course information of 102 - 02 | 7052 Seminar(專題討論)

Taught In English7052 - 專題討論 Seminar

教育目標 Course Target

此課程主要目標以提昇研究生之研究素質、學習態度及研究方法的學習,以加強並完成碩士畢業論文之寫作能力。課程將透過專題發表及研討的方式來進行,同時也將邀請校內外相關專家學者,進行專題研究發表。主要的授課內容將包括以下四項: 1. 各指導教授根據個人研究領域,訂定所指導之研究生研究論文方向與題目。 2. 各研究生進行論文初期發表。 3. 各研究生進行計畫進度發表。 4. 校外學者專家專題演講。此課程的實施方式主要將以專題發表及研討的方式來進行,研究生除了必需定期發表其論文寫作或計畫執行的進度外,在課程的發表過程中,各研究生之間也可達到相互學習、切磋及觀擵的機會,進而達到提昇其研究能力之目的。The main goal of this course is to improve the research quality, learning attitude and research methods of graduate students, so as to strengthen and complete the writing ability of master's graduation thesis. The course will be conducted through special presentations and discussions. Relevant experts and scholars from inside and outside the school will also be invited to conduct special research and presentations. The main teaching content will include the following four items: 1. Each supervisor will determine the direction and topic of the graduate research thesis he supervises based on his or her personal research field. 2. Each graduate student will publish an initial paper. 3. Each graduate student will present the project progress. 4. Special speeches by external scholars and experts. This course will be implemented mainly in the form of topic presentations and discussions. In addition to regularly publishing the progress of their thesis writing or project execution, graduate students can also learn from each other and learn from each other during the publication process of the course. Opportunities for discussion and observation, so as to enhance their research capabilities.

課程概述 Course Description

此課程主要目標以提昇研究生之研究素質、學習態度及研究方法的學習,以加強並完成碩士畢業論文之寫作能力。課程將透過專題發表及研討的方式來進行,同時也將邀請校內外相關專家學者,進行 專題研究發表。 主要的授課內容將包括以下四項: 1. 各指導教授根據個人研究領域,訂定所指導之研究生研究論文方向與題目。 2. 各研究生進行論文初期發表。 3. 各研究生進行計畫進度發表。 4. 校外學者專家專題演講。 此課程的實施方式主要將以專題發表及研討的方式來進行,研究生除了必需定期發表其論文寫作或計畫執行的進度外,在課程的發表過程中,各研究生之間也可達到相互學習、切磋及觀擵的機會,進而達到提昇其研究能力之目的。
The main goal of this course is to improve the research quality, learning attitude and research methods of graduate students, so as to strengthen and complete the writing ability of master's graduation thesis. The course will be conducted through special presentations and discussions, and relevant experts and scholars from inside and outside the school will also be invited to conduct the course. Special research published. The main teaching content will include the following four items: 1. Each supervising professor determines the direction and topic of the graduate research thesis he supervises based on his or her personal research field. 2. Each graduate student will publish an initial paper. 3. Each graduate student will present the project progress. 4. Special speeches by external scholars and experts. This course will be implemented mainly in the form of topic presentations and discussions. In addition to regularly publishing the progress of their thesis writing or project execution, graduate students can also learn from each other and learn from each other during the publication process of the course. Opportunities for discussion and observation, so as to enhance their research capabilities.

參考書目 Reference Books

語言:繁體中文 ISBN:9789572179062

譯者 ﹧ 張建成
出版社 ﹧ 六合出版社-外版
ISBN 13 ﹧9789578823297
Design Research Methods (Third Edition)
Author: Guan Xingsheng
Publisher: Quanhua Books
Publication date: December 16, 2010
Language: Traditional Chinese ISBN: 9789572179062

Design Method
Translator: Zhang Jiancheng
Publisher﹧Liuhe Publishing House-Foreign Edition
ISBN 13﹧9789578823297

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
book discussion
interim report
Final report

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必修-7172 Seminar ( IV ) / 專題討論(四) (景觀專班2,授課教師:章錦瑜/鍾溫凊/黃宜瑜/吳佩玲,二/12,13)
選修-7220 / 醫療糾紛實證研究:專題討論 (法律碩博,授課教師:吳俊穎,三/3,4[L115])

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-0
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:工設教師
修課班級 Class:工設碩1
選課備註 Memo:上課時間另訂,工工博乙
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 6 人。

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