1. 建立對化石的認識與解構化石的特徵。
2. 建立對地球歷史與生命演化歷程的完整概念。
3. 藉由化石特徵,瞭解各個階段古生物的結構功能。
4. 瞭解生命演化史中,各個生物類群的親緣關係。
5. 藉由瞭解地質史中重大演化與滅絕事件,檢視現今生物所面臨的現況與危機。1. Establish understanding and solving the characteristics of fossils.
2. Establish a complete concept of the history of the earth and the evolution of life.
3. Understand the structural functions of paleontology at each stage through fossil characteristics.
4. Understand the relationship between various biological groups in the history of life evolution.
5. By understanding the major evolutionary and absolute events in geological history, examine the current situations and crises facing organisms today.
Paleontology mainly describes the morphological characteristics, structural functions, erectile ties, lifestyle, physiological functions and geographical distribution of life phenomena in various stages in the history of the earth. It also uses the characteristics of fossils and rock layers to promote the ancient climate environment of various places in the ages. , explore the origin, evolutionary adaptability and absolute events of life. Paleontology can be regarded as the most traditional and classical subject in the field of broad biology. In recent years, with the development of life science research and the continuous cumulative exploration of fossils, new evidence has been continuously generated to overturn old hypotheses and constantly impact and challenge theories of biological evolution. Through this course, we can examine major biological evolution events in geographic history one by one through the care of time, and have a deeper understanding of the evolutionary process of life. It also has a more extensive understanding of the phenomenon of life.
1. Evolution of the Earth. 2010. by Donald R. Prothero. (The McGraw-Hill). ISBN: 978-0-07-282684-5.
2. Benton, M.J. and D.A.T. Harper. 2009. Introduction to Paleobiology and the Fossil Record. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. (ISBN: 978-1405141574)
1. Evolution of the Earth. 2010. by Donald R. Prothero. (The McGraw-Hill). ISBN: 978-0-07-282684-5.
2. Benton, M.J. and D.A.T. Harper. 2009. Introduction to Paleobiology and the Fossil Record. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. (ISBN: 978-1405141574)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 | |
個人報告個人報告 Personal Report |
20 | 每人報告5分鐘、書面報告1000字以上 |
分組報告分組報告 Sub-group report |
20 | 每四人一組,每組口頭報告15分鐘、書面報告,2000字以上 |
平時作業平時作業 Normal operation |
10 | 滿分110分 |