course information of 105 - 1 | 3903 Chinese : Readings on Literature and Writing(中文:文學閱讀與寫作)

Taught In English3903 - 中文:文學閱讀與寫作 Chinese : Readings on Literature and Writing

教育目標 Course Target

本學期課程將以「家」為主題。 家是一個人從出生到成長中最重要的空間場所,同時也是型塑一個「人」的最主要關鍵。 一個人的種種性格、道德感以及複雜性幾乎都與這個空間有絕對的關係。他是「我」的進行式也是完成式。 而「家」也往往不只是「家」,不只與「我」密切相關;同時也與國族、社會有著密切的聯繫。 因此,本學期博雅的課程編排,完全不同與以往的方式,改而以「家」做為一個主題,輻射出與家相關聯的種種議題。 期待藉著「家」的思考,深入探究自我、社會、國族、甚至是種族等等議題。The theme of this semester’s courses will be “home”. Home is the most important space for a person from birth to growth, and it is also the most important key to shaping a "person". A person's various personalities, moral sense, and complexity are almost absolutely related to this space. It is the progressive and perfect form of "I". And "home" is often not just "home", it is not only closely related to "me"; it is also closely related to the nation and society. Therefore, the course arrangement of liberal arts this semester is completely different from the previous method. Instead, it takes "home" as a theme and radiates various issues related to home. I look forward to using the thinking of "home" to deeply explore issues such as self, society, nation, and even race.

課程概述 Course Description

  本校大一中文課程名稱為「文學欣賞與實用」(一般班)與「文學閱讀與寫作」(加強寫作班),奠基於培養文學素養的基礎上,因應各學院學科屬性之不同,以及面對職場的多元需求,將課程內容規畫為四大方向: A. 經典閱讀:針對各學院系學科屬性,擇選相應之文本進行閱讀與討論。 B. 溝通表達:藉由各式課程活動,提昇學生的書面寫作與口語表達之能力。 C. 場域連結:透過文本的閱讀與書寫,引導學生思索「自我」與社會的橫向連結。 D. 文本實踐:將文本閱讀與日常生活進行連結,付諸書寫與創作。   未來四大模組可依學院系性質、任課教師專長、以及學生興趣與需求,配搭出不同模組之組合,供學生多元學習。
The freshman Chinese courses at our school are titled "Literary Appreciation and Practicality" (General Class) and "Literary Reading and Writing" (Enhanced Writing Class). They are based on cultivating literary literacy and are adapted to the different subject attributes of each college and the challenges they face. In order to meet the diverse needs of the workplace, the course content is planned into four major directions: A. Classic reading: Select corresponding texts for reading and discussion based on the subject attributes of each college and department. B. Communication and Expression: Improve students’ written writing and oral expression abilities through various course activities. C. Field connection: Through the reading and writing of texts, students are guided to think about the horizontal connection between "self" and society. D. Text practice: connect text reading with daily life and put it into writing and creation. In the future, the four major modules can be combined with different modules according to the nature of the college and department, the expertise of the teachers, and the interests and needs of the students to provide students with diversified learning.

參考書目 Reference Books

Mainly based on selected chapters of each topic

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
group report

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/1,2[H318]
授課教師 Teacher:周翊雯
修課班級 Class:建築,工設,景觀1
選課備註 Memo:加強寫作班,日創院博雅生優先,限工設、景觀、建築系一年級選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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