此課程邀請學術界知名學者,或是產業界經驗豐富之實務工作者,進行演講與交流,討論積體電路、通訊、奈米科技以及能源相關各個研究領域的現況與趨勢,以期學生能增廣見聞。除此之外,也安排學生簡報所研讀的相關工程主題論文。This course invites well -known scholars in academic circles, or experienced practitioners in the industry to give speeches and exchanges, discuss the current status and trends in various research fields of accumulated circuits, communication, nano technology, and energy -related research. See you. In addition, the relevant project theme themes studied by students' briefing are also arranged.
Cultivate students' reading, data analysis, experimental design, and discussions. Training students have the ability to summarize, pursue and explore knowledge, and cultivate students' ability to express through oral reports, and then train students to have the ability to engage in related issues related to life sciences.
Speaker provides reference materials
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
演講心得報告及出席率演講心得報告及出席率 Speaking experience report and attendance rate |
70 | |
研究論文報告研究論文報告 Research thesis report |
30 |