course information of 109 - 1 | 6558 Educational Sociology Special Study(教育社會學專題研究 )

6558 - 教育社會學專題研究 Educational Sociology Special Study

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的教學目標為培育教育研究所第一年的研究生,在修習本課程後具備從社會的互動與社會組織面相瞭解教育的本質,以及能夠運用批判思考的方式對當前教育現象進行反思的素養與能力。 從社會學的視野探索,教育目標以及內容的制定、實施與家庭、學校、社會、經濟、國家政策與文化傳統都有相當的關連,這些因素影響個人在社會中能夠得到何種及多少資源和機會,以及個人的價值態度和行為的養成,進而循環影響到個人的教育成就與社會地位的取得。 近年來社會與教育體系對教育改革的殷切期待,正式教育體系正推動108新課綱的實施,另一方面,國內實驗(另類)教育也蓬勃的發展。為讓修課同學能夠深入了解,全球教育思潮與國內社會變遷如何影響教育體制的發展,以及近年來實驗教育的發展現況,以掌握未來教育發展的趨勢,社會變遷與教育改革將納入本學期的授課主題。 因此本課程的主要內容,將包括瞭解與分析當前教育體系中的不公平現象,並從這些分析當中發現與找尋促進教育機會均等的機制;以及探討社會變遷對新型態(另類)教育的影響。為因應部分修習本課程的同學,尚未具備教育社會學的基礎訓練,課程的設計將從如何從社會學的視野觀察教育現象著手,再探討教育機會均等的核心概念,接著探討影響教育均等的主要情境因素,以及這些因素如何影響教育機會均等的實現。在探討社會變遷對教育改革影響的部分,課程設計將包括了解全球的教改思潮著手,進一步探索這些國內外的新教育思維,如何影響與形塑國內的另類教育的發展。 授課內容與閱讀資料除了觀念的闡述與釐清外,為強化修課學生的思辨統合能力,期中考前將安排三本教育社會學的經典著作的研讀與討論,期待透過理論與實務的不斷對話,來理解教育與社會的關係。期中考後社會變遷與教育改革專題,除了基本理論文獻的研讀與討論外,同時安排兩本專書的研讀,並安排四次的另類學校參訪見習。讓修課學生能夠經由參與另類教育現場,獲得觀察與實證的機會,以提升理論與實務結合的能力。 The teaching goal of this course is to cultivate first-year postgraduate students in the Institute of Education. After taking this course, they will have the ability to understand the nature of education from the perspective of social interaction and social organization, and to use critical thinking methods to reflect on current educational phenomena. and ability. From a sociological perspective, the formulation and implementation of educational goals and content are closely related to family, school, society, economy, national policies and cultural traditions. These factors affect what and how many resources and resources an individual can obtain in society. Opportunities, as well as the development of personal values, attitudes and behaviors, then cyclically affect the individual's educational achievements and social status. In recent years, society and the education system have had high expectations for education reform. The formal education system is promoting the implementation of the 108 new curriculum. On the other hand, domestic experimental (alternative) education is also booming. In order to allow students taking the course to have an in-depth understanding of how global educational trends and domestic social changes affect the development of the education system, as well as the current development status of experimental education in recent years, so as to grasp the trend of future educational development, social changes and educational reforms will be included in this semester's course Lesson Topics. Therefore, the main content of this course will include understanding and analyzing the unfair phenomena in the current education system, and discovering and looking for mechanisms to promote equal educational opportunities from these analyses; and exploring the impact of social changes on new (alternative) education. . In response to the fact that some students taking this course do not have basic training in educational sociology, the design of the course will start from how to observe educational phenomena from a sociological perspective, then explore the core concept of equal educational opportunities, and then explore the main factors affecting educational equality. Situational factors, and how these factors influence the achievement of equality of educational opportunity. In the section that explores the impact of social changes on education reform, the course design will include understanding global educational reform trends and further exploring how these new educational thinking at home and abroad affect and shape the development of alternative education in China. In addition to the elaboration and clarification of concepts in the lecture content and reading materials, in order to strengthen the students' critical thinking and integration abilities, the study and discussion of three classic works on educational sociology will be arranged before the midterm exam. It is expected that through the continuous dialogue between theory and practice, To understand the relationship between education and society. For the topic of social changes and educational reform after the mid-term exam, in addition to the study and discussion of basic theoretical literature, the study of two special books is also arranged, and four visits to alternative schools are arranged. This allows students taking the course to gain opportunities for observation and empirical evidence by participating in alternative education sites, thereby improving their ability to combine theory and practice.

參考書目 Reference Books

Phillipson, Sivanes, Kelly Ku, and Shane Phillipson, eds. 2013. Constructing Educational Achievement: A Sociocultural Perspective. New York: Routledge.
Dewey, John, 呂金一、吳毓瑩譯、2018,《明日學校》。商周。
Ken,Robinson & Lou Aronica,謝凱蒂譯,2018,《讓天賦自由》。台北市:天下文化。

Willis, Paul,2018, 秘舒,凌旻華譯《學做工:工人階級如學習繼承父業》 Learning to Label。麥田出版社:台北。


Phillipson, Sivanes, Kelly Ku, and Shane Phillipson, eds. 2013. Constructing Educational Achievement: A Sociocultural Perspective. New York: Routledge.
Dewey, John, translated by Lu Jinyi and Wu Yuying, 2018, "Tomorrow's School". Shang and Zhou dynasties.
Ken, Robinson & Lou Aronica, translated by Katie Xie, 2018, "Let Your Gifts Be Free". Taipei City: Tianxia Culture.

Willis, Paul, 2018, "Learning to Work: How the Working Class Learns to Inherit the Father's Business" translated by Mi Shu and Ling Min into Chinese. Learning to Label. Wheatfield Press: Taipei.
Zhang Huici, 2017, "Take a bite of Marx's fried buns: This is how I turn into an adult." Taipei: Chunk Culture.

Other single reading materials are uploaded to the teaching platform, and supplementary materials accompanying the class are uploaded to the Educational Sociology Research FB for students to download and read

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class participation (including class and classic reading reports)
Beginning experience report
Midterm participant observation report
Final report (both oral and written)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/10,11,12[教研所A會室]
授課教師 Teacher:趙星光
修課班級 Class:教育碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:3選1教育基礎課程之一
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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