course information of 103 - 1 | 1052 Biology(生物學)

Taught In English1052 - 生物學 Biology

教育目標 Course Target

1. 了解現代生物學知識 2. 以生物學角度探討生命與生態環境的共存關係 3. 環境惡化對疾病產生的影響 (從遺傳分子, 細胞生物學至個體表現探討)1. Understand modern biological knowledge 2. Explore the coexistence between life and the ecological environment from a biological perspective 3. The impact of environmental degradation on diseases (discussing from genetic molecules, cell biology to individual manifestations)

課程概述 Course Description

Biology is an indispensable science for mankind to explore the future, and it is also the foundation that symbolizes the major breakthroughs of mankind in the 21st century. With the advancement of the times and the development of biotechnology, the focus of biological science is constantly changing. By understanding biology, we can understand the commonality and diversity of life in the biosphere, from the atoms, molecules and individual organisms that constitute living things to the ecosystems of an island and a place, and explore the mysteries of life phenomena to understand living things. Relationship with human beings, appreciating the beauty of harmony between life and nature, and then respecting life, caring for the ecological environment, and maintaining the sustainable development of the earth. Therefore, the content of this course is based on general biology as the main axis, and the comprehensive teaching from molecules to ecology is an academic year course. Provide basic biological training for students majoring in environmental science to understand the basic structure and functional mechanisms of evolutionary adaptation of various organisms in complex environments.

參考書目 Reference Books

Campbell Biology, Concepts and Connections. Seven edition. Jane B Reece, Martha R. Taylor and Jean L. Dickey.
Campbell Biology, Concepts and Connections. Seven edition. Jane B Reece, Martha R. Taylor and Jean L. Dickey.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
40 兩次小考,每次各佔20%
midterm exam
final exam
attitude and attendance

授課大綱 Course Plan

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必修-0700 Methodology in Biological Research / 生物學研究導論 (生科系生醫組2,授課教師:趙偉廷,五/1[BS407])
必修-0705 Methodology in Biological Research / 生物學研究導論 (生科系生態組2,授課教師:江智民,五/1[LS114])
必修-0708 Molecular Biology / 分子生物學 (生科系生醫組3,授課教師:謝明麗/劉薏雯,一/2,3,五/2[BS406])
必修-0708 Molecular Biology / 分子生物學 (生科系生醫組3,授課教師:謝明麗/劉薏雯,一/2,3,五/2[BS406])
必修-0709 Molecular Biology Lab. / 分子生物學實驗 (生科系生醫組3,授課教師:謝明麗/劉薏雯,四/6,7,8[實驗室])
必修-0709 Molecular Biology Lab. / 分子生物學實驗 (生科系生醫組3,授課教師:謝明麗/劉薏雯,四/6,7,8[實驗室])
選修-0724 Cell Biology / 細胞生物學 (生科系3-4,授課教師:趙偉廷,二/2,四/3,4[LS113])
選修-0731 Paleobiology / 古生物學 (生科系3-4,授課教師:張鈞翔,五/3,4,六/2[BS406])
必修-0736 General Biology Lab. ( I ) / 普通生物學實驗(一) (生科系生醫組 1,授課教師:林惠真/江智民/劉少倫,二/6,7,8[實驗室])
必修-0736 General Biology Lab. ( I ) / 普通生物學實驗(一) (生科系生醫組 1,授課教師:林惠真/江智民/劉少倫,二/6,7,8[實驗室])
必修-0736 General Biology Lab. ( I ) / 普通生物學實驗(一) (生科系生醫組 1,授課教師:林惠真/江智民/劉少倫,二/6,7,8[實驗室])
必修-0737 General Biology Lab. ( I ) / 普通生物學實驗(一) (生科系生態組 1,授課教師:林惠真/江智民/劉少倫,一/6,7,8[實驗室])
必修-0737 General Biology Lab. ( I ) / 普通生物學實驗(一) (生科系生態組 1,授課教師:林惠真/江智民/劉少倫,一/6,7,8[實驗室])
必修-0737 General Biology Lab. ( I ) / 普通生物學實驗(一) (生科系生態組 1,授課教師:林惠真/江智民/劉少倫,一/6,7,8[實驗室])
必選-0738 / 生物學學習方法〈一〉 (生科系 1,授課教師:林惠真,五/6[LS114])
必選-0739 / 生物學學習方法〈一〉 (生科系 1,授課教師:江智民,五/6[LS113])
必選-0740 / 生物學學習方法〈一〉 (生科系 1,授課教師:林宜靜,五/6[BS401])
必選-0741 / 生物學學習方法〈一〉 (生科系 1,授課教師:汪碧涵,五/6[BS402])
必選-0742 / 生物學學習方法〈一〉 (生科系 1,授課教師:劉少倫,五/6[BS404])
必修-1056 Biology Lab. / 生物學實驗 (環工系2A,授課教師:趙偉廷/陳仁祥,四/7,8,9[BS404])
必修-1056 Biology Lab. / 生物學實驗 (環工系2A,授課教師:趙偉廷/陳仁祥,四/7,8,9[BS404])
必修-1059 Biology Lab. / 生物學實驗 (環工系2B,授課教師:趙偉廷/陳仁祥,三/6,7,8[BS404])
必修-1059 Biology Lab. / 生物學實驗 (環工系2B,授課教師:趙偉廷/陳仁祥,三/6,7,8[BS404])
選修-1081 Environmental Microbiology / 環境微生物學 (環工系3-4,授課教師:黃啟裕,五/2,3,4[C106])
必修-2352 Cell Biology / 細胞生物學 (畜產系2A,授課教師:陳珠亮,三/3,4[AG204])
必修-2356 Cell Biology / 細胞生物學 (畜產系2B,授課教師:陳珠亮,二/3,4[C106])
必修-2362 Introductory Molecular Biology / 基礎分子生物學 (畜產系3A,授課教師:羅能文,三/7,8[AG205])
必修-2369 Introductory Molecular Biology / 基礎分子生物學 (畜產系3B,授課教師:羅能文,二/1,2[AG204])
必修-2442 General Biology / 普通生物學 (食科系1A,授課教師:江文德,二/2,3,三/8[AG104])
必修-2444 General Biology / 普通生物學 (食科系1B,授課教師:江文德,一/4[H208] 二/6,7[H318])
選修-2477 Microbiology (II) / 微生物學(二) (食科系2A,授課教師:閻立平,四/3,4[AG103])
選修-2478 Microbiology Lab. (II) / 微生物學實驗(二) (食科系2,授課教師:閻立平,三/5,6,7[實驗室])
選修-2479 Microbiology (II) / 微生物學(二) (食科系2B,授課教師:閻立平,四/8,9[AG202])
選修-2480 Microbiology Lab. (II) / 微生物學實驗(二) (食科系2B,授課教師:閻立平,一/6,7,8)
選修-2489 Molecular Biology / 分子生物學 (食科系3,授課教師:陳菀玲,四/3,4[AG203])
必修-3273 History and Outline of Biology in / 自然:校園環境裡生物學的史話與綱要 (共必修1-4,授課教師:林良恭,四/8,9[SS108])
必修-3295 Mendel's Dream-The Pioneer History of / 自然:孟德爾之夢:分子生物學開拓史 (共必修1-4,授課教師:陳文盛,一/7,8,10,11[LS113])
必修-3301 The Social Impact of Modern Biology / 自然:近代生物學對社會的影響 (共必修1-4,授課教師:劉德祥,一/10,11[SS108])
必修-3402 Life and Death: Biological and / 通識:生命與死亡:生物學及哲學的觀點 (共必修1-4,授課教師:史偉民/胡承波,四/2,3,4[C221])
必修-3402 Life and Death: Biological and / 通識:生命與死亡:生物學及哲學的觀點 (共必修1-4,授課教師:史偉民/胡承波,四/2,3,4[C221])
必修-5420 Molecular Biology (I) / 分子細胞生物學(一) (生科博, 生醫碩,授課教師:劉薏雯/林玉雯,三/6,7,8[LS124])
必修-5420 Molecular Biology (I) / 分子細胞生物學(一) (生科博, 生醫碩,授課教師:劉薏雯/林玉雯,三/6,7,8[LS124])
選修-5651 Advanced Environmental Microbiology / 高等環境微生物學 (環工系4,碩博1,2,授課教師:黃啟裕,五/7,8,9[S101])
選修-6677 Special Topics on Molecular Biology / 分子生物學特論 (畜產系4,碩1,2,授課教師:歐柏榮,二/3,4[AG208])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4,Wednesday/5[H103]
授課教師 Teacher:趙偉廷/陳仁祥
修課班級 Class:環工系2A,2B
選課備註 Memo:二A、二B合班
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 103 人。

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