course information of 109 - 1 | 1934 Sociological Theories (I)(社會學理論(一))

1934 - 社會學理論(一) Sociological Theories (I)

教育目標 Course Target

本課程共分上下二學期,上學期的課程內容為「古典社會學理論」,下學期的課程內容為「當代社會學理論」。 上學期的古典社會學理論的目的在於扼要地介紹社會學思想的起源,並介紹所謂的「古典三大家」,亦即Karl Marx,Émile Durkheim和Max Weber三位思想家的思想內容,以及所謂的第四大家Georg Simmel的思想;他們的思想對日後社會學的發展帶來了至關重要的影響,也引導了社會學往後的分化以及複雜化的方向。 下學期的當代社會學理論的目的則在於介紹在古典社會學理論之後的理論發展。不同於古典社會學理論,當代社會學理論的發展是眾聲喧嘩、百花齊放的;也因此,在下學期的當代社會學理論的部分,我們將選定某些重要的思想家來介紹,希望同學能夠對不同思想家所提出的理論有兼具深度與廣度的涉獵,以及對於高度分化的當代社會學理論有較為全面的理解。 本課程的另一個重要的目標在於,希望使同學具備以社會學理論與實際世界的對話的能力。社會學是一門離不開實際世界的學問,社會學理論也是一樣的。不論社會學理論是由現實所歸納而來,還是純粹的理論建構的成果,都必然指涉到實際的社會世界。因此,本課程除了在課堂上藉由閱讀與課堂教學介紹社會學理論之外,也會以問題討論的方式,要求同學對課程中所介紹的社會學理論以實際的社會現象進行反思與對照,訓練同學具備以社會學理論來進行實際思考與應用的能力。問題討論沒有標準答案,但希望同學能夠從課堂中所教授的理論概念出發,對問題進行正反兩面的思辨。 This course is divided into two semesters. The course content of the first semester is "Classical Sociological Theory", and the course content of the second semester is "Contemporary Sociological Theory". The purpose of the classical sociological theory last semester was to briefly introduce the origin of sociological thought and introduce the ideological content of the so-called "three classical masters", that is, Karl Marx, Émile Durkheim and Max Weber, as well as the so-called third thinker. The thoughts of the four great masters Georg Simmel; their thoughts had a vital impact on the future development of sociology, and also guided the future differentiation and complexity of sociology. The purpose of contemporary sociological theory in the next semester is to introduce the theoretical development after classical sociological theory. Different from classical sociological theory, the development of contemporary sociological theory is noisy and a hundred flowers bloom; therefore, in the contemporary sociological theory part of the next semester, we will select some important thinkers to introduce, hoping that students can understand different The theories proposed by the thinkers have both depth and breadth of coverage, as well as a relatively comprehensive understanding of highly differentiated contemporary sociological theories. Another important goal of this course is to equip students with the ability to communicate between sociological theory and the real world. Sociology is a subject that cannot be separated from the real world, and sociological theory is the same. Regardless of whether sociological theory is summarized from reality or is the result of pure theoretical construction, it must refer to the actual social world. Therefore, in addition to introducing sociological theories through reading and classroom teaching in class, this course also requires students to reflect on and compare the sociological theories introduced in the course with actual social phenomena through problem discussions. Train students to have the ability to use sociological theories for practical thinking and application. There is no standard answer to the question discussion, but we hope that students can start from the theoretical concepts taught in class and think about both sides of the question.

參考書目 Reference Books

Giddens, Anthony, 1994,《資本主義與現代社會理論:馬克思、涂爾幹、韋伯》,簡惠美譯。台北:遠流。
Giddens, Anthony, 1994, "Capitalism and Modern Social Theory: Marx, Durkheim, and Weber", translated by Jian Huimei. Taipei: Yuanliu.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
100 不計成績,不定期點名,點到三次期末考扣考
Class exams (three times in total)
reading group
20 經典閱讀
final exam

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必修-1936 Sociological Theories (I) / 社會學理論(一) (社會系2B,授課教師:陳逸淳,三/2,3,4[SS212])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[SS323]
授課教師 Teacher:陳逸淳
修課班級 Class:社會系2A
選課備註 Memo:推廣部隨班附讀請獲得老師同意。
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目前選課人數為 72 人。

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