object of analysis, which has led to various questions such as "How is the sociology of works possible?" For this reason, this course aims to clarify the controversies and possibilities of sociological research on artistic works, and to stimulate the potential of the sociological development of works. The course is divided into three units. The first unit first introduces the principles of art sociology and its differences and complementarity with traditional art history. The second unit begins to explore and question the possibility of sociology of works, including Discuss the similarities and differences between the broad social theory's treatment of works of art and the sociology of art, such as semiotics, structuralism, iconography and hermeneutics, and use this to explore the possibility of the sociology of works. The third principle uses a thematic approach to study the sociological theoretical literature on art works by Bourdieu, Foucault and Benjamin. It will also involve contemporary sociologists' insights into modern art, and encourage students to cross disciplinary boundaries and integrate various disciplines. Knowledge in this field is required to grasp the aesthetic soul and cultural texture of art objects and artistic phenomena in society.

參考書目 Reference Books

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評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
daily performance
Literature review memo and introduction report
Final report

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[SS304]
授課教師 Teacher:洪儀真
修課班級 Class:社會碩博1-3
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 6 人。

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