在人類歷史進程中,相對於理性,情緒受到相當的壓抑;在社會學的發展中,情緒受到的關注有限。在社會學理論中,即使關切到宗教儀式或符號,或是注意到戲劇表演的前台與後台,情緒仍然不是主角。但繼神經生理、心理、認知科學等愈來愈多的學科與學者投入情緒研究,社會學家在1970年代亦開始有系統性地研究情緒,逐漸累積了不少豐碩的研究成果。在學習策略上,在課程的前半段,我們的學習重心在於了解情緒社會學的發展與理論基礎,然後轉而選擇性地研讀幾個我個人認為影響較為深刻的負面情緒,如憤怒、悲傷與羞愧等,目的是更深入理解個別情緒的作用與區別,及這些情緒的個人與社會指涉。最後,在課程的後半段,我們要研讀一些有關情緒的實證研究,以更進一步掌握情緒及情感研究的內涵。Emotion, or emotion, or more verbally speaking, is of course the feelings and expressions of the individual, but emotion is not only limited to psychological research or psychological analysis. Emotions reflect the social situation and the Internet of people in which individuals are related, and are products that communicate with others. Emotions are individuals, but they have their social generation and intervention side. Personal emotions are somewhat influenced by social psychology, social conditions or culture. projection.
In the course of human history, emotions are relatively suppressed by reason; in the development of social science, emotions receive limited attention. In social theory, even if you focus on religious ceremonies or symbols, or notice the front and backstage of the drama performance, the emotions are still not the protagonist. However, more and more subjects and students are involved in emotional research, such as neurophysiology, psychology, and cognitive science. Socialists also began to systematically study emotional research in the 1970s, gradually accumulating a lot of profound research results. In terms of learning strategies, in the first half of the course, our learning focus is on understanding the development and theoretical basis of emotional society, and then selectively study several negative emotions that we personally believe influence is more profound, such as anger, sadness and Shame, etc., aim to have a deeper understanding of the role and differences of individual emotions, as well as the personal and social references of these emotions. Finally, in the second half of the course, we will study some practical research about emotions to further grasp the connotation of emotions and emotional research.
Please refer to the course progress.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
Comment Papers & QuestionsComment Papers & Questions comment papers & questions |
35 | |
In-Class ParticipationIn-Class Participation in-class participation |
15 | |
Discussion LeaderDiscussion Leader Discussion leader |
15 | |
Final Paper & PresentationFinal Paper & Presentation final paper & presentation |
35 |