course information of 106 - 2 | 0334 Seminar(專題研究)

Taught In English0334 - 專題研究 Seminar

教育目標 Course Target

專題研究可以以下列二種形式提出,請同學擇一進行: (A)論文 ◎15000字以上論文一篇。 ◎語言使用日文,但須另外提交約1000字的中文摘要。 ◎共同研究的辦法:    1)資料共有,但在個別獨立的題目下撰寫論文。    2)在相同題目下,各成員擁有大題目中的子題目。 (字數也會依照人數比例而增加至2倍或3倍) (B)作品 ◎書籍製作、影像製作、翻譯、辯論、戲劇等等。 ◎須提出影像或書面資料。 ◎須另外提出日文說明及感想5000字以上。 ◎若屬於共同作品者,須各自提出5000字以上日文說明文。 (C)論文與作品請繳交1份至日文系系辦HT106,如為共同研究,指導老師有n位,則繳交n份給系上,所繳交至系上之論文與作品全數交給指導老師,由指導老師評分過後繳回系辦留存。 ※提出截止日:4月30日(假日順延)。 (於4月30日未提交論文或作品及5000字之說明與感想者,不得參加成果發表會。)「專題研究」課程規劃融入公民素養陶塑計畫要求的五大素養—倫理、民主、科學、美學與媒體素養中之「民主」、「倫理」、「媒體」素養之精神及內容,說明如下: 民主素養: 研究主題以語言溝通、文化媒體、社會論述與實際為範疇。每週依各學生選擇探討之主題,由指導教師帶領進行分組討論。成員透過彼此參與,學習相互合作共事,透過分享想法,學習溝通與聆聽。成果除了需於公開場域進行論述之外,亦以論文論述型態或公共論壇、影像、雜誌作品、書籍、戲劇等各樣媒體形態展現。 倫理素養: 在進行資料蒐集、問卷調查與構思論文(作品)的過程中,學習尊重彼此及個人隱私以及智慧財產權,透過自省、批判思考,在指導教師個別引導下,感受並理解主流社會價值觀如何運作在社會上不同的層面當中,並完成最終成果。 媒體素養: 研究主題以語言溝通、文化媒體、社會論述與實際為範疇。過程中學生利用網際網路、報章、影像、論文等對各種媒體論述進行分析,再透過彼此分享想法,學習溝通與聆聽。成果除了需於公開場域進行論述之外,亦以論文論述型態或公共論壇、影像、雜誌作品、書籍、戲劇等各樣媒體形態展現。The topic research can be proposed in the following two forms. Please do it: (A) Article ◎A article with more than 15,000 words. ◎The language is in Japanese, but an additional 1,000-word Chinese abstract must be submitted. ◎Solutions for joint research: 1) There are common data, but write an article under a separate topic. 2) Under the same topic, each member has subtitles in the topic. (The number of words will also increase to 2 times or 3 times according to the proportion of people) (B) Work ◎ Book production, video production, translation, discussion, drama, etc. ◎The image or book information must be submitted. ◎Additional Japanese explanation and reflections should be proposed for more than 5,000 words. ◎If you are a joint work, you must each propose a Japanese explicit text of more than 5,000 words. (C) Please submit 1 copy of the article and work to the Japanese Department HT106. If for joint research, there are n supervisors, and then submit n copies to the system. The entire number of the article and work submitted to the department will be submitted to the supervisor. The supervisor will rate it and then return it to the department for retention. ※Deadline for filing: April 30 (holiday extension). (Those who have not submitted their articles or works and 5,000-word explanations and reflections on April 30 are not allowed to participate in the results presentation.) The "Project Research" course plan integrates the spirit and content of "democracy", "ethics" and "media" cultivation in the civic essay, democracy, science, aesthetics and media cultivation. The explanation is as follows: Democracy nourishes: The research topics are based on language communication, cultural media, social argumentation and reality. Each week, the topics discussed by students are selected and discussed by the instructor. Members learn to work together through participation, to share ideas, to communicate and listen. In addition to the discussion in public areas, the results are also displayed in various media forms such as essays or public forums, images, magazine works, books, dramas, etc. Ethical nourishment: In the process of collecting data, question papers and essays (works), we learn to respect each other and personal privacy and intellectual property rights, through self-reflection and critical thinking, and through guidance and guidance teachers, we feel and understand how mainstream society values ​​work in different social aspects, and achieve the final results. Media nourishment: The research topics are based on language communication, cultural media, social argumentation and reality. During the process, students use Internet, newspapers, images, articles, etc. to analyze various media statements, and then share ideas with each other to learn communication and listening. In addition to the discussion in public areas, the results are also displayed in various media forms such as essays or public forums, images, magazine works, books, dramas, etc.

課程概述 Course Description

Under existing thesis, students use a certain form (work or article) to express their own unique insights and research topics through exploration or implementation. Instructors provide suggestions on the production process based on the student topic, and provide guidance on the writing methods of essays/works, and training skills for publishing their final topic research results.

參考書目 Reference Books

Teachers provide advice or suggestions based on their respective conditions to help students complete their graduation topics.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
20 左述為論文評量項目。作品評量項目為:作品主題+原創性。
Research methods and attitudes
20 左述為論文評量項目。作品評量項目為:製作態度。
Discussion structure arrangement and discussion certificate levels
20 左述為論文評量項目。作品評量項目為:佈局與架構。
Acquisition, processing, commenting and recommendation of documents or data
20 左述為論文評量項目。作品評量項目為:作品內容。
Japanese literal expression ability
20 左述為論文評量項目。作品評量項目為:日語文字表達能力。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/11,12
授課教師 Teacher:林珠雪/北川修一/蕭幸君/松永稔也/金想容
修課班級 Class:日文系4
選課備註 Memo:請依照指導老師,自行上網選課。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 40 人。

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