course information of 113 - 1 | 0294 Seminar(專題研究)

0294 - 專題研究 Seminar

教育目標 Course Target

專題研究可以以下列二種形式提出,請同學擇一進行: (A)論文 一、使用語言:日文 二、字數:最少12000字+中文摘要1000字 三、内容:必須與本系所修習之科目内容相關聯(「表象文化」「社會文化」「語言」「溝通」等領域) ◎共同研究的辦法:    1)資料共有,但在個別獨立的題目下撰寫論文。    2)在相同題目下,各成員擁有大題目中的子題目。 (字數也會依照人數比例而增加至2倍或3倍) (B)作品 一、使用語言: 1、作品本身: 以日文為原則,但若為作品需要,必須使用中文者,須在作品中另闢日文内 容之篇幅。例如:小説創作,需要附小説内容之各章節的日文簡要説明。但如為雜誌製作,不能只以中文呈現,必須要中日文兩種語言呈現。若為媒體製作,必須有日文字幕或說明。 2、5000字之日文説明文 二、内容:必須與本系所修習之科目内容關聯 (「表象文化」「社會文化」「語言」 「溝通」等領域) (C)論文與作品請繳交2份至日文系系辦HT106。如為共同研究,指導老師有n位,則繳交n+1份給系上。所繳交至系上之論文與作品1份由系上保留,1份交給指導老師。 ※提出截止日:4月30日(假日順延)。 (於4月30日未提交論文或作品及5000字之說明與感想者,不得參加成果發表會。) ■四年級:開學後至4月30日前 先行繳交論文或作品亦可,但成果發表須同一時間(即,5月第2個或第3個星期六(視申請入學面試日期擇其中一個星期六辦理))發表。 ■交換生/實習生:統一在4月30日(假日順延)17:00前繳交論文或作品。可以以電子檔寄至系上以及指導老師信箱或以郵件方式寄至系上。成果發表均須於同一時間(即,5月第2個或第3個星期六(視申請入學面試日期擇其中一個星期六辦理))採線上發表方式,但如未於4月30日繳交者會延畢一年,請務必注意。 ★交換生請注意:如有意於交換期間抵免專題研究,請務必於交換前與老師說明,且與交換期間與指導老師保持聯繫,以免回台可能無法抵免!!!★抵免:請務必注意在日本修的課程,其中要有科目可以用作專題研究之抵免科目。 「專題研究」課程規劃融入公民素養陶塑計畫要求的五大素養—倫理、民主、科學、美學與媒體素養中之「民主」、「倫理」、「媒體」素養之精神及內容,說明如下: 民主素養: 研究主題以語言溝通、文化媒體、社會論述與實際為範疇。每週依各學生選擇探討之主題,由指導教師帶領進行分組討論。成員透過彼此參與,學習相互合作共事,透過分享想法,學習溝通與聆聽。成果除了需於公開場域進行論述之外,亦以論文論述型態或公共論壇、影像、雜誌作品、書籍、戲劇等各樣媒體形態展現。 倫理素養: 在進行資料蒐集、問卷調查與構思論文(作品)的過程中,學習尊重彼此及個人隱私以及智慧財產權,透過自省、批判思考,在指導教師個別引導下,感受並理解主流社會價值觀如何運作在社會上不同的層面當中,並完成最終成果。 媒體素養: 研究主題以語言溝通、文化媒體、社會論述與實際為範疇。過程中學生利用網際網路、報章、影像、論文等對各種媒體論述進行分析,再透過彼此分享想法,學習溝通與聆聽。成果除了需於公開場域進行論述之外,亦以論文論述型態或公共論壇、影像、雜誌作品、書籍、戲劇等各樣媒體形態展現。Thematic research can be proposed in the following two forms, students are asked to choose one: (A)Thesis 1. Language: Japanese 2. Number of words: at least 12,000 words + 1,000 words of Chinese abstract 3. Content: Must be related to the content of the subjects studied in this department ("Representational Culture", "Social Culture", "Language", "Communication" and other fields) ◎Methods for joint research: 1) The materials are shared, but papers are written under individual and independent topics. 2) Under the same topic, each member has a sub-topic within the larger topic. (The number of words will also increase to 2 times or 3 times according to the number of people) (B)Works 1. Language used: 1. The work itself: The principle is to use Japanese. However, if the work requires the use of Chinese, a separate Japanese text must be included in the work. The length of the content. For example: for novel creation, you need to attach a brief Japanese description of each chapter of the novel's content. However, if it is produced for a magazine, it cannot be presented only in Chinese, but must be presented in both Chinese and Japanese languages. If produced for media, Japanese subtitles or descriptions must be included. 2. Japanese explanatory text of 5,000 words 2. Content: Must be related to the content of the subjects studied in this department ("Representative Culture", "Social Culture", "Language" "Communication" and other fields) (C) Please submit 2 copies of thesis and works to the Japanese Department Office HT106. If it is a joint study and there are n instructors, n+1 copies should be submitted to the department. One copy of the papers and works submitted to the department will be retained by the department, and one copy will be given to the instructor. ※Submission deadline: April 30 (extension due to holidays). (Those who have not submitted papers or works and a 5,000-word explanation and reflections by April 30 will not be allowed to participate in the results presentation meeting.) ■Fourth grade: You can submit your papers or works after the start of school and before April 30, but the results must be published at the same time (i.e., the 2nd or 3rd Saturday in May (choose one of the Saturdays depending on the admission interview date) )) published. ■Exchange students/interns: Submit papers or works before 17:00 on April 30 (postponed on holidays). You can send it electronically to the department and the instructor's mailbox, or send it to the department by mail. All results must be published online at the same time (i.e., the 2nd or 3rd Saturday in May (choose one of the Saturdays depending on the date of application for admission interview)). However, if the submission is not submitted by April 30, the results will be published online. Please pay attention to the one-year extension. ★Attention for exchange students: If you intend to apply for credit for special research during the exchange period, please be sure to explain it to the teacher before the exchange, and keep in touch with the instructor during the exchange period to avoid the possibility of not being able to apply for the credit when you return to Taiwan! ! ! ★Credit: Please be sure to pay attention to the courses taken in Japan. There must be subjects that can be used as credits for special research. The "Special Study" curriculum plan integrates the spirit and content of "democracy", "ethics" and "media" literacy among the five major literacy requirements of the Civic Literacy Ceramic Sculpture Project - ethics, democracy, science, aesthetics and media literacy. The description is as follows: Democratic literacy: The research topics include language communication, cultural media, social discourse and reality. Each week, group discussions will be held under the leadership of the instructor based on the topics each student chooses to discuss. Members learn to cooperate with each other through participating in each other, and learn to communicate and listen through sharing ideas. In addition to being discussed in public forums, the results are also presented in various media forms such as essays or public forums, videos, magazine works, books, plays, etc. Ethical literacy: In the process of collecting data, conducting questionnaires, and constructing papers (works), students learn to respect each other’s privacy and intellectual property rights. Through self-examination and critical thinking, and under the individual guidance of instructors, they learn to feel and understand how mainstream social values ​​operate in society. on different levels and complete the final result. Media literacy: The research topics include language communication, cultural media, social discourse and reality. During the process, students use the Internet, newspapers, videos, papers, etc. to analyze various media discussions, and then learn to communicate and listen by sharing ideas with each other. In addition to being discussed in public forums, the results are also presented in various media forms such as essays or public forums, videos, magazine works, books, plays, etc.

課程概述 Course Description

This course requires students to choose one of the three fields of language and communication, social field, and cultural field to conduct graduation research, and choose one of them in the form of a thesis or work + short paper, which will be regarded as the student's graduation thesis.

參考書目 Reference Books

Teachers provide opinions or suggestions based on individual situations to assist students in completing graduation projects.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
theme·problem awareness
20 左述為論文評量項目。作品評量項目為:作品主題+原創性。
Research methods and attitudes
20 左述為論文評量項目。作品評量項目為:製作態度。
Thesis structure arrangement and argumentation level
20 左述為論文評量項目。作品評量項目為:佈局與架構。
Document or data acquisition, processing, interpretation and inference
20 左述為論文評量項目。作品評量項目為:作品內容。
Japanese writing skills
20 左述為論文評量項目。作品評量項目為:日語文字表達能力。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:林珠雪/北川修一/王怡人/吳素汝
修課班級 Class:日文系4
選課備註 Memo:上課時間地點另訂,請依照指導老師,自行上網選課。上課時間請再與教師確認。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 30 人。

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