保安處分係刑事制裁的第二軌,犯罪人宣告保安處分的前提在於「本身的危險性」,例如要求犯罪人進行強制制裁,或是將犯罪之青少年交付保護管束。刑法第86條的「感化教育」(三年以下) 、刑法第87條的「監護處分」(五年以下)、刑法第88條的「毒品成癮之禁戒處分」(一年以下)、刑法第89條的「酗酒之禁戒處分」(一年以下)、刑法第90條的「強制工作」(三年以下)、刑法第91條「傳染病之強制治療」(治癒為止)、刑法第91-1條「性侵刑後強制治療」(治癒為止)、刑法第92條「保護管束」(三年以下)、刑法第93條「宣告緩刑與假釋的保護管束」、刑法第95條「驅逐出境」。
保安處分之目的有三:「危險防衛」(Gefahrenabwehr)、「預防未來犯罪」(Vorbeugung gegenüber künftigen Straftaten)以及「保護公眾不受危險行為人之危害」(dem Schutz der Allgemeinheit vor dem gefährlichen Täter),因此,刑罰與保安處分的區別在於:前者係基於罪責;後者係基於危險性。Franz von Liszt 不斷強調,保安處分之對象係個別之行為人,希望藉由「矯治」與「改善」達到再社會化的目的 。然而,國家對於「無罪責」之行為人予以一定程度的「干涉處分」,尤其是針對「拘束人身自由」的保安處分,則有可能有違憲之虞。因此,判斷「收容人」是否受到國家「合法的」侵害,正確的「犯後行為危險預測」(Gefährliche Prognose)作為合法化的依據。
The second part of the security department is criminal sanctions. The prerequisite for the offender to declare security department is "the danger of its own", such as requiring the offender to impose strong sanctions, or delivering the teenagers of the crime to protect and regulate. "Effective Education" in Article 86 of the Criminal Law (below three years) , “Prevention points” in Article 87 of the Criminal Code (less than five years), “Prevention points for drug destruction” in Article 88 of the Criminal Code (less than one year), and “Prevention points for alcoholism” in Article 89 of the Criminal Code (I 20th Criminal Law (below three years), Article 91st Criminal Law "Strength treatment of infectious diseases" (till treatment), Article 91-1 of the Criminal Code "Strength treatment after sexual assault" (till treatment), Article 92 of the Criminal Code "Protective and Control" (not less than three years), Article 93 of the Criminal Code " Declare the protection and control of penalties and falsehoods, and Article 95 of the Criminal Law “Exit”.
The security department has three purposes: "Gefahrenabwehr", "Vorbeugung gegenüber künftigen Straftaten" and "protecting the public from dangerous acts" (dem Schutz der Allgemeinheit vor dem gefährlichen Täter), and therefore, The difference between punishment and security guards is that the former is based on crimes; the latter is based on danger. Franz von Liszt constantly emphasizes that the security authorities are individual behaviors, hoping to achieve the purpose of resocialization through "governance" and "improvement". However, the country may be in danger of "interference" to a certain extent for those who "do not commit crimes", especially for security guards who "restrict personal freedom". Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether the "hostage" is "legitimate" infringement by the state, and the correct "post-incidence danger prediction" (Gefährliche Prognose) is the basis for legalization.
In addition to introducing the legal system of our country's security security department, this course hopes to provide references to the future reform of the legal system of our country's security security department through the introduction of the legal system of Germany.
(二)Jörg Kinzig, Noch im Namen des Volkes?: Über Verbrechen und Strafe Taschenbuch – 21. Februar 2020.
(I) Criminal sanctions: Response to the Criminal Law after the Crime, February 2019, Xinxuelin.
(II) Jörg Kinzig, Noch im Namen des Volkes?: Über Verbrechen und Strafe Taschenbuch – 21. Februar 2020.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
20 | 出席狀況 上課互動。 |
課堂報告課堂報告 Class Report |
80 | 自指定範圍選題,口頭報告並準備投影片即。 |