course information of 108 - 2 | 0030 Readings on Tzu & Chyu with Writing Practice(詞曲選及習作)

0030 - 詞曲選及習作 Readings on Tzu & Chyu with Writing Practice

教育目標 Course Target

(一)介紹詞的源起、發展與演變,增進學生詞學基本概念,理解詞體的風格特質,並融入文學史的概念,掌握詞史的開展歷程。 (二)累積詞作的閱讀經驗,培養分析詞作的能力,從中品味精妙的文字,體察詞人內在心靈,欣賞詞體美麗的意境。 (三) 培養學生對詞作的深度理解,思考詞人之生命經驗,並藉此涵養情性,從中提煉生命智慧,藉以充實精神生活。 (四)透過填詞習作與吟唱朗誦,體驗詞體精微的藝術品味、細膩的情感表達,以及宛轉悠揚的音樂特質。 本課程為一學年,基於上課時間之分配,且劇曲另有系上專業選修課程,本課程以唐宋詞為大部分內容,曲的部分則於下學期期中考之後先講授散曲,最後帶入劇曲簡介。(1) Introduce the origin, development and evolution of Ci, enhance students' basic concepts of Ci, understand the stylistic characteristics of Ci, integrate the concept of literary history, and master the development process of Ci history. (2) Accumulate experience in reading lyrics, cultivate the ability to analyze lyrics, appreciate the exquisite words, understand the inner soul of the poet, and appreciate the beautiful artistic conception of the lyrics. (3) Cultivate students' in-depth understanding of poetry, think about the poet's life experience, and use this to cultivate their emotions, refine life wisdom, and enrich their spiritual life. (4) Through lyrics writing and singing and recitation, you can experience the subtle artistic taste of lyrics, the delicate emotional expression, and the melodious characteristics of music. This course lasts for one academic year. Based on the allocation of class time, there are also elective courses for majors in opera and opera. Most of the content of this course is Tang and Song Dynasty poetry. The music part will be taught first after the mid-term exam in the next semester. Sanqu will be taught at the end. Introduction to the opera.

參考書目 Reference Books


Specified books:
Zheng Qian: "Selected Poems", Taipei, Chinese Culture University, 1982
Min Zongshu, Liu Jihua, Geng Xiangyuan: "Selected Annotations of Ci from Past Dynasties", Taipei: Liren Book Company, 2003, three additional editions
Tang Guizhang: "Cihua Series", Taipei, Xinwenfeng, 1988
Ye Jiaying: "Seventeen Lectures on Tang and Song Ci", Taipei, Guiguan, 1992
Zhang Lizhu: "Selected Pocket Poems", Taipei: Liren Book Company, 2003
Zhang Lizhu: "Pocket Poetry", Taipei: Liren Book Company, 2006
Long Muxun and Zhuo Qingfen: "Selected Poems of Famous Writers of the Tang and Song Dynasties", Taipei, Liren, 2007
Lu Zhenghui: "A Brief Introduction to the Rhythm of Poetry, Ci and Music", Taipei: Da'an Publishing House, September 2011, first edition, six brushes

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Daily grades (attendance, class performance, homework)

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-0032 Readings on Tzu & Chyu with Writing Practice / 詞曲選及習作 (中文系4B,授課教師:高禎臨,三/3,4[H306])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/5,6[C202]
授課教師 Teacher:李佳蓮
修課班級 Class:中文系4A
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 50 人。

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