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中國文學系 (共63門)
Department of Chinese Literature : 63 courses

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必修-0011 Chinese. / 中文 (中文系1A,授課教師:劉淑貞,三/2,3,4[H534])
必修-0012 Chinese. / 中文 (中文系1A,授課教師:陳慶元,一/2,3,4[H205])
必修-0013 Introduction to Literature / 文學概論 (中文系1A,授課教師:高禎臨,四/6,7[H106])
必修-0014 Chinese. / 中文 (中文系1B,授課教師:朱衣仙,一/2,3,4[H305])
必修-0015 Chinese. / 中文 (中文系1B,授課教師:李忠達,三/2,3,4[LAN009])
必修-0016 Introduction to Literature / 文學概論 (中文系1B,授課教師:阮美慧,二/6,7[H206])
必修-0017 History of Chinese Literature / 中國文學史 (中文系2A,授課教師:林香伶,二/2,3,4[H305])
必修-0018 Readings on Chinese Poetry with Writing Practice / 詩選及習作 (中文系2A,授課教師:鍾曉峰,一/3,4[H304])
必修-0019 Chinese Script / 文字學 (中文系2A,授課教師:朱岐祥,三/3,4[H208])
必修-0020 History of Chinese Literature / 中國文學史 (中文系2B,授課教師:李佳蓮,三/2,3,4[H317])
必修-0021 Readings on Chinese Poetry with Writing Practice / 詩選及習作 (中文系2B,授課教師:鍾曉峰,二/3,4[H306])
必修-0022 Chinese Script / 文字學 (中文系2B,授課教師:朱岐祥,三/5,6[H306])
必修-0023 Historical Chinese Phonology / 聲韻學 (中文系3A,授課教師:陳瑤玲,三/7,8[H205])
必修-0024 Readings on Chinese Prose with Writing Practice / 歷代文選及習作 (中文系3A,授課教師:陳慶元,二/2,3,4[H317])
必修-0025 History of Chinese Thought / 中國思想史 (中文系3A,授課教師:黃繼立,三/2,3,4[H305])
必修-0026 Historical Chinese Phonology / 聲韻學 (中文系3B,授課教師:陳彥君,一/3,4[H216])
必修-0027 Readings on Chinese Prose with Writing Practice / 歷代文選及習作 (中文系3B,授課教師:郭章裕,三/2,3,4[H106])
必修-0028 History of Chinese Thought / 中國思想史 (中文系3B,授課教師:劉榮賢,二/2,3,4[H216])
必修-0029 Historical Chinese Semantics / 訓詁學 (中文系4A,授課教師:周玟慧,四/3,4[H304])
必修-0030 Readings on Tzu & Chyu with Writing Practice / 詞曲選及習作 (中文系4A,授課教師:李佳蓮,一/5,6[C202])
必修-0031 Historical Chinese Semantics / 訓詁學 (中文系4B,授課教師:王安碩,二/8,9[H305])
必修-0032 Readings on Tzu & Chyu with Writing Practice / 詞曲選及習作 (中文系4B,授課教師:高禎臨,三/3,4[H306])
選修-0033 Introduction to Popular Literature / 俗文學概論 (中文系1,授課教師:李佳蓮,二/3,4[H307])
選修-0034 Modern Fiction: Reading and Writing (I) / 現代小說閱讀與創作(一) (中文系1,授課教師:劉淑貞,三/6,7,8[H305])
選修-0035 Introduction to Philosophy / 哲學概論 (中文系1,授課教師:黃繼立/嚴瑋泓,四/2,3,4[LAN015])
選修-0036 Chinese Classics: Meng-chih / 孟子 (中文系2,授課教師:黃繼立,四/5,6,7[A107])
選修-0037 Introduction to Pre-Qin Thinkers / 先秦諸子導讀 (中文系1,授課教師:劉榮賢,四/2,3,4[H216])
選修-0038 Academic Studies of Han Dynasty / 漢代學術概論 (中文系2,授課教師:劉榮賢,四/6,7,8[H216])
選修-0039 Selected Readings in Ming-Ching Lyric Essays / 明清小品文選讀 (中文系2,授課教師:李佳蓮,二/6,7[H305])
選修-0040 Chinese Classics: Chu Tzu / 楚辭 (中文系2,授課教師:郭章裕,三/7,8[H306])
選修-0041 Modern Fiction: Reading and Writing (II) / 現代小說閱讀與創作(二) (中文系2,授課教師:周芬伶,三/7,8,9[H535])
選修-0042 Rhetoric / 修辭學 (中文系2,授課教師:甘漢銓,五/3,4[H209])
選修-0043 Daoism Thoughts / 道教思想 (中文系2,授課教師:李忠達,五/2,3,4[H216])
選修-0044 Contemporary Drama and Theater / 當代戲曲與劇場 (中文系2,授課教師:高禎臨,二/5,6,7[H216])
選修-0045 History of Taiwan Literature / 台灣文學史 (中文系2,授課教師:阮美慧,一/7,8,9[H216])
必修-0047 Chinese (117) / 中文(僑生班) (僑生1,授課教師:李皇誼,二/10,11,五/10,11[H307])
選修-0048 Introduction to Ancient Scripts / 古文字導讀 (中文系3,4,授課教師:朱岐祥,四/2,3,4[H317])
選修-0049 Technique of Creative Writing / 創作實務 (中文系3,4,授課教師:周芬伶,一/6,7,8[H535])
選修-0050 Selected Readings on the Poetry of Li Po and / 李杜詩選讀 (中文系3,4,授課教師:鍾曉峰,一/6,7,8[H305])
選修-0051 Chinese Classics: Wen Hsin Tiao Lung / 文心雕龍 (中文系3,4,授課教師:郭章裕,二/6,7,8[H317])
選修-0052 Chinese Classics: Chuang-chih / 莊子 (中文系3,4,授課教師:陳慶元,四/2,3,4[H306])
選修-0053 Practice of Contemporary Drama and Theater / 當代戲曲與劇場實作 (中文系2-4,授課教師:高禎臨,)
選修-0054 Literature and Movies / 文學與電影 (中文系2-4,授課教師:李皇誼,四/3,4[H206])
選修-0055 Teaching Creative Writing / 創意寫作教學 (中文系3,4,授課教師:周玟慧,五/3,4[LAN010])
必修-5011 Sinological English / 漢學英文 (中文碩1,授課教師:朱衣仙,三/3,4[H535])
必修-5012 Masters’ Thesis / 碩士論文 (中文碩,碩專3,4,授課教師:中文教師,)
必修-5013 Thesis / 博士論文 (中文博3-7,授課教師:中文教師,)
選修-5014 Study of Chinese Lyrical Tradition / 抒情傳統研究 (中文博1,2,授課教師:林香伶,一/5,6,7[H518])
選修-5015 Study of Dream of the Red Chamber and The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai / 紅樓夢與海上花研究 (中文博1,2,授課教師:周芬伶,四/6,7[H535])
選修-5016 Special Topic: Ancient Chinese / 古文字專題 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:朱岐祥,一/6,7[H534])
選修-5017 Seminar on the Records of the Grand / 史記專題 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:劉榮賢,二/6,7[H534])
選修-5018 Topics in Novel Writing / 長篇小說創作專題 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:周芬伶,二/5,6,7[H535])
選修-5019 Special Topics on Taiwan Modern Poetry / 戰後台灣現代詩專題 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:阮美慧,一/3,4[H518])
選修-5020 Topics in Comparative Literature: Inter-arts Studies / 比較文學專題:跨藝術研究 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:朱衣仙,四/2,3,4[H535])
選修-5021 Topics in Ancient Chinese Thoughts and Poetics / 思與詩的對話:古代思想與詩學專題 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:黃繼立/鍾曉峰,二/8,9,10[H535])
選修-5022 Topics in Wei-Jin Literati / 魏晉文人專題 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:陳慶元,四/6,7[H534])
選修-5023 Topics in Ming-Ching Drama and Theory / 明清戲曲與理論專題 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:高禎臨,四/3,4[H534])
選修-5024 Topics in Post-war Taiwanese Modernism Novel / 戰後現代主義小說專題 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:劉淑貞,一/9,10[H535])
選修-5025 Topics on Classical Fiction / 古典小說專題 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:陳兆南,三/6,7[H534])
選修-5026 Topics in Chinese Dialects Studies / 漢語方言研究專題 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:吳瑞文,二/3,4[H534])
選修-5027 Ming Bookstores and Publication Culture / 明代書坊與出版文化 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:中文教師,三/8,9,10,四/8,9,10[H551])
選修-5028 Study of Dream of the Red Chamber and / 紅樓夢與海上花專題 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:周芬伶,四/6,7[H535])
選修-5029 Literary History: from Ming-Qing to / 近代文學史專題 (中文碩博1,2,授課教師:林香伶,四/5,6,7[H518])