course information of 103 - 1 | 2185 Sociology of the Art(藝術社會學)

Taught In English2185 - 藝術社會學 Sociology of the Art

教育目標 Course Target

本課程主以社會學的路徑,來探討藝術的種種社會意涵,並期盼能激發學生對於社會學與藝術的雙重興趣,以豐富生命內涵。對於社會學而言,藝術界的林林種種皆無法全然與社會脫節,藝術不但在某種意涵上是一種社會的產物,也同時主動影響著社會。透過藝術社會學的研究,將發掘傳統美學或藝術史遺漏的社會面向,如藝術生產的社會條件,藝術品創作的社會脈絡,藝術家所身處的社會網絡與所隸屬的社會組織,以及不同社會結構的互動與藝術界之間的關連等等。本課程的主要讀本為Alexander, Victoria D.所著的 Sociology of The Arts: Exploring Fine and Popular Forms MA: Blackwell Publishing. 除了因為其內容架構堪稱完整勾勒出藝術社會學關懷的主題之外,也是因為此書的中譯本,為少數翻譯成中文的藝術社會學讀物。然而正因為如此,學生耕讀過程中應抱持批判性的檢視態度,並佐以參考文獻進行比較,同時掌握相關課題在台灣田野的特殊性。This course mainly uses the path of sociology to explore the various social implications of art, and hopes to stimulate students' dual interests in sociology and art, so as to enrich the connotation of life. For sociology, all aspects of the art world cannot be completely disconnected from society. Art is not only a product of society in a certain sense, but also actively affects society. Through the study of the sociology of art, we will discover the social aspects missed by traditional aesthetics or art history, such as the social conditions of art production, the social context of art creation, the social network in which artists are located and the social organizations to which they belong, as well as different societies The interaction between structures and the connection between the art world and so on. The main reading book for this course is Sociology of The Arts: Exploring Fine and Popular Forms MA: Blackwell Publishing by Alexander, Victoria D. In addition to its content structure that can be said to completely outline the theme of sociology of art, it is also because The Chinese translation of this book is one of the few art sociology readings translated into Chinese. However, because of this, students should adopt a critical attitude during the reading process, make comparisons with references, and at the same time understand the particularities of relevant topics in Taiwanese fields.

參考書目 Reference Books


Alexander, Victoria D., 2003, Sociology of The Arts: Exploring Fine and Popular Forms. MA: Blackwell Publishing.
2. Main textbooks for the course

Alexander, Victoria D., 2003, Sociology of The Arts: Exploring Fine and Popular Forms. MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Chinese translation: Translated by Zhang Zhenglin and Chen Jubo, 2006, "Sociology of Art: Exploration of Refined and Popular Forms". Taipei: Juliu.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Daily performance, group work
midterm exam
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8[SS322]
授課教師 Teacher:洪儀真
修課班級 Class:社會系1,2
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 41 人。

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