course information of 103 - 1 | 2084 Sociology(社會學)

Taught In English2084 - 社會學 Sociology

教育目標 Course Target

掌握社會學基本概念與理論、理解不同社會學研究典範及其視野,並能應用社會學理論探討當前台灣社會問題。社會學(sociology)是一門研究人與人互動關係的學科,重點在討論社會規範與價值對人的行為之影響。本課程為瞭解社會學的性質與起源,使學習者對於相關議題,有一概括性的接觸。並促進學生思考、探索社會學之於人類生活的重要性,授課方式採講述與分組討論進行。Master the basic concepts and theories of sociology, understand different sociological research paradigms and their perspectives, and be able to apply sociological theories to explore current social issues in Taiwan. Sociology is a discipline that studies the interaction between people, focusing on discussing the impact of social norms and values ​​on human behavior. This course aims to understand the nature and origin of sociology and provide learners with a general exposure to related issues. It also encourages students to think and explore the importance of sociology to human life. The teaching methods are narration and group discussion.

課程概述 Course Description

這是一門介紹及探討社會學基本概念及社會學所關心探究的社會現象及問題。社會學研究家庭、團體、社區、社會與國家等人群的集結與網絡,也探討文化、宗教、教育、法律規範與政治、經濟等制度與人的關係及對人的影響。本課程討論的這些議題觸及了社會運作的邏輯、社會控制的方式及政治、經濟、教育等資源的分配與不平等的形成,同時也探討性別、種族、階級等人類關係在社會化及制度形成與演變過程中對人的影響。 1.透過社會學觀點理論與社會現象觀察的基本訓練,啟發學生對於社會現象探究之興趣,建構系統性探究社會的基本知識與能力。 2.從重要的社會、文化、政治與經濟等議題的討論,協助學生理解社會體系與社會制度的運作。 3.透過社會學課程,培養學生對於社會上的弱勢族群所處之社會情境,具有提問及思考分析能力,並促使學生對於人群社會有更深層的關懷。
This is a course that introduces and explores the basic concepts of sociology and the social phenomena and issues that sociology is concerned with exploring. Sociology studies the gathering and networks of people, such as families, groups, communities, societies, and countries. It also explores the relationship between culture, religion, education, legal norms, political, economic and other systems and people and their impact on people. The topics discussed in this course touch on the logic of social operations, methods of social control, distribution of political, economic, educational and other resources and the formation of inequality. It also explores the role of gender, race, class and other human relations in socialization and institutional formation. and the impact on people in the process of evolution. 1. Through basic training in sociological perspective theory and social phenomenon observation, students are inspired to be interested in exploring social phenomena and build basic knowledge and abilities to systematically explore society. 2. Help students understand social systems and the operation of social systems through discussions on important social, cultural, political and economic issues. 3. Through sociology courses, students can develop their ability to ask questions and think and analyze the social situations of disadvantaged groups in society, and encourage students to have a deeper concern for society.

參考書目 Reference Books

Cai Wenhui, Li Shaorong (2013). Summary of Sociology, Wunan. ISBN/978-957-11-4385-9

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
1. 出席率1. 出席率
1. Attendance
2. 期中考2. 期中考
2. Midterm exam
3. 期末考3. 期末考
3. Final exam
4. 分組討論與作業(課堂活動)4. 分組討論與作業(課堂活動)
4. Group discussion and homework (class activities)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/7[SS102] Monday/6,7[SS207]
授課教師 Teacher:廖珮妏
修課班級 Class:行政系1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 73 人。

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