本課程旨在使學生了解我國際國際著作權法之規範,並配合時事發展,輔以國際著作權條約、美國著作權法等與我國著作權法發展相關之原理原則與重要案例。Discuss related issues of science and technology and copyright laws in a special discussion
This course aims to enable students to understand the norms of our international copyright law and cooperate with current affairs development. It is supplemented by the principles and important cases related to the development of the Copyright Law of my country Copyright Law, etc.
蔡岳勳、胡心蘭,智慧財產權之擴張與公共利益之衡平,airiti press 出版社,2010年9月。
Zhang Zhongxin, interpretation of copyright law one by one, the latest edition of 2009, Wunan Book Publishing House.
Cai Yuexun and Hu Xinlan, the expansion of smart property rights and Hengping of the public interest, Airiti Press Press, September 2010.
Hu Xinlan, a new thinking of digital environmental copyright law -On the essence of digital copyright, exhaustion, and belonging, Hua Art Press, September 2014.
Specifying textbooks in Sui
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Usual grade |
40 | 課堂參與討論 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
60 |