course information of 103 - 1 | 1652 Economics(經濟學)

Taught In English1652 - 經濟學 Economics

教育目標 Course Target

本課程為大學部一年級基本專業學程,本科教學目的,在使學生對經濟基本概念與分析工具有初步體認,並能應用在日常生活中,作為進一步學習相關領域課程的基礎。此課程含上下學期,上學期主要為探討經濟學中的個體經濟部份,研究個別經濟單位的選擇行為,主要授課章節內容包括供給與需求、生產行為與產業組織、消費者選擇理論、勞動市場經濟學等;而下學期主要為探討經濟學中的總體經濟部份,包括失業與通貨膨脹、國民所得、景氣循環、政府財政政策、貨幣政策、銀行體系、中央政府預算、總體經濟成長、國際貿易、國際金融等問題,本課程將以多種生活中實務作說明,使同學於課程學習後能加以活用。This course is a first-level basic professional course in the university department. The purpose of undergraduate teaching is to enable students to have a preliminary understanding of basic economic concepts and analytical tools, and can be applied in daily life as a basis for further learning related field courses. This course includes the upper and lower school periods. The first period is mainly to explore the individual economic part in economics and study the selection behavior of individual economic units. The main teaching chapters include supply and demand, production behavior and industry organizations, consumer selection theory, and market development Economics, etc.; the next period is mainly to explore the overall situation in economics The economic sector, including unemployment and inflation, national income, environmental circulation, government financial policies, currency policies, bank systems, central government budgets, overall economic growth, international trade, international finance and other issues, this course will be based on various lifestyles. In practice, the students can use it after learning in the course.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程目的: 以建立學生經濟學基本概念,學習面對有限資源,如何選擇來極大化效用、利潤與效率,培養學生作決策時,具成本效益分析之能力,將來面對財經環境與經營管理議題,都能夠運用經濟學專業知識之思考模式。主要內容如下:1.消費者與廠商選擇理論:包含供給與需求、市場均衡分析、生產者決策、完全競爭市場、獨佔、外部效果與公共財。2.總體經濟學導論:如國民所得的意義與衡量、經濟福利、經濟成長、物價膨脹與貨幣政策、國際貿易等經濟觀念。
The purpose of this course is to establish basic economic concepts for students, learn about limited resources, how to choose to maximize utility, profit and efficiency, cultivate students' decision-making skills, have the ability to analyze costs and face financial environment and business management All questions can be used to use the thinking model of professional knowledge in economics. The main contents are as follows: 1. Consumer and manufacturer selection theory: including supply and demand, market balanced analysis, producer decisions, complete competition for the market, independent ownership, external effects and public finance. 2. General economic research discussion: such as the meaning and measurement of national income, economic welfare, economic growth, price inflation and currency policy, international trade and other economic concepts.

參考書目 Reference Books

Parkin, M., (2014). Economics, Eleventh Edition, 雙葉書廊.
Parkin, M., (2014). Economics, Eleventh Edition, Double Leaf Gallery.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Mid-term ExamMid-term Exam
mid-term exam
Final ExamFinal Exam
final exam
Quiz, report and class participationQuiz, report and class participation
quiz, report and class participation

授課大綱 Course Plan

Click here to open the course plan. Course Plan
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必修-1667 Microeconomics / 個體經濟學 (財金系2B,授課教師:黃琛瑞,二/7,8,9,四/7[M153])
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必修-1748 Economics / 經濟學 (統計系1B,授課教師:戴中擎,一/6,7[M219] 四/4[M221])
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必修-1894 Principles of Economics / 經濟學原理 (經濟系一經組1B,授課教師:林佳慧,一/8,二/6,7,四/2[SS205])
必修-1897 Principles of Economics / 經濟學原理 (經濟系產經組1,授課教師:蕭志同,四/8[SS201] 二/6,7,四/2[SS203])
必修-1900 Microeconomics / 個體經濟學 (經濟系一經組2A,授課教師:廖國宏,二/3,4,四/4[SS203])
必修-1901 Macroeconomics / 總體經濟學 (經濟系一經組2A,授課教師:廖培賢,三/3,4,四/3[SS203])
必修-1903 Microeconomics / 個體經濟學 (經濟系一經組2B,授課教師:劉仲戌,四/4[SS202] 二/3,4[SS205])
必修-1904 Macroeconomics / 總體經濟學 (經濟系一經組2B,授課教師:鄭怡嵩,三/3,4,四/3[SS202])
必修-1906 Microeconomics / 個體經濟學 (經濟系產經組2,授課教師:梁秀精,四/4[C215] 二/3,4[SS206])
必修-1907 Macroeconomics / 總體經濟學 (經濟系產經組2,授課教師:馬德平,三/3,4[C214] 四/3[C215])
必修-1910 Public Economics (I) / 公共經濟學(一) (經濟系一經組3A,授課教師:彭惠君,二/8[SS202] 四/7,8[SS203])
必修-1912 Public Economics (II) / 公共經濟學(二) (經濟系一經組3B,授課教師:陳俊哲,四/7,8[C202] 二/8[SS206])
必修-1913 Industrial Economics (I) / 產業經濟學(一) (經濟系產經組3,授課教師:劉仲戌,三/8,四/7,8[SS205])
選修-1926 Economics of Regulation / 管制經濟學 (經濟系3,4,授課教師:梁秀精,一/3,4[C113] 四/6[SS203])
選修-1927 Mathematical Microeconomics / 數理個體經濟學 (經濟系3,4,授課教師:梁秀精,三/4[AG106] 一/8,9[SS203])
選修-1930 Economics of Strategy / 策略經濟學 (經濟系3,4,授課教師:鍾谷蘭,四/2,3,4[SS201])
選修-1933 Basic econometrics / 基礎計量經濟學 (經濟系3,4,授課教師:陳文典,一/5,6,7,四/1[SS205])
必選-2011 Economics / 經濟學 (政理組1,授課教師:鄭怡嵩,二/1,四/8,9[SS209])
必修-2085 Economics / 經濟學 (行政系2,授課教師:劉志宏,一/6,二/3,4[C204])
選修-2545 Economics / 經濟學 (餐旅系1,授課教師:陳錚中,一/6,7,8[M156])
選修-2920 Environmental Economics / 環境經濟學 (景觀系2,授課教師:黃宜瑜,四/3,4[AG122])
選修-3020 Economics / 經濟學 (法律系1-4,授課教師:戴中擎,三/3,4[AG101])
選修-3575 Urban Economics / 都市經濟學 (共選修1-4,授課教師:王清賢,五/2,3,4[SS203])
必修-4901 Economics / 經濟學 (中原大學,授課教師:外校教師,)
必修-5882 Applied Econometrics / 應用計量經濟學 (國貿碩1,授課教師:林灼榮,三/2,3,4[M023])
必修-5922 Econometrics / 計量經濟學 (會計碩1,授課教師:林灼榮,三/2,3,4)
選修-5970 Guided Reading of the Economist / 經濟學人導讀 (會計專班1,2,授課教師:林財丁,三/11,12,13)
必修-6003 Econometrics / 計量經濟學 (財金碩1,授課教師:王凱立/葉宗穎,三/6,7,五/6)
必修-6003 Econometrics / 計量經濟學 (財金碩1,授課教師:王凱立/葉宗穎,三/6,7,五/6)
必修-6238 Econometrics / 計量經濟學 (經濟碩1,授課教師:陳文典,二/2,3,4[SS422])
選修-6242 Financial Economics / 財務經濟學 (經濟碩1,2,授課教師:廖國宏,三/6,7,8[SS422])
選修-6243 Experimental Economics / 實驗經濟學 (經濟碩1,2,授課教師:戴中擎,四/5,6,7[SS422])
必修-6283 Seminar on Political Economics / 政治經濟學專題 (政治碩博1,授課教師:宋興洲,三/2,3,4[SS316])
必修-6616 Seminar on Macroeconomics / 總體經濟學專題 (公共專班1,2,授課教師:廖培賢,三/12,13)
選修-7901 Economics / 經濟學 (明新科技大學,授課教師:外校教師,)
必修-8401 Microeconomics / 個體經濟學 (經濟系2,授課教師:李文傳,一/10,11,12[SS208])
必修-8402 Macroeconomics / 總體經濟學 (經濟系2,授課教師:賴鐘惠,二/9,10,11[SS208])
必修-8405 Public Economics (I) / 公共經濟學(一) (經濟系3,授課教師:陳俊哲,四/10,11,12[SS209])
選修-8569 Economics / 經濟學 (法律系4,授課教師:林卓民,三/10,11[AG122])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,Wednesday/3,4[M135]
授課教師 Teacher:陳昭君
修課班級 Class:財金系1A
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 75 人。

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