course information of 106 - 2 | 6769 Seminar on Food Industrial Management Section(專題討論:食品工業管理組)

Taught In English6769 - 專題討論:食品工業管理組 Seminar on Food Industrial Management Section

教育目標 Course Target

本課程主要是訓練同學從尋找主題、蒐集資料、分析與整理資料、瞭解資料內容、製作演講投影片、上台發表、接受提問、回答問題及撰寫報告等一序列的研究過程。 課程主要目標是: (1)訓練、指導學生從事研究的方法,並且藉由口語表達報告的訓練。 (2)學生可以廣泛吸收最新的產業界動向與趨勢,放寬自我的研究視野。 (3)引領學生閱讀,並給予適切的指導,提升對於食品產業的整體規劃能力。 (4)強化學生對於運用資料、融合整理、比較研究等的能力。 (5)訓練學生進行專題研究與報告,以適應未來的就業或是研究深造時的需求。 (6)指導學生撰寫學術性報告與論文。(1)研究方法的訓練與指導 (2)口語與文字表達的訓練 (3)食品產業界動向與趨勢的觀察 (4)運用資料、融合整理、比較研究的能力訓練 (5)食品產業的整體規劃能力 (6)執行專題研究與報告的訓練This course mainly teaches students a series of research processes from finding topics, collecting data, analyzing and organizing data, understanding data content, making speech projections, posting on stage, accepting questions, answering questions, and writing reports. The main goals of the course are: (1) Training and guiding students to conduct research methods, and training in reporting through oral expression. (2) Students can widely absorb the latest trends and trends in the industry and broaden their own research vision. (3) Lead students to read, and provide appropriate guidance to improve the overall planning ability of food industry. (4) Strengthen students' abilities in operating data, integration and organization, comparative research, etc. (5) Training students conduct special research and reports to meet future employment or research and further study needs. (6) Instruct students to write academic reports and discussions. (1) Training and guidance of research methods (2) Training of oral and textual expression (3) Observation of trends and trends in the food industry (4) Training of the ability to use data, integrate and organize, and compare research (5) Overall planning capabilities of food industry (6) Training on the topic research and report

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 管理學(作者:許士軍,台灣東華書局股份有限公司出版)
2. 專案管理(作者:王慶富,聯經出版事業股份有限公司出版)
3. 企業研究方法(作者:黃俊英,台灣東華書局股份有限公司出版)
5. 質性研究論文撰寫(作者:Maria Piantanida, Noreen B. Garman, 譯者:郭俊偉,五南文化事業)
1. Management (Author: Xu Shijun, published by Taiwan Donghua Book Bureau Co., Ltd.)
2. Project Management (Author: Wang Qingfu, published by Joint Publishing Industry Co., Ltd.)
3. Corporate research methods (author: Huang Junying, published by Taiwan Donghua Book Bureau Co., Ltd.)
4. MARKETING (6 ED, author: KOTLER, PHILIP, published by PRENTICE HALL)
5. Written by the quality research article (author: Maria Piantanida, Noreen B. Garman, translator: Guo Junwei, Wunan Cultural Affairs)
and related professional and academic publications.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Report content
Expression ability
Answering ability
Use of chart data

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-1
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5[AG121]
授課教師 Teacher:陳佩綺/劉佳怡/徐昕煒
修課班級 Class:食工管碩1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 5 人。

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