course information of 103 - 1 | 2183 Educational Sociology(教育社會學)

Taught In English2183 - 教育社會學 Educational Sociology

教育目標 Course Target

各派學者對教育社會學內容的定位相當不同,較全盤地觀照,內容至少應包括下列幾項主題:(一)何謂「教育社會學」?並包含其意義、研究主題與學科的發展歷史;(二)教育社會學理論,納入各重要的學派、代表人物的學說與貢獻的介紹;(三)教育與社會的關係,如教育階層化、教育與經濟、教育與政治,也該分析教育機會均等的問題;(四)教育場域中的社會學分析,包括教師與學生的角色、學校組織、班級結構與設計、課程與教學活動等;(五)其他專題論述,如教育與權力、國家與教育、市場與教育、教育的全球化與在地化等。大致上,前四項是早期相關著作的基本架構與主軸;而第五項內容之著作或研究,則以新一代教育社會學研究者為主。本學期的課程將以涵蓋上述主題為目標,儘可能詳實的介紹教育社會學的意涵、理論、研究方法、與現有的研究成果。尤其,對各項理論與台灣之實證研究結果,其間或衝突或一致的現象,將深入討論。此外,教育「社會學」最寶貴的觀點,即在於有系統地深入探討教育現象與教育體系背後的社會結構力量,也方能引導我們從一個較寬廣的角度,對諸多教育相關問題進行思考。Scholars from various schools have quite different positions on the content of educational sociology. A more comprehensive look at the content should include at least the following topics: (1) What is "educational sociology"? And include its significance, research themes and the development history of the discipline; (2) The theory of educational sociology, including the introduction of the theories and contributions of important schools and representatives; (3) The relationship between education and society, such as the stratification of education, Education and economy, education and politics should also analyze the issue of equal educational opportunities; (4) Sociological analysis in the educational field, including the roles of teachers and students, school organization, class structure and design, curriculum and teaching activities, etc.; (5) Other special topics, such as education and power, state and education, market and education, globalization and localization of education, etc. Generally speaking, the first four items are the basic structure and main axis of early related works; while the works or research on the fifth item are mainly written by the new generation of educational sociology researchers. This semester's courses will aim to cover the above topics and introduce the meaning, theory, research methods, and existing research results of educational sociology in as much detail as possible. In particular, the phenomena of conflict or consistency between various theories and empirical research results in Taiwan will be discussed in depth. In addition, the most valuable perspective of the "sociology of education" is to systematically and in-depth explore the social structural forces behind educational phenomena and education systems, which can also guide us to think about many education-related issues from a broader perspective.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 譚光鼎,2010,教育社會學。台北:學富文化。
2. 另將指定參考中英文期刊論文多篇。
1. Tan Guangding, 2010, Sociology of Education. Taipei: Xuefu Culture.
2. A number of Chinese and English journal articles will also be designated for reference.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Group report
30 :剪報、教育時事討論、課堂指定閱讀報告
midterm exam
final exam

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選修-6521 Educational Sociology Special Study / 教育社會學專題研究 (教育碩1,2,授課教師:趙星光,三/8,9,10[研討室])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[C220]
授課教師 Teacher:劉 正/巫麗雪
修課班級 Class:社會系1-4
選課備註 Memo:不開放隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 53 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 53 人。

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