course information of 106 - 2 | 7333 Study of Medical Law (II)(醫事法學專題研究(二))

Taught In English7333 - 醫事法學專題研究(二) Study of Medical Law (II)

教育目標 Course Target

(一)使學生建立醫事法律的基本概念。 (二)使學生瞭解醫事人員的法定業務權利。 (三)使學生瞭解醫事人員的法定業務義務。 (四)使學生瞭解醫事人員的法定業務責任。 (五)使學生能有效的預防醫事糾紛的發生。 (六)增進學生有良好處理醫事糾紛的方法。 (七)使學生藉由本課程,而瞭解醫事法律的定義、體系與達成預防及處理的好方法,並使學生建立醫事糾紛法律的整體概念 醫事法規課程,是解析醫事行為在法律上應負的責任。包括「內容分析」、「糾紛的處理過程」、「糾紛的法律責任」、「糾紛的原因探討」及「未來預防的方法」等。因此,本課程將介紹以上各項的法律規範及法律觀念。 本課程的特色,在於將散佈於各種醫事糾紛的實際案例,作有系統的歸納,再分別就刑事責任、民事責任及行政責任,為深入淺出的介紹。 (1) Enable students to establish basic concepts of medical law. (2) Ensure students understand the statutory business rights of medical staff. (3) Ensure students understand the statutory business obligations of medical staff. (IV) Ensure students understand the statutory business responsibilities of medical staff. (5) Enable students to effectively prevent medical disputes. (VI) To improve students to have good methods to deal with medical disputes. (VII) Let students understand the definition, system and good methods of medical law through this course, and enable students to establish the overall concept of medical law The medical law course is a legal responsibility to analyze medical behavior. Including "content analysis", "process of disputes", "legal responsibility of disputes", "exploration of causes of disputes", and "methods of future prevention". Therefore, this course will introduce the legal regulations and legal concepts of the above items. The characteristics of this course are in the actual cases that will be distributed in various medical disputes, and systematically investigated, and then criminal, civil and administrative responsibilities are introduced separately.

參考書目 Reference Books

(一)行政院衛生署編印,醫療管理法規、醫療法解釋彙編、醫師法解釋彙編、藥事法解釋彙編、護理人員法及 其相關規定。

(1) Printed by the Executive Yuan Department of Health, Medical Administration Law, Medical Law Interpretation and Medical Law Interpretation and Medical Law Interpretation and Medical Law Interpretation and Medical Law Interpretation and Medical Law Interpretation and Medical Law Interpretation and Medical Law Interpretation and Career Law and their relevant regulations.
(II) The Supreme Court Legal Book Editorial Committee will print it, and the Supreme Court Civil Criminal Judgment Special (referrals regarding medical disputes).
(III) Publication by the Medical Law Society of the Republic of China, medical and legal practice, dental and legal practice, nursing and legal practice.
(IV) written by Cai Dunyan, medical criminal law must be discussed and selected by medical dispute referees (criminal chapter).
(V) Written by Li Shenglong, Overview of Medical Laws.
(6) Huang Ding Quan's writings, medical practice.
(7) Wu Yongxianming wrote, edited by the laws of health (medical affairs regulations).
(8) written by Cai Zhenxiu, the summary of medical law, the analysis of medical negligence crime, the crime of violating medical law, the legal discussion of nursing staff, and the medical law and practical discussion of governance.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/1,2,3,4[L205]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡振修
修課班級 Class:法律碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:碩丙組專門課程,隔週上課從上午8時起,不開放隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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