course information of 108 - 2 | 0039 Selected Readings in Ming-Ching Lyric Essays(明清小品文選讀 )

0039 - 明清小品文選讀 Selected Readings in Ming-Ching Lyric Essays

教育目標 Course Target

(一) 在認識中國文學史的流變基礎上,思考明清小品文之所由生的背景,與其他文類的差異處,建立明清小品文特殊的文學價值與意義。 (二) 培養學生閱讀、欣賞明清小品文的能力,從中體會明清文化深刻的思想內涵與民族情感,品味明清文人獨到的生活態度。 (三) 課程內容以人生中幾大重要主題如:親情、愛情、食、衣、住、行、育、樂等方面,引導學生將明清小品文中所蘊含的生活哲理與現實生活扣合,從中汲取古人的人生智慧。 (四) 訓練學生熟悉小品文雋永清新的文學風格,並在平易近人的文字中寄託耐人尋味的生活哲思,經由課程活動引導學生練習寫作。 (1) On the basis of understanding the evolution of Chinese literary history, consider the background of the Ming and Qing sketches and their differences with other genres, and establish the special literary value and significance of the Ming and Qing sketches. (2) Cultivate students' ability to read and appreciate Ming and Qing essays, experience the profound ideological connotations and national emotions of Ming and Qing culture, and appreciate the unique life attitudes of Ming and Qing literati. (3) The course content is based on several important themes in life, such as: family, love, food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, happiness, etc., to guide students to connect the life philosophy contained in Ming and Qing essays with real life. Learn the wisdom of life from the ancients. (4) Train students to be familiar with the timeless and fresh literary style of short essays, and enshrine thought-provoking philosophy of life in approachable words. Guide students to practice writing through course activities.

課程概述 Course Description

「小品」是與「大品」相對的概念,約當東晉時,因翻譯佛經經文有全譯或節譯之分,對於節譯或是卷帙較小的經文則稱為小品,後來,「小品」一詞便被廣用於文學,用指篇幅短小、形式靈活之散文。而在中國文學史的發展歷程中,明清文學一方面上承歷朝文學之成績,而有總結性的繼承與批判,二方面因對禮教的衝擊與反思、強調抒發性靈、張揚個性的時代潮流,一批內容包羅萬象、表現手法靈活自由、抒情議論敘事兼備的小品作品風起雲湧地誕生文壇,成為明清兩代具有代表性的文學體裁之一。 小品文是精緻優雅的藝術作品,本課程便以明清小品文名篇為主要觀察範疇,內容編排以主題為縱軸,除可領略文中意涵佳趣外,亦略可知各朝代、乃至作者的寫作風貌。從中引導學生研讀文本並進行相關主題論述,解讀某一類型的主題文本,思考明清文人的生活情趣,交流討論古人的生活智慧,觀察明清特殊社會型態與時代背景之下,文人所呈現異於前代的思維方式與價值觀。
"Xiaopin" is a concept opposite to "Dapin". Around the Eastern Jin Dynasty, because the translation of Buddhist scriptures could be divided into full translation or abridged translation, abridged versions or smaller volumes of scriptures were called Xiaopin. Later, "Xiaopin" was The term "essay" is widely used in literature to refer to short, flexible prose. In the development process of Chinese literary history, the literature of the Ming and Qing dynasties on the one hand inherited the achievements of previous dynasties' literature and had summary inheritance and criticism; on the other hand, it was due to the impact and reflection on etiquette and the trend of the times that emphasized expressing one's soul and expressing one's individuality. , a group of sketches with all-inclusive content, flexible and free expression techniques, and both lyrical discussion and narrative were born in the literary world and became one of the representative literary genres of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Essays are exquisite and elegant works of art. This course takes famous essays from the Ming and Qing Dynasties as the main observation area. The content is arranged with the theme as the vertical axis. In addition to appreciating the meaning and interest of the essays, you can also learn a little bit about the writings of each dynasty and even the author. style. Students are guided to study the text and discuss related themes, interpret a certain type of theme text, think about the life interests of the Ming and Qing literati, exchange and discuss the life wisdom of the ancients, and observe the literati's performance under the special social type and era background of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The way of thinking and values ​​are different from those of previous generations.

參考書目 Reference Books


Edited by Wu Hongyi: "Leisure and Fun-Sketches of the Ming and Qing Dynasties", Times Publishing House
Edited by Zhang Jing: "Landscapes and Essays - Selected Essays", Times Publishing House
Edited by Chen Wanyi: "The Voice of Spirituality-Sketches of the Ming and Qing Dynasties", Times Publishing House
Edited by Yang Yi: "Selected Commentary on Ming and Qing Sketch", Sanlian Bookstore
Editor-in-chief Yu Chongsheng: "Reading the Ming and Qing Dynasties: Cultural Exploration of Ming and Qing Literature", Wanjuanlou

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Daily grades (attendance, class performance, homework)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7[H305]
授課教師 Teacher:李佳蓮
修課班級 Class:中文系2
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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