course information of 113 - 1 | 5251 Seminar: Mencius' Philosophy(孟子哲學專題研究)

5251 - 孟子哲學專題研究 Seminar: Mencius' Philosophy

教育目標 Course Target

《孟子》研究一直以來都是學界的重心,本課程以孟子的義務論詮釋的討論出發,主要閱讀與討論當代新儒家牟宗三、李明輝與李瑞全等人的著作。課堂討論議題有:性善說、人禽之辨,義利之辨,以及相關的「道德規範根源」、「人之為人的價值」與「善的異質性」等議題。本課程也會閱讀與討論在當代新儒家傳統以外的孟子學研究,像是不以西方哲學思想做關連的孟子學研究,這種研究進路擔心將不相干的預設強加《孟子》的危險。本課程也會特別討論孟子學中的道德動機問題,這個問題涉及當代西方哲學中理由內在論與外在論的爭辯,例如有學者利用Hume的立場理解孟子學是一種內在論,這種詮釋與當代新儒家的立場南轅北轍,看來不可調和。以上是本課程討論的主題,希望經過本課程的閱讀與討論,同學們可以掌握當代孟子學研究的重要議題,並明確自己的立場。總而言之,本課程目標有三:1.老師引導同學分析與理解孟子學相關規範概念;2.掌握孟子學相關的各種哲學立場;3.學會應用哲學技巧(基本技巧包括:批判式閱讀理解、重述論證)分析孟子學相關問題,並且為自己的立場辯護。The study of "Mencius" has always been the focus of academic circles. This course starts from the discussion of Mencius' deontological interpretation and mainly reads and discusses the works of contemporary New Confucianists such as Mou Zongsan, Li Minghui and Li Ruiquan. Class discussion topics include: the theory of good nature, the distinction between humans and animals, the distinction between justice and benefit, as well as related issues such as "the origin of moral norms", "the value of human beings" and "the heterogeneity of goodness". This course will also read and discuss research on Mencius outside the contemporary Neo-Confucian tradition, such as research on Mencius that is not related to Western philosophical thought. This approach worries about the danger of imposing irrelevant assumptions on Mencius. This course will also specifically discuss the issue of moral motivation in Mencius. This issue involves the debate between internalism and externalism of reasons in contemporary Western philosophy. For example, some scholars use Hume’s position to understand that Mencius is a kind of internalism. This interpretation is inconsistent with The positions of contemporary New Confucianism are diametrically opposed and appear to be irreconcilable. The above are the topics discussed in this course. I hope that through reading and discussion in this course, students can grasp the important issues in contemporary Mencius research and clarify their own positions. All in all, this course has three goals: 1. The teacher guides students to analyze and understand the normative concepts related to Mencius; 2. Master various philosophical positions related to Mencius; 3. Learn to apply philosophical skills (basic skills include: critical reading comprehension, restatement Argument) Analyze issues related to Mencius and defend your position.

參考書目 Reference Books

(宋)朱熹:《四書章句集注》,出版社:國立臺灣大學出版中心 ,2016。
Xiusheng Liu, Mencius, Hume and the Foundations of Ethics, Routledge, 2003.
(Song Dynasty) Zhu Xi: "Collected Notes on Chapters and Sentences of the Four Books", Publisher: National Taiwan University Publishing Center, 2016.
Li Minghui: "Confucianism and Kant (Updated Edition)", Publisher: Lianjing, 2018.
Li Minghui: "Mencius Revisited", Publisher: Lianjing, 2018.
Li Minghui: "Reconstruction of Kantian Ethics and Mencius' Moral Thinking", Publisher: Academia Sinica-Chinese Institute of Literature and Philosophy, 2009.
Li Ruiquan: "On the Origin of Confucian Moral Norms", Publisher: Ehu, 2013.
Mou Zongsan: "On Perfection", Publisher: Taiwan Student Book Company, 2003.
Xin Guanglai: "Mencius and Early Chinese Thought", Publisher: Oriental Publishing Center, 2023.
[US] Ni Dewei: "Confucianism: A Discussion of Chinese Philosophy", Publisher: Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2006.
Xiusheng Liu, Mencius, Hume and the Foundations of Ethics, Routledge, 2003.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class reports and discussions
Final thesis report
independent learning

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[H452]
授課教師 Teacher:梁奮程
修課班級 Class:哲學碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:中哲
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 6 人。

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