course information of 103 - 1 | 6283 Seminar on Political Economics(政治經濟學專題)

Taught In English6283 - 政治經濟學專題 Seminar on Political Economics

教育目標 Course Target

此課程結合政治學與經濟學之研究。同學從學習中領悟政治與經濟互動之重要關係。This course combines the study of political science and economics. Students understand the important relationship between politics and economic interaction from their studies.

參考書目 Reference Books

(1)Caporaso, James A. and David P. Levine. 1992. Theories of Political Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(2) Chilcote, Ronald H. 2000. Theories of Comparative Political Economy. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.
(3)Clark, Barry. 1998. Political Economy: A Comparative Approach. 2nd edition. London: Praeger.
(4)Stilwell, Frank. 2003. Political Economy: The Contest of Economic Ideas. New York: Oxford University Press.
(5)Chilcote, Ronald H.﹧著,蘇子喬﹧譯,2005。《比較政治與政治經濟》。台北:五南圖書出版公司。
(6)Fukuyama, Francis(法蘭西斯.福山)﹧著,閻紀宇﹧譯,2005。《強國論》。台北:時報文化出版企業股份有限公司。
(7)Gilpin, Robert﹧著,楊宇光、楊炯﹧譯,2006。《全球政治經濟學:解讀國際經濟秩序》。上海:上海世紀出版集團。
(8)Kang, David C. (康燦雄)﹧著,蘇希亞﹧譯,2004。《貪瀆者》。台北:早安財經文化有限公司。
(9)Hertz, Noreena﹧著,許玉雯﹧譯,2003。《當企業購併國家:全球資本主義與民主之死》。台北:經濟新潮社。
(10)Hertz, Noreena﹧著,李芳齡﹧譯,2005。《當債務吞噬國家》。台北:天下雜誌股份有限公司。
(11)Vietor, Richard H. K.﹧著,李隆生、張逸安﹧譯,2007。《國家競爭力:全球經濟中的國家策略、結構以及政府》。台北:聯經出版事業股份有限公司。
(12)Gordon L. Clark, Maryann P. Feldman, and Meric S. Gertler﹧主編,2005。《牛津經濟地理學手冊》。北京:商務印書館。
(16)Friedman, Thomas﹧著,何帆、蕭瑩瑩、郝正非﹧譯,2008。《世界是平的:21世紀簡史》。長沙:湖南科學技術出版社。
(17)Smick, David﹧著,李宛蓉﹧譯,2009。《世界是彎的》。台北:商周出版社。
(18)Richard J. Elkus Jr.﹧著,楊語芸﹧譯,2009。《贏家競爭力:讓美國不再獨強的因素》。台北:繁星多媒體股份有限公司。
(19)David Warsh﹧著,周曉琪﹧譯,2008。《知識與國富論:一個探索經濟成長的故事》。台北:時報文化出版企業股份有限公司。
(20)Colin Read﹧著,曹占濤、柏藝益、王大中﹧譯,2009。《金融危機經濟學》。北京:東方出版社。
(21)Joseph E. Stiglitz﹧著,姜雪影、朱家一﹧譯,2010。《失控的未來:揭開全球中產階級被掏空的真相》。台北:天下文化。
(22)Michael J. Sandel﹧著,樂為良譯,2011。《正義:一場思辨之旅》。台北:雅言文化。
(1) Caporaso, James A. and David P. Levine. 1992. Theories of Political Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(2) Chilcote, Ronald H. 2000. Theories of Comparative Political Economy. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.
(3) Clark, Barry. 1998. Political Economy: A Comparative Approach. 2nd edition. London: Praeger.
(4) Stilwell, Frank. 2003. Political Economy: The Contest of Economic Ideas. New York: Oxford University Press.
(5) Chilcote, Ronald H., translated by Su Ziqiao, 2005. "Comparative Politics and Political Economy". Taipei: Wunan Book Publishing Co., Ltd.
(6) Fukuyama, Francis, translated by Yan Jiyu, 2005. "The Theory of Powerful Nations". Taipei: Times Culture Publishing Enterprise Co., Ltd.
(7) Gilpin, Robert﹧, translated by Yang Yuguang and Yang Jiong﹧, 2006. "Global Political Economy: Interpreting the International Economic Order." Shanghai: Shanghai Century Publishing Group.
(8) Kang, David C. (Kang Canxiong), translated by Su Shia, 2004. "The Corruptor". Taipei: Good Morning Financial Culture Co., Ltd.
(9) Hertz, Noreena﹧, translated by Xu Yuwen﹧, 2003. When Corporations Take Over Countries: Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy. Taipei: Economic News Society.
(10) Hertz, Noreena﹧, translated by Li Fangling, 2005. "When Debt Eats Countries." Taipei: Tianxia Magazine Co., Ltd.
(11) Vietor, Richard H. K., translated by Li Longsheng and Zhang Yian, 2007. National Competitiveness: National Strategy, Structure, and Government in the Global Economy. Taipei: Lianjing Publishing Co., Ltd.
(12) Gordon L. Clark, Maryann P. Feldman, and Meric S. Gertler, editors-in-chief, 2005. The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography. Beijing: Commercial Press.
(13) Song Zhenzhao, 2005, "Development Political Economics: Theory and Practice", Taipei: Wunan Book Publishing Company.
(14) Hong Jiande, 2005, "Contemporary Political Economy", Taipei: Yangzhi Cultural Industry Co., Ltd.
(15) Gao Anbang, 1997, "Political Economics", Wunan Book Publishing Company.
(16) Friedman, Thomas﹧, translated by He Fan, Xiao Yingying, Hao Zhengfei﹧, 2008. "The World is Flat: A Brief History of the 21st Century." Changsha: Hunan Science and Technology Press.
(17) Smick, David﹧, translated by Li Wanrong﹧, 2009. "The World is Curved". Taipei: Shangzhou Publishing House.
(18) Written by Richard J. Elkus Jr., translated by Yang Yuyun, 2009. "Winner Competitiveness: What Keeps the United States from Being So Powerful." Taipei: Fanxing Multimedia Co., Ltd.
(19) Written by David Warsh, translated by Zhou Xiaoqi, 2008. Knowledge and the Wealth of Nations: A Story Exploring Economic Growth. Taipei: Times Culture Publishing Enterprise Co., Ltd.
(20) Written by Colin Read, translated by Cao Zhantao, Bai Yiyi, and Wang Dazhong, 2009. "The Economics of Financial Crisis". Beijing: Oriental Publishing House.
(21) Written by Joseph E. Stiglitz﹧, translated by Jiang Xueying and Zhu Jiayi, 2010. "The Runaway Future: Uncovering the Hollowing Out of the Global Middle Class." Taipei: Tianxia Culture.
(22) Michael J. Sandel﹧, translated by Le Weiliang, 2011. "Justice: A Speculative Journey." Taipei: Yayan Culture.

評分方式 Grading

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Final report

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[SS316]
授課教師 Teacher:宋興洲
修課班級 Class:政治碩博1
選課備註 Memo:政治理論組必修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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