course information of 106 - 2 | 6557 Seminar on Educational Psychology(教育心理學專題研究)

Taught In English6557 - 教育心理學專題研究 Seminar on Educational Psychology

教育目標 Course Target

1. 瞭解新近教育心理學領域之研究的發現及趨勢。 2. 閱讀教育心理專業著作及學術性論文。 3. 能針對學習與教學相關問題做相關文獻之探討,並提出研究計畫或改善之教學活動方案。 4. 相信教育心理學對自己未來從事任何工作都有其重要性,並期望從中獲得成就。 5. 能選擇教育心理學相關變項,提出研究問題,挑選相關論文,整理文獻,學習撰寫學術性論文。 6. 能參與討論、激盪思想、綜合與批判新知。 7. 能與同儕分享議題探討之成果。 1. Understand the discoveries and trends of recent research on the field of educational psychology. 2. Read professional works on educational psychology and academic essays. 3. Be able to explore related literature on learning and teaching related issues, and propose research plans or improvement teaching activities. 4. Believe that educational psychology is of importance to any job you will do in the future, and hope to achieve success. 5. Be able to choose educational psychology-related changes, raise research questions, choose related articles, organize articles, and learn to write academic papers. 6. Be able to participate in discussions, inspire thoughts, integrate and criticize new knowledge. 7. Be able to share the results of discussion with your classmates.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.邱美秀校閱(2008)。O’Donnell, A., Reeve, J., & Smith, J. (2007)。教育心理學(Educational psychology: Reflection for action)。台北:雙葉書廊。(必備)
2.王文科、王智弘譯(2002)。Hergenhahn & Olson(2000)。學習心理學(An introduction to theories of Learning)。台北:五南。
3. Alexander, P. A. (2006). Psychology in Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson Prentice Hall.
4. 唐淑華(2010)。從希望感模式論學業挫折之調適與因應。台北:心理。

1. Qiu Meixiu’s Producer (2008). O’Donnell, A., Reeve, J., & Smith, J. (2007). Educational psychology: Reflection for action. Taipei: Double Leaf Library. (Required)
2. Wang Wenke and Wang Zhihong (2002). Hergenhahn & Olson (2000). Learn psychology (An introduction to theories of Learning). Taipei: Wunan.
3. Alexander, P. A. (2006). Psychology in Learning and Instruction. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson Prentice Hall.
4. Tang Shuhua (2010). From the hope model, we discuss the adaptability and response of career setbacks. Taipei: Psychology.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attend, designate reading, summary, ask, reflect and discuss
Designated Chinese and English reading reports
期末研究主題口頭報告與書面報告 期末研究主題口頭報告與書面報告
Final research topic oral report and written report
Personal learning process file completion

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/8,9,10
授課教師 Teacher:林啟超
修課班級 Class:教育碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:3選1教育基礎課程之一,A研討室上課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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