介紹總體經濟學的分析方法與應用,藉由現代總體理論的基本架構,以宏觀的角度來了解整體國家之總體經濟變數以及經濟表現。所欲探討的主題包括物價水準、利率水準、國民所得、失業率、通貨膨脹、經濟成長、景氣循環、評估財政政策與貨幣政策的效果等等。Introduce the analytical methods and applications of general economy, and understand the overall economic changes and economic performance of the overall country from a macro perspective through the basic structure of modern general theory. The topics I want to explore include price level, interest rate level, national income, unemployment rate, inflation, economic growth, environmental circulation, evaluating the effects of financial policies and currency policies, etc.
總體經濟學(2018, 第四版)
作者: 賴景昌
書局: 雙葉書廊
Overall Economics (2018, Fourth Edition)
Author: Feng Jingchang
Bookstore: Double Leaf Library
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
上課參與(作業、出席)上課參與(作業、出席) Participation in the class (work, attendance) |
30 | |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
40 |