國家研究向來為政治社會學中最重要的核心領域之一,但旣存的研究,大都扣緊在國家如何引導經濟發展的議題上,側重「大有為政府(發展掛帥型國家)」面向。殊為遺憾的是,對結合政治哲學中分配正義議題,所進行的實證經驗性國家研究,卻幾乎完全闕如。本課程企圖彌補此斷層,試圖重新把政治哲學帶回社會學研究中,並賦予國家研究新的道德視域 (moral horizon) 與倫理關懷。睽諸近年來台灣逐漸惡化的貧富差距、全民健保財務問題岌岌可危、與賦稅不公諸問題,該是我們嚴肅面對戰後「台灣經濟奇蹟」之歷史進程中,其發展策略所內置的(built-in) 不正義之社會起源、及其後伴隨衍生的分配正義問題。「Who gets what when and how」必需重新以前景化(foreground) 的方式成為置疑架構(problematique),去叩問和求索「發展與正義」此重要關鍵議題。國家研究的「倫理學轉向」實刻不容緩。
(完整版請見紙本授課大綱)The ethics transformation of national research: the subject of "assignment righteousness"
National research has always been one of the most important core areas in political and social science, but most of the existing research is constrained by the question of how the country guides economic development, and focuses on the "most important thing is the government (development-oriented country). Unfortunately, the empirical national research conducted on the allocation of legitimate questions in the combined political philosophy is almost completely like that. This course draws this section to try to bring political philosophy back to social studies and give the country a new moral horizon and ethics relationship. In recent years, Taiwan has gradually become more vicious, the problems of national health insurance are in danger, and the problems of unfair taxes are built-in in our development strategy in the historical process of facing the "Taiwan Economic Miracle" after the war (built-in). ) The social origin of injustice and the problems of distributional justice that are derived from the subsequent association. "Who gets what when and how" must be re-projective as a problematic structure to ask and seek the important key topic of "development and righteousness". The "transition of ethics" in national research is actually indestructible.
(For the full version, please see the paper teaching post)
Erik Olin Wright著,黃克先譯,2015,《真實烏托邦》。台北:群學。
Main books
By Toma Pikati, Zhan Wenxi and Chen Yirong, 2014, "Twenty-first Century Capital Discussion". Taipei: Far-sufficiency culture.
Written by Amatiya Shen En, translated by Lin Hongfeng, 2013, "The Idea of Righteousness". Taipei: Shang and Zhou dynasties.
By Erik Olin Wright, Huang Kexian, 2015, "True Utopia". Taipei: Group studies.
Written by Anthony Atkinson, translated by Yu Yu, 2015, "Transforming the Rich Uneven". Taipei: Far-see Tianxia Culture Publishing Co., Ltd.
Extended reading
Lin Zonghong, Hong Jingshu, etc., 2011, "The Collapse Age - The Crisis of Financial Transformation, Independence and Children". Taipei: Taiwan Staff Network Association.
Guo Peiyi, Lin Xiuxing, Luo Sumei, etc., 2015, "Ba Le Human Studies". Taipei: Left Bank Culture.
Citizen Action Video Record Database, 2013, "Citizens Are Not Cold-Blooded". Taipei: Red table culture.
Wolfka Strek, Chang Hsin, 2015, "Buying Time: How Capitalist Democratic Countries Delay Crisis". Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press.
Written by Sdiggliz, translated by Luo Yaozong, 2013, "Unfair Price: Cracking the Metal Structure of Level Contradictions". Taipei: Tianxia Magazine Co., Ltd.
Written by Flypus Bagus, Lin Wanyu, 2015, "The Country Steals My Money". Taipei: Sun and Moon Culture Publishing Co., Ltd.
By Angus Dickon, Li Longsheng, Zhang Yian, 2015, "The Escape from Wealth: The Origins of Health, Wealth and Inequality". Taipei: United Publishing Industry Co., Ltd.
Madin Cabalos, Shen Qianyu, 2015, "Hardness: The Reality of Global Food System Cracked from Meng to Chicago". Taipei: Shizhao Culture Publishing Enterprise Co., Ltd.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
discussionsdiscussions Discussions |
20 | take an active part in discussions |
presentationspresentations Presentations |
20 | make at least three presentations on the readings to the seminar during the semester |
issue memoissue memo issue memo |
20 | prepare weekly issue memos on the week’s required readings |
term paperterm paper term paper |
40 | a final term paper or a critical journal |