course information of 108 - 2 | 4093 Sophomore English-Career and Profession(大二英文:職涯與專業)

Taught In English4093 - 大二英文:職涯與專業 Sophomore English-Career and Profession

教育目標 Course Target

[English for Engineering] will help students going into various engineering fields be able to COMMUNICATE in English ideas and concepts related to their future work. We will focus on speaking and listening with some reading; there is also an emphasis on understanding and using vocabulary necessary to communicate with non-professionals in English. The course is very INTERACTIVE as it will give students many opportunities to share in English with one another and the teacher things they already know as well opportunities to research and look up things that might be new to them. This is a FUN class that will be USEFUL to your future career!![ENGLISH for Engineering] Will Help Students Going Into Various Engineering Fields Be Abledicate in English Ideas and Concepts Related to their Future Work Work. We will focus on speaking and listening with some reading; there is also an emphasis on undertony of vocabularly to commit. ssionals in English. The Course is very interest as it will give studers many oppointunities to share in English with one any and the team thinks they alream know as well o PPORTUNITIES to Research and look up thinks that might be new to them. This is a fund class that will be usedful to your future career !!

課程概述 Course Description

「大二英文」是一個以學習者為中心的模組化課程。針對學生個人學習興趣及相關系所之專業需求,開設四大模組課程,分別為「職涯與專業」、「日常溝通」、「多元文化」以及「自我表達技巧」。四大模組分別由具有共同核心目標但涵蓋不同主題之課程所建構而成。所有的課程均以學期為單位,學生根據個別興趣及需求,必須於上、下學期選擇兩門不同的模組課程。本課程將以25人小班制進行互動式教學,結合討論、展演及實作等各類學習活動,讓學生能在更多元、自主的學習語境中,具體強化其英語文溝通能力。 本課程屬於「職涯與專業」模組。針對不同學院開設符合其職涯專業需求的英語文課程。透過英文能力的提升,具體強化學生未來就業需求與職場競爭力。 The SENM program is a student-centered module-based program which offers students choices and small, interactive classes. The program encourages students to tailor their English learning to their specific needs and interests by offering four semester-based modules: Career and Profession, Daily Communication, Multiculturalism, and Self-Expression Skills. Additionally, within each of the four modules, there are different themes, or topics, around which each course‘s curriculum is built. Each SENM student must choose two different module courses in one academic year according to their interests and needs. The program’s small class size (no more than 25 students) means that a variety of class activities such as discussions, role plays, and presentations are an integral part of the program. This specific course belongs to the Career and Profession Module. This module focuses on different specialized fields that can help students increase their professional competence in English and prepare them for jobs of the future. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to 1) demonstrate their communicative competence in relation to the specific theme of the course; 2) use skills acquired in the course to explore specific topics related to their career and professional development; 3) use specialized vocabulary and terms to express themselves more professionally; and 4) effectively communicate with others in practical, profession-oriented situations.
"Sophomore English" is a learner-centered modular course. Based on students' personal learning interests and professional needs of relevant workplaces, four major module courses are offered, namely "Career and Professional", "Daily Communication", "Multiculturalism" and "Self-Expression Skills". The four major modules are constructed from courses with a common core goal but covering different topics. All courses are based on semesters. Students must choose two different module courses in the first and next semesters based on their individual interests and needs. This course will be interactively taught in a small class size of 25 people, and will be combined with various learning activities such as discussions, performances, and practicals, so that students can specifically strengthen their English communication skills in a more diverse and independent learning context. This course belongs to the "Career and Professional" module. Offer English courses for different colleges that meet their career and professional needs. Through the improvement of English proficiency, students' future employment needs and workplace competitiveness will be specifically strengthened. The SENM program is a student-centered module-based program which offers students choices and small, interactive classes. The program encourages students to tailor their English learning to their specific needs and interests by offering four semester-based modules: Career and Profession, Daily Communication, Multiculturalism, and Self-Expression Skills. Additionally, within each of the four modules, there are different themes, or topics, around which each course's curriculum is built. Each SENM student must choose two different module courses in one academic year according to their interests and needs. The program’s small class size (no more than 25 students) means that a variety of class activities such as discussions, role plays, and presentations are an integral part of the program. This specific course belongs to the Career and Profession Module. This module focuses on different specialized fields that can help students increase their professional competence in English and prepare them for jobs of the future. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to 1) demonstrate their communicative competence in relation to the specific theme of the course; 2) use skills acquired in the course to explore specific topics related to their career and professional development; 3) use specialized vocabulary and terms to express themselves more professionally; and 4) effectively communicate with others in practical, profession-oriented situations.

參考書目 Reference Books

Oxford English for Careers: Technology 1 Student's Book
By Eric H. Glendinning
Oxford University Press
Oxford English for careers: technology 1 students book bye rich. Glen dinning Oxford university press

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and ParticipationAttendance and Participation
Atmence and participation
Midterm and Final ProjectsMidterm and Final Projects
Midterm and Final Projects
In-Class Assignments and QuizzesIn-Class Assignments and Quizzes
In-Class Assignments and Quizzes

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/1,2[LAN013]
授課教師 Teacher:Amanda Parmley Wu
修課班級 Class:工學院2
選課備註 Memo:科技英文 English for Engineering;詳見授課大綱
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 23 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 23 人。

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