course information of 105 - 2 | 3843 Chinese:Appreciation and Practice of Literature(中文:文學欣賞與實用)

Taught In English3843 - 中文:文學欣賞與實用 Chinese:Appreciation and Practice of Literature

教育目標 Course Target

(一)介紹詞的源起、發展與演變,增進學生詞學基本概念,理解詞體的風格特質。 (二)累積詞作的閱讀經驗,培養分析詞作的能力,從中品味精妙的文字,體察詞人內在心靈,欣賞詞體美麗的意境。 (三) 培養學生對詞作的深度理解,思考詞人之生命經驗,並藉此涵養情性,從中提煉生命智慧,藉以充實精神生活。 (四)透過吟唱朗誦,體驗詞體精微的藝術品味、細膩的情感表達,以及宛轉悠揚的音樂特質。 (五)透過閱讀散曲與劇曲,品賞韻文學體系中詩、詞、曲之情味異同,藉以認識中國古典劇曲精采紛呈的樣貌。本課程為大一必修中文課程,課程名稱為「中國文學選讀」,具體內容則聚焦在「古典詞曲賞析」。 課程內容延續上學期,但著重在散曲和劇曲的部分。並且搭配劇曲影片欣賞,以及文創商品設計的活動,藉此活潑教學,體會詞曲精緻優美的意境。本學期課程延續上學期,從北宋詞蘇軾講授,介紹大家名作即可,宋詞結束後則進入元曲,先講散曲,再講劇曲,原則上講授到明清戲曲。 至於授課方式,以教師講授、鼓勵學生參與討論為主要方式,搭配影音及文創商品設計活動。筆者榮獲「東海大學104學年度專任教師教材教具製作費補助」,為了讓學生嘗試思考古典文學如何與現代社會接軌的問題,規劃了詞曲文創商品設計活動,籌備「團扇」、「紙傘」、「燈籠」、美術紙,以及彩色筆、墨汁、毛筆、簽字筆、美工刀、膠水等用具,請學生們自擇「團扇」、「紙傘」、「燈籠」組別,將喜歡的詞曲搭配圖畫,書寫、繪畫到這些物品上,創作具有古典文化意味的作品,並且在作品完成時,上台發表創作理念以及該詞曲對於自己的生活啟示。劇曲部分,在劇本賞析階段將配合讀劇活動。(I) Introduction to the origin, development and evolution of vocabulary, and enhance the basic concepts of student vocabulary, and understand the style characteristics of vocabulary. (2) Cumulative reading experience of lyrics, cultivate the ability to analyze lyrics, taste the exquisite words from it, observe the inner spirit of the lyrics, and appreciate the beautiful artistic conception of the lyrics. (III) Cultivate students' deep understanding of the word, think about the life experience of the verb, and use this to cultivate emotions, improve life wisdom from it, and use it to enrich spiritual life. (4) Through chanting, the subtle artistic taste of the body, the detailed emotional expression, and the elegant musical characteristics. (V) Through reading Sanqu and drama, you can appreciate the different emotions of poems, lyrics and music in the literary system, so as to understand the brilliant appearance of Chinese classical dramas. This course is a compulsory Chinese course for the first year. The course is called "Chinese Literature Selection and Reading". The specific content focuses on "Classic Lyrics and Music Analysis". The course content continues to be the first session, but the focus is on the part of Sanqu and Drama. And it is also accompanied by the appreciation of the drama and videos and the activities of creative product design, so as to lively teaching and the melody of the lyrics and music are refined and beautiful. The course of this school period will be extended to the first session. It will be taught from the Northern Song Dynasty lyrics Su Chi, and it will introduce everyone's famous works. After the Song Dynasty lyrics are over, we will enter the Yuan Dynasty. We will first talk about the San Festival and then the drama. The principle will be taught to the Ming and Qing Dynasties. As for the teaching method, the main method is to teach teachers and encourage students to participate and discuss, and it is combined with audio and video and cultural product design activities. The author was honored to receive the "Funds for the Production of Textbooks and Aids for the 104th Annual Specialized Teachers of Donghai University". In order to allow students to think about the problem of how classical literature meets modern society, he planned the lyrics and text creation product design activities, and prepared "group fans" and "papers" , "Lighting", artistic paper, as well as colored pens, ink, wool pens, sign pens, utility knife, glue water and other utensils. Please ask students to add "group fan", "paper" and "Lighting" to add their favorite lyrics. With pictures, write and paint on these objects, create works with classical cultural significance, and when the work is completed, go on stage to express the creative concept and the lyrics and songs that inspire their own life. The play part will cooperate with the reading activities during the playbook analysis stage.

參考書目 Reference Books

Designated books:
Zhang Lizhu: "Pocket Picking", Taipei: Liren Book Bureau, 2003
Shen Huiru: "Private Songs", Taipei: Liren Book Bureau, 2004 (self-edited)
Zeng Yongyi waited for: "The Choice of the Song", Taipei: National Press, 2002 (Self-edited)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam
Regular results (attendance rate, class performance, work results)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7[H204]
授課教師 Teacher:李佳蓮
修課班級 Class:文學院1
選課備註 Memo:第一階段限日間部文學院一年級選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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