course information of 103 - 1 | 2920 Environmental Economics(環境經濟學)

Taught In English2920 - 環境經濟學 Environmental Economics

教育目標 Course Target

1. 探討重要的經濟學原理與市場運作的機制與原則; 2. 探討如何蒐集與分析公部門的觀光統計數據,以了解台灣過去、現在、並推估未來觀光市場發展趨勢; 3. 探討如何進行景觀規劃設計中之「旅遊市場特性分析與預測」、「遊憩活動與設施容量推估」、「計畫效益分析」等工作; 4. 探討美學體驗產業過去與未來的發展趨勢、美學體驗產業的特徵、各國美學體驗產業的樣貌、及如何創造暨可永續經營、又可感動人心、深具體驗內涵的景觀與觀光遊憩產業模式;1. Discuss important economic principles and the mechanisms and principles of market operation; 2. Discuss how to collect and analyze tourism statistical data from the public sector to understand Taiwan’s past, present, and estimate future tourism market development trends; 3. Discuss how to carry out "tourism market characteristics analysis and forecasting", "recreational activities and facility capacity estimation", "planning benefit analysis" and other tasks in landscape planning and design; 4. Discuss the past and future development trends of the aesthetic experience industry, the characteristics of the aesthetic experience industry, the appearance of the aesthetic experience industry in various countries, and how to create landscapes and tourism that can be operated sustainably, touch people's hearts, and have deep experiential connotations. industrial model;

課程概述 Course Description

This course is one of a series of courses in the social group of the Department of Landscape Architecture. This course is divided into four major aspects. First, it allows students to understand the basic economic operations of the general market and apply it to all walks of life. Second, it focuses on the leisure and recreation industry, which is the industry most commonly encountered by landscape students after graduation, and explores the scale of Taiwan’s tourism market, tourism trends, tourist characteristics, tourism characteristics and tourism consumption characteristics. Third, discuss some economic-related evaluation methods or techniques that will be used in senior landscape planning. Finally, it discusses the economic trend of the present and future era - the American economy.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.朱延智,(2005),生活經濟學 (初版),台北:五南。
2.夏業良、魯瑋譯(B. J. Pine II & J. H. Gilmore原著),(2003),體驗經濟時代,台北:經濟新潮社。
1. Zhu Yanzhi, (2005), Economics of Life (first edition), Taipei: Wunan.
2. Translated by Xia Yeliang and Lu Wei (original work by B. J. Pine II & J. H. Gilmore), (2003), Experience Economy Era, Taipei: Economic Trends Society.
3. Guo Huiqin, (2008), Creative Economics, Taipei: Woshi.
4. Website information of the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transport (http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/public/public.aspx?n).

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
usual results
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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[AG122]
授課教師 Teacher:黃宜瑜
修課班級 Class:景觀系2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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