course information of 108 - 2 | 8651 Sophomore English(大二英文)

Taught In English8651 - 大二英文 Sophomore English

教育目標 Course Target

On completion of the FENM course, students should be able to 1) enhance their English listening ability; 2) enhance their English reading ability; 3) enhance their overall English communicative ability; and 4) enhance their knowledge of cultural diversity and an international perspective.On completion of the FENM course, students should be able to 1) enhance their English listening ability; 2) enhance their English reading ability; 3) enhance their overall English communicative ability; and 4) enhance their knowledge of cultural diversity and an international perspective.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.Textbook: Top Notch: English for Today’s World 3, 3rd edition
by Joan Saslow & Allen Ascher, 2015, Pearson Education, Inc.
2.Supplementary Class Materials: Handouts from the instructor.

1.Textbook: Top Notch: English for Today’s World 3, 3rd edition
by Joan Saslow & Allen Ascher, 2015, Pearson Education, Inc.
2.Supplementary Class Materials: Handouts from the instructor.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm & Final ExamsMidterm & Final Exams
midterm & final exams
30 Reading (50%) & Listening (50%)
20 Vocabulary, Reading Cloze, Reading & Listening Comprehension, Dictation
Task-Based AssignmentsTask-Based Assignments
task-base assignments
15 Poster Production & Oral presentations
Online PracticeOnline Practice
online practice
20 Reading, Listening, & Grammar
15 Attendance, Q-&-As, & Discussions

授課大綱 Course Plan

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必修-4101 [Taught in English] Sophomore English-Presentation and Public Speaking / 大二英文:簡報與演說 (企管系,國貿系2,授課教師:Delisha Elizabeth Thompson,四/8,9[M222])
必修-4102 [Taught in English] Sophomore English-Career and Profession / 大二英文:職涯與專業 (企管系,國貿系2,授課教師:陳振源,四/8,9[M232])
必修-4103 [Taught in English] Sophomore English-Daily Communication / 大二英文:日常溝通 (企管系,國貿系2,授課教師:張美鳳,四/8,9[M219])
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必修-4107 [Taught in English] Sophomore English-Presentation and Public Speaking / 大二英文:簡報與演說 (會,財,統,資管,國際2,授課教師:Jiedson R. Domigpe,三/5,6[M233])
必修-4108 [Taught in English] Sophomore English-Career and Profession / 大二英文:職涯與專業 (會,財,統,資管,國際2,授課教師:Amanda Parmley Wu,三/5,6[M153])
必修-4109 [Taught in English] Sophomore English-Daily Communication / 大二英文:日常溝通 (會,財,統,資管,國際2,授課教師:Stephen Michael Birk,三/5,6[M117])
必修-4110 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (會,財,統,資管,國際2,授課教師:Henry Westheim,三/5,6[M221])
必修-4111 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (會,財,統,資管,國際2,授課教師:曾瑾玲,三/5,6[M133])
必修-4112 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (會,財,統,資管,國際2,授課教師:余詩芸,三/5,6[M134])
必修-4113 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (會,財,統,資管,國際2,授課教師:Michael Grosso,三/5,6[PG203])
必修-4114 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (會,財,統,資管,國際2,授課教師:Anna Jaworska,三/5,6[PG302])
必修-4115 [Taught in English] Sophomore English-Multiculturalism / 大二英文:多元文化 (政治,行政,社會,社工2,授課教師:陳順龍,五/7,8[LAN202])
必修-4116 [Taught in English] Sophomore English-Presentation and Public Speaking / 大二英文:簡報與演說 (政治,行政,社會,社工2,授課教師:Lauren Rebecca Cryer,五/7,8[A108])
必修-4117 [Taught in English] Sophomore English-Career and Profession / 大二英文:職涯與專業 (政治,行政,社會,社工2,授課教師:林嬑㼸,五/7,8[LAN002])
必修-4118 [Taught in English] Sophomore English-Daily Communication / 大二英文:日常溝通 (政治,行政,社會,社工2,授課教師:Delisha Elizabeth Thompson,五/7,8[LAN015])
必修-4119 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (政治,行政,社會,社工2,授課教師:Henry Westheim,五/7,8[LAN014])
必修-4120 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (政治,行政,社會,社工2,授課教師:邱幸珍,五/7,8[LAN013-1])
必修-4121 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (政治,行政,社會,社工2,授課教師:曾瑾玲,五/7,8[LAN013])
必修-4122 [Taught in English] Sophomore English-Multiculturalism / 大二英文:多元文化 (經濟,畜產,食科,法律2,授課教師:李孟螢,四/1,2[LAN001])
必修-4123 [Taught in English] Sophomore English-Presentation and Public Speaking / 大二英文:簡報與演說 (經濟,畜產,食科,法律2,授課教師:Jonathan Brian Walter Hayes,四/1,2[LAN002])
必修-4124 [Taught in English] Sophomore English-Presentation and Public Speaking / 大二英文:簡報與演說 (經濟,畜產,食科,法律2,授課教師:Jiedson R. Domigpe,四/1,2[LAN014])
必修-4125 [Taught in English] Sophomore English-Daily Communication / 大二英文:日常溝通 (經濟,畜產,食科,法律2,授課教師:許聖瑤,四/1,2[LAN014-1])
必修-4126 [Taught in English] Sophomore English-Daily Communication / 大二英文:日常溝通 (經濟,畜產,食科,法律2,授課教師:Stephen Michael Birk,四/1,2[LAN109])
必修-4127 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經濟,畜產,食科,法律2,授課教師:Amanda Parmley Wu,四/1,2[A101])
必修-4128 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經濟,畜產,食科,法律2,授課教師:黃幼君,四/1,2[LAN012])
必修-4129 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經濟,畜產,食科,法律2,授課教師:Mailly Cothran,四/1,2[LAN013])
必修-4130 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (經濟,畜產,食科,法律2,授課教師:陳數紅,四/1,2[LAN011])
必修-4131 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (餐旅,美術,音樂2,授課教師:張旭琪,五/1,2[M121])
必修-4132 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (餐旅,美術,音樂2,授課教師:江宜樺,五/1,2[M122])
必修-4133 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (餐旅,美術,音樂2,授課教師:盧麗桾,五/1,2[M109])
必修-8652 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (共必修2,授課教師:陳振源,二/12,13[LAN011])
必修-8653 [Taught in English] Sophomore English / 大二英文 (共必修2,授課教師:翁焜祥,二/12,13[LAN013])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/12,13[LAN009]
授課教師 Teacher:陳中漢
修課班級 Class:共必修2
選課備註 Memo:50分以上方能續修下期
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 29 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 29 人。

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