course information of 109 - 1 | 2739 Sociology(社會學)

2739 - 社會學 Sociology

教育目標 Course Target

從105學年上學期開始,我嘗試將社會學課程結合日常生活之社會現狀觀察,與社會問題的分析與診治,從首屆的「社區與社會連結企畫書」。 第二屆則對焦於「社會學與社會問題報告」,選定「高齡社會」做為期末報告的探究主題。 第三屆,社會學的研究主題與社會現狀密切關聯,我們對焦於「勞動社會學」,藉以闡示有關血汗勞動的勞動條件與勞動權益之倡議,小組的研究主題包括:勞動社會學之法制面面觀、藍領、白領與粉領工作的勞動條件比較、工作貧窮、非典型工作(兼職/臨時工)勞動條件分析、職場性別不平等、托育政策&長照體系&現代婦女角色、再到網路新世代勞動觀探討、東海大學生的打工處境報告書等新興的現象探討。 本學期,我們將實地走訪社區,進入在地社會的田野場址,關注多元族群共居背後的真實樣貌與相關問題,邀請同學們針對本社區的在地資源與待解難題等社會需求各面向,培養解決問題的能力,嘗試為社區量身打造「社區營造方案」。 Starting from the first semester of the 105 academic year, I tried to combine the sociology course with the observation of the social status quo in daily life and the analysis and diagnosis of social problems, starting from the first "Community and Society Connection Plan". The second session focused on "Report on Sociology and Social Issues" and selected "Aging Society" as the theme of the final report. In the third session, the research topics of sociology are closely related to the current social situation. We focus on "labor sociology" to illustrate the labor conditions and labor rights and interests of hard work. The group's research topics include: the legal system of labor sociology Across the board, blue-collar, white-collar and pink-collar jobs Comparison of labor conditions, working poverty, analysis of labor conditions in atypical jobs (part-time/temporary workers), gender inequality in the workplace, child care policy & long-term care system & role of modern women, and discussion of the new generation’s labor outlook on the Internet, and the views of Tunghai college students Discussion of emerging phenomena such as part-time work situation reports. This semester, we will visit communities on the spot, enter the field sites of local society, pay attention to the real appearance and related issues behind the cohabitation of multi-ethnic groups, and invite students to focus on various aspects of social needs such as local resources and unsolved problems in this community. , cultivate problem-solving abilities, and try to tailor a "community building plan" for the community.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Wang Zhenhuan and Qu Haiyuan, 2015, Sociology and Taiwanese Society (Simplified Version)
2. Text of Xiangzikou sociology website

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Three memos
15 精讀有興趣章節
class participation
15 缺席次數以三次為限
midterm exam
20 十題解釋名詞+兩題申論題
Study and discussion of three articles
15 針對12,13,14週巷仔口社會學文本,提出個人觀點
Classroom Introduction
15 小組分工負責
Group term report
20 以社區營造的創新方案為題

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7[AG205]
授課教師 Teacher:呂秀玲
修課班級 Class:法律系1-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 24 人。

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