course information of 103 - 1 | 3634 The Sociology of Education(教育社會學)

Taught In English3634 - 教育社會學 The Sociology of Education

教育目標 Course Target

本課程係以整合社會學的觀點,來探討教育相關議題為導向的課程。課程設計的架構係運用社會學概念為基礎,探討社會情境與教學、教育制度、組織、政策與教育過程的相互影響。因此,課程內容除介紹基本的教育社會學概念與理論,以及在教育諸議題分析上的應用外,並協助學生能運用教育社會學的架構與知識,探討、分析當前台灣社會與教育互動關係的議題,以構思解決問題的可能途徑,培養學生觀察、分析教育議題,預備將來從事實際教育工作時的反思與洞識能力,促進教育內容、方式與教育政策制定的合理性,落實對弱勢學生的關懷,與有效的落實並提升教育的品質。本課程上課包括課堂講授、課堂報告和討論、影片觀賞討論等方式進行,並配合實地觀察見習規劃5小時之入班(校)觀察見習。實地觀察見習以分組方式進行,並於期末以實地觀察見習資料之整理,作為期末口頭與書面(方式另行規定)報告的內容。 學生修習本課程後將會獲得以下能力: (一) 能了解教育社會學的重要概念與理論 (二) 能了解教育社會學關懷的基本議題與觀點取向 (三) 能具有從教育社會學的視野,對當前教育現況進行反思的能力 (四) 能對教育機會均等、關懷社會弱勢群體的教育現象產生關懷興趣, 並投入探究問題本質的能力 (五) 能具有實地見習與參與觀察資料蒐集、分析的能力This course is oriented to explore education-related issues from an integrated sociological perspective. The framework of the curriculum design is based on the use of sociological concepts to explore the interaction between social situations and teaching, educational systems, organizations, policies and educational processes. Therefore, in addition to introducing the basic concepts and theories of educational sociology and their application in the analysis of various educational issues, the course content also helps students to use the framework and knowledge of educational sociology to explore and analyze the current interactive relationship between society and education in Taiwan. Issues, to conceive of possible ways to solve problems, to cultivate students' ability to observe and analyze educational issues, to prepare students for reflection and insight when engaging in practical education work in the future, to promote the rationality of educational content, methods and educational policy formulation, and to implement measures for disadvantaged students Caring, and effectively implementing and improving the quality of education. This course includes classroom lectures, class reports and discussions, video viewing and discussions, etc. It is also combined with on-site observation and training to plan a 5-hour in-class (school) observation and training. Field observation internships are conducted in groups, and at the end of the semester, the field observation internship data will be compiled as the content of the final oral and written (methods will be specified separately) reports. After taking this course, students will acquire the following abilities: (1) Be able to understand the important concepts and theories of educational sociology (2) Be able to understand the basic issues and viewpoints of the sociology of education (3) Ability to reflect on the current educational situation from the perspective of educational sociology (4) Be able to have a caring interest in the educational phenomenon of equal educational opportunities and caring for disadvantaged groups in society, and invest in the ability to explore the nature of the problem (5) Ability to collect and analyze field internship and participant observation data

參考書目 Reference Books

王瑞賢等譯,Rob Moore著,2008,教育社會學(Education and
Society)。 台北:學富文化。
方永泉譯,Psulo Freire著,2003,受壓迫者教育學。巨流。
方永泉等譯,Psulo Freire著,2011,希望教育學。巨流。
林郡雯譯,Kathleen deMarrais等著,2007,教育的社會學分析(The
Way School Work: A Sociological Analysis of Education)。台北:學富文化。
黃德祥等譯,Jeanne H. Ballantine著,2012,教育社會學(The
Sociology of Education: A Systematic Analysis)。台北:心理出版社。
Ballantine, Jeanne H. 2010. The Sociology of Education: A
Systematic Analysis.Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Willis, Paul. 1977. Learning to Labor. New York, NY: Columbia
University Press.
Zhou Xinfu, 2013, Sociology of Education. Taipei: Wunan Publishing House. (Must Buy)
Reference books
Translated by Wang Ruixian and others, written by Rob Moore, 2008, Education and
Society). Taipei: Xuefu Culture.
Translated by Fang Yongquan, written by Psulo Freire, 2003, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Giant current.
Translated by Fang Yongquan and others, written by Psulo Freire, 2011, Pedagogy of Hope. Giant current.
Li Jiatong, 2004, let the high wall fall! Taipei: Lianjing Publishing House.
Zhou Yingzhu, 2003, Who Tricked Taiwan’s Educational Reform? Taipei: Psychology Press.
Translated by Lin Junwen, Kathleen deMarrais et al., 2007, Sociological Analysis of Education (The
Way School Work: A Sociological Analysis of Education). Taipei: Xuefu Culture.
Edited by Huang Zhengjie, 2012, Twelve Years of State Education Reform, Problems and Expectations. Taipei: Wunan Publishing House.
Edited by Huang Zhengjie, 2012, Expectations on the Concept and Direction of the Twelve-Year National Education Curriculum Reform. Taipei:
Wunan Publishing House.
Translated by Huang Dexiang and others, written by Jeanne H. Ballantine, 2012, Sociology of Education (The
Sociology of Education: A Systematic Analysis). Taipei: Psychology Press.
Xue Chengtai, 2003, Whose dream will ten years of education reform create? Taipei: Psychology Press.
Zhang Jiancheng, 2002, Research on critical educational sociology. Taipei: Xuefu Cultural Corporation.
Chen Kuixi, 2004, Introduction to Sociology of Education. Taipei: Normal University Library.
Yan Changshou, 2011, education should be different. Taipei: Tianxia Publishing House.
Xiao Fuyuan et al., 2008, The secret of Finland’s number one education in the world. Taipei: Tianxia Magazine.
Ballantine, Jeanne H. 2010. The Sociology of Education: A
Systematic Analysis.Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Willis, Paul. 1977. Learning to Labor. New York, NY: Columbia
University Press.
There are also reading materials, which teachers publish on the teaching platform for students to read online.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
期中(take home)考試,。期中(take home)考試,。
Midterm (take home) exam.
期末考試(take home)期末考試(take home)
Final exam (take home)
Final report accounts for 30% (including oral report)
Attendance and participation in discussions and video viewing experience reports account for 10%
5 hours of internship
100 完成者核予5小時見習時數

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4[H123]
授課教師 Teacher:趙星光
修課班級 Class:教育學程1,2
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 27 人。

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