course information of 103 - 1 | 1913 Industrial Economics (I)(產業經濟學(一))

Taught In English1913 - 產業經濟學(一) Industrial Economics (I)

教育目標 Course Target

本課程以個體經濟學的基本理論為基礎,主要探討非完全競爭市場的課題。課程著重學生分析能力的培養,鼓勵學生閱讀與工商及經濟有關的報紙雜誌,從中取得個案研究的機會。課程講授將儘量配合產業現況及個案分析,使學生有能力將產業經濟理論應用於實際議題的分析。This course is based on the basic theory of individual economics and mainly discusses the topic of imperfect competitive markets. The course focuses on cultivating students' analytical abilities and encourages students to read newspapers and magazines related to industry, commerce and economics to obtain opportunities for case studies. The course teaching will try its best to match the current situation of the industry and case analysis, so that students can apply industrial economic theory to the analysis of practical issues.

課程概述 Course Description

This course is a basic course on industrial organization and serves as the basis for a series of courses such as industrial economic analysis and industrial research. The course is based on the basic theory of individual economics and mainly discusses the horizontal and vertical relationships between manufacturers in industries. Horizontal relationships include the topic of imperfectly competitive markets. In addition to introducing the traditional structural behavior-performance theory, the game theory will be used as a framework to explore the impact of interactions between manufacturers on the industry. Vertical relationships include vertical integration, control, division of labor and the establishment of supply chains among manufacturers. The main content of the course includes an introduction to the theory of manufacturers, an introduction to industrial structure indicators and factors affecting the entry and exit of manufacturers, competition theory and oligopoly theory, collusion and pricing behavior of manufacturers, vertical integration and division of labor, product differentiation and advertising, and government The impact of policy and legal controls on manufacturers and industries is also discussed. In addition to the introduction of industrial organization theory, discussions on current industry conditions and cases will be conducted to enhance the depth of learning.

參考書目 Reference Books

Waldman, Don E. and Elizabeth J. Jensen, 2013,Industrial Organization: Andison-Wesley. (雙葉書局代理)
Carlton, Dennis and Jeffrey M. Perloff, 2000, Modern Industrial Organization, Harper Collins, New York.
Kim, W. Chan & Renee Maubrgne(金偉燦,莫伯尼),2005,藍海策略(Blue Ocean Strategy) 天下文化。
Porter, Michael E.競爭策略
Porter, Michael E.,2003,競爭論(On Competition),天下文化。
Sheth, J. & R. Sidodia, The Rull of Three: Surviving and Thriving in Competitive Markets, (王柏鴻譯,企業競爭優勢:三強鼎立的市場新局面,時報出版)。
Waldman, Don E. and Elizabeth J. Jensen, 2013,Industrial Organization: Andison-Wesley. (Distributed by Futaba Books)
Chen Zhengcang, Lin Huiling, Chen Zhongrong, and Zhuang Chunfa, 2007, Industrial Economics, Taipei Shuangye Bookstore.
Carlton, Dennis and Jeffrey M. Perloff, 2000, Modern Industrial Organization, Harper Collins, New York.
Kim, W. Chan & Renee Maubrgne, 2005, Blue Ocean Strategy Tianxia Culture.
Porter, Michael E. Competitive Strategy
Porter, Michael E., 2003, On Competition, Tianxia Culture.
Sheth, J. & R. Sidodia, The Rull of Three: Surviving and Thriving in Competitive Markets, (translated by Wang Baihong, Enterprise Competitive Advantage: The New Market Situation of the Three Powers, published by The Times).

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Reports and daily results
midterm exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/8,Thursday/7,8[SS205]
授課教師 Teacher:劉仲戌
修課班級 Class:經濟系產經組3
選課備註 Memo:網路選課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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