學海無涯,社會學之海漫漫無盡,船到橋頭自然直嗎?也要靠平日努力划槳才行。The social courses during this period continue to progress in the school year, and continue to explore key concepts and discussions of social science, including important social system structures, such as family, education, politics, medicine, work, and trends that cannot be ignored in social development. Media expansion, globalization, etc. The course features more lies in the introduction of new or special research topics in the social community, and also in the current research areas with potential potential in cold doors, including art, body, game, fashion, sports society and other branches. We hope to expand contemporary social research. Width, diversity and vitality.
The classroom focuses on the teacher's speech and adopts a comprehensive approach to integrate the key points of different academic texts to avoid the limitations of being determined by one person and being overly a one-man statement. Compared with the introduction of the history of social thought and theoretical theory in the last period, more practical research and exploration of social issues were added during this period, especially the analysis and criticism of Taiwan or contemporary international social phenomena, and the integration with daily life. The topics of each class report will be analyzed in accordance with the topics of each week unit and students choose corresponding current events. After completing the preparation of the social research plan in the previous period, the study will be completed and learned from the work.
The sea of learning is endless, and the sea of social learning is endless. Will the boat arrives at the bridge naturally straight? It also depends on daily hard work.
三、 主要參考讀本 (不強迫購買,同學自行決定)
P. Berger著, 黃樹仁、劉雅靈合譯, 1963,《社會學導引—人文取向的透視》。 台北:巨流。
安東尼‧紀登斯(Anthony Giddens) 著, 廖仁義譯,1992,《批判的社會學導論》。台北:唐山。
殷克勒斯(Alex Inkeles)著,黃瑞祺譯,1985, 《社會學是什麼?》。台北:巨流。
Bauman, Zygmunt著,朱道凱譯,2002,《社會學動動腦》。台北:群學。
克里斯‧希林(Chris Shilling) &菲力普‧梅勒(Philip Mellor)著, 李康譯,2009, 《社會學何為?》。北京:北京大學出版社。
讓‧卡澤納弗(Jean Cazeneuve)著,楊捷譯,2011,《社會學十大概念》。上海: 上海人民出版社。
愛理亞斯(Nobert Elias)著,鄭義愷譯,2007,《什麼是社會學》。台北:群學。
3. Main reference book (not forced to purchase, students decide by themselves)
*Editors by Wang Zhenhuan and Qu Haiyuan, 2014, "Social Science and Taiwan Society" fourth edition. Taipei: The giant stream.
P. Berger, Combination of Huang Shuren and Liu Yaling, 1963, "Social Science Guide - Perspective of Humanistic Orientation". Taipei: The giant stream.
Anthony Giddens, Liao Renyi, 1992, "A Critical Social Studies". Taipei: Tangshan.
Written by Alex Inkeles, translated by Huang Ruiqi, 1985. What is social science? 》. Taipei: The giant stream.
Cheng Lingfang, Lin Jingling, Wu Jialing, 2001, "Seeing Trees and See Lin: Social Sciences as a Life and Reality
and promise. Taipei: Group studies.
Bauman, Zygmunt, Zhu Daokailu, 2002, "Social Dynamics". Taipei: Group studies.
Chris Shilling & Philip Mellor, Li Kanglu, 2009, What is Social Science? 》. Beijing: Beijing University Press.
Written by Jean Cazeneuve, Yang Jielu, 2011, "Top Ten Concepts of Social Science". Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House.
By Nobert Elias, Translation of Zheng Yi, 2007, "What is Social Science". Taipei: Group studies.
Edited by Wang Hongren, 2014, "Xianzikou Social Science". New Taipei City: Dajia Publishing House.
He Mingxiu and Liu Qingyou, 2014, "Human Society: 24 Life Stories about Wen Na, Lu Snake, and the Great and Lucky Life". Taipei: Group studies.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平常表現(含出席率)、作業與分組報告平常表現(含出席率)、作業與分組報告 Normal performance (including attendance), operation and sub-group reports |
15 | |
助教課出席與作業助教課出席與作業 Teaching Assistant Course Attendance and Work |
15 | |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
20 |