course information of 106 - 2 | 2473 Seminar(專題討論)

Taught In English2473 - 專題討論 Seminar

教育目標 Course Target

指導學生資料搜尋、選定報告題目、閱讀文獻方法、撰寫報告等,以訓練學生上台報告的能力為主,包括服裝儀容、資料整理、投影片製作、時間管控、台風展現、口語表達技巧、圖表解說以及問題回答等。繼上學期訓練文獻搜尋閱讀及簡報能力,本學期採2~3人多篇合作,除訓練統整多篇互相有關連之文獻之能力,也練習團隊合作之協調、溝通、互相截長補短及共同學習能力與精神。由三位(最少兩位)同學挑選三篇相關而於三年內發表完整的原著研究論文(original article)研讀後進行報告,期能呈現研究的目的、實驗方法、數據分析與討論。講者及聽講同學將接受下列訓練:(1)講者:決定適合討論並具吸引力之題目方向,由資料庫中搜尋擷取標的文獻。經由閱讀分析科學論文數據及論述,歸納整理後,再擇要具邏輯性地向聽講者進行正式報告並做後續之問答及討論。 (2)聽者:專心而仔細聆聽每週報告內容與講後之討論,形成並提出自己的問題與意見回饋講者。 (3)雙方:專題討論是專業的溝通方式,因此需要講求溝通之技巧與彼此瞭解尊重。講者能尋找聽者感興趣之題目,準備內容時以聽者接受度為依歸,報告過程關注臺下反應適時調整,報告後以感謝心嚴謹面對提問與意見。聽者先由閱讀摘要掌握聽講方向與重點,聽講時不論感興趣與否保持專注與欣賞態度,並在講後中肯與禮貌地發表問題與意見。雙方學習理性客觀之意見交換。It guides students' data search, select reports, read papers, write reports, etc., mainly trains students' ability to report on stage, including clothing content, data sorting, projection film production, time control, Taiwanese style display, oral expression skills, chart interpretation and question answering, etc. Continuing the search and reading ability of training articles during the school period, we have collaborated with more than 2 to 3 people during this period. In addition to the training of the entire article of communication and mutual understanding, we also practice the coordination, communication, interrogation, shortening and joint learning ability and spirit of team cooperation. Three (at least two) students selected three related articles and published a complete original article research article within three years to report it, and the purpose of the research, experiment methods, data analysis and discussion can be presented. The speaker and listener will receive the following training: (1) The speaker: determine the direction of the topic that is suitable for discussion and attractive, and search for the text that is collected from the database. After reading and analyzing the data and comments of scientific papers, after sorting them out, we must logically report to the listener and make subsequent questions and discussions. (2) Listener: Those who listen carefully and carefully to the content of the weekly report and discuss after the lecture, form and raise their own questions and opinions and give feedback. (3) Two sides: Special discussion is a professional way of communication, so it is necessary to ask for communication skills and understand and respect each other. The speaker can find questions that the listener is interested in. When preparing the content, it depends on the listener's acceptance. During the report, pay attention to the appropriate adjustment of the response under the platform. After reporting, it is reported and is sternly concerned about the questions and opinions. The listener first understands the direction and focus of the listening session by reading the summary, regardless of whether he is interested or not, and he maintains attention and appreciation during the listening session, and expresses his questions and opinions in a positive and generous manner after the lecture. Learn rational and objective opinions exchange.

課程概述 Course Description

Instruct students' data search, select report topics, read papers, write reports, etc., and focus on the ability of trainees to report on stage, including clothing content, data sorting, projection film production, time control, Taiwanese style display, oral expression skills, chart interpretation and question answering, etc.

參考書目 Reference Books

Related professional and academic journals

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Oral and written reports and discussions
60 含講前準備、演講呈現及應答、書面報告
Class Participation
30 含發問、引言及回應單及演講心得撰寫
Class Presentation
10 不做與課程無關活動,不遲到早退缺席(曠課達 3次,學期成績以0分計;遲到2次視同曠課1次)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-1
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/7,8[AG103]
授課教師 Teacher:盧錫祺
修課班級 Class:食科系4
選課備註 Memo:一人只能選一班專討,選修者第 8堂勿選其他課程
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 21 人。

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