學習面對具有多種用途的有限資源時,如何加以選擇來極大化效用、利潤與效率,並促進經濟的穩定、成長與公平。When learning how to choose to maximize utility, profit and efficiency when learning limited resources with multiple uses, and promote economic stability, growth and fairness.
(B)參考書 :以下參考書僅供參考,不必購買。
2、21世紀全球視野 (2010,第一版),霍德明、熊秉元、胡春田、巫和懋等合著,雙葉書廊有限公司。
3、Economics,Global Edition(2019,Thirteenth edition),Michael Parkin,Pearson
Education Limited.
4、Principles of Economics(2017,Eighth edition),N. Gregory Mankiw,Boston,MA :
Cengage Learning.
(A) Textbook:
1. Economics: (2022, 8th edition is released), co-authored by Zhang Qingxi, Xu Jiaqi, Liu Baojian, and Wu Tengmin, Taipei Double Ye Library.
2. Other auxiliary teaching materials (review and sharing of domestic and foreign economic and financial affairs issues), this part of the lecture is provided by the teacher from time to time.
(B) Reference Book: The following reference book is for reference only and does not require purchase.
1. Economics (2022, 10th edition), co-authored by Mao Qingsheng, Zhu Jingyi, Lin Quan, Xu Songgen, Chen Tianzhi, Chen Sizhi, Huang Chaoxi, etc., Huatai Cultural Affairs Co., Ltd.
2. 21st Century Global Vision (2010, First Edition), co-authored by Huo Deming, Xiong Bingyuan, Hu Chuntian, Wu Hemao, etc., Duye Library Co., Ltd.
3. Economics, Global Edition (2019, Thirteenth edition), Michael Parkin, Pearson
Education Limited.
4. Principles of Economics (2017, Eighth edition), N. Gregory Mankiw, Boston, MA :
Cengage Learning.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
小考小考 Small exam |
20 | 期中考與期末考前各舉行 1 次,整學期共 2次小考 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 | |
出席紀錄成績出席紀錄成績 Attendance record results |
15 | |
第17與18週觀看視頻 (Youtube)後所撰寫的短篇心得與感想及啟示。第17與18週觀看視頻 (Youtube)後所撰寫的短篇心得與感想及啟示。 Short stories written after watching the video (Youtube) on the 17th and 18th week. |
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