course information of 103 - 1 | 2177 Enterprise Sociology(企業社會學)

Taught In English2177 - 企業社會學 Enterprise Sociology

教育目標 Course Target

本課程希望由企業社會學的觀點,共同思考當前企業所面臨的重大議題:企業如何扣住金融市場進行發展?首先,希望培養學生較為宏觀的思考方式,在企業內部之外,也能對產業與證券市場、貨幣市場、貼現市場、外匯市場有更深刻的認識,思考企業進行產業金融化的機遇與挑戰。具體而言,透過台積電的個案作為起點,希望培養學生對於組織、制度、社會乃至全球化不同層次議題的思考能力,也希望能透過對於大型企業,乃至於家族企業,從製造轉向金融的重資產證券化現象,而能對中小企業營運,特別是如何能夠提升長期的生存與社會建構的能力有所助益。This course hopes to jointly think about the major issues facing enterprises from the perspective of corporate sociology: How can enterprises develop in the financial market? First of all, we hope to cultivate students' macro-level thinking so that they can have a deeper understanding of industries and securities markets, currency markets, discount markets, and foreign exchange markets outside of the enterprise, and think about the opportunities and challenges of industrial financialization for enterprises. Specifically, using the case of TSMC as a starting point, we hope to cultivate students' thinking ability on issues at different levels of organization, system, society, and even globalization. We also hope to use the heavy asset management of large enterprises, and even family businesses, from manufacturing to finance. The securitization phenomenon can be helpful to the operations of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially how to improve their long-term survival and social construction capabilities.

參考書目 Reference Books

3.陳介玄(2011)〈流動的國界:境外金融興起及其歷史意義 〉,發表於2011年12月6日,發表於「第六屆金融、技術與社會」學術研討會。 台中:東海大學社會學系,2011年12月6日。
4.陳介玄(2013),〈歐洲美元的制度創新與場域革命:民族國家國際金融的結構轉型〉,發表於2013 年6 月29 日,中國北京大學中國社會與發展研究中心,台灣東海大學東亞社會經濟研究中心聯合舉辦「第五屆,金融、技術與社會」學術研討會,北京:北京大學。
5.陳介玄(2013),〈社會建構的品牌策略:台灣中小企業轉型中的創新〉,發表於2013年5月18日,發表於「西方社會理論的多元探索與東亞資本主義的經驗研究」學術研討會。 台中:東海大學茂榜廳。
6.陳介玄(2013),〈從社會界定到法律界定:國際金融之制度變遷〉,於2013年5月17日,發表於「海峽兩岸社會經濟的變遷」學術研討會。 台中:東海大學社科院SS525會議室。
1. Chen Dongsheng (2008), "Integrated Network: A Sociological Analysis of Taiwan's High-tech Industry", Taipei: Qunxue.
2. Edited by Zheng Hongtai and He Caiman (2012), "Chinese Family Businesses and the Stock Market", published by the Hong Kong Asia-Pacific Institute of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
3. Chen Jiexuan (2011) "Floating National Borders: The Rise of Overseas Finance and Its Historical Significance", published on December 6, 2011, at the "Sixth Academic Symposium on Finance, Technology and Society". Taichung: Department of Sociology, Tunghai University, December 6, 2011.
4. Chen Jiexuan (2013), "Institutional Innovation and Field Revolution of Eurodollars: Structural Transformation of Nation-State International Finance", published on June 29, 2013, Center for Chinese Society and Development Research, Peking University, China, Tunghai University East Asia, Taiwan The Socio-Economic Research Center jointly organized the "Fifth Academic Seminar on Finance, Technology and Society", Beijing: Peking University.
5. Chen Jiexuan (2013), "Socially Constructed Brand Strategy: Innovation in the Transformation of Taiwan's Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", published on May 18, 2013, in the academic journal "Diversified Exploration of Western Social Theory and Empirical Research on East Asian Capitalism" seminar. Taichung: Maobang Hall, Tunghai University.
6. Chen Jiexuan (2013), "From Social Definition to Legal Definition: Institutional Changes in International Finance", published on May 17, 2013, at the academic seminar on "Social and Economic Changes across the Taiwan Straits". Taichung: Conference Room SS525, Academy of Social Sciences, Tunghai University.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Report from the center
final exam
Submission of small homework
20 備註:11/13、1/15需要各繳一份心得報告,以利於課堂討論,包括享受地分享,以及漂亮地批判

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[C220]
授課教師 Teacher:江聖哲
修課班級 Class:社會系2-4
選課備註 Memo:企業與社會學程選修課程,不開放隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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