course information of 102 - 02 | 2141 Sociology(社會學)

Taught In English2141 - 社會學 Sociology

教育目標 Course Target

歡迎大家!這門課是學年課,是社會學入門的基礎課。這學年希望達成三個目標: 1、讓大家開始摸索“社會學的”思考方式;但我要馬上指出,其實並沒有一個唯一的、標準的社會學思考方式,社會學有趣也就在於它包容很多不同的思路與可能。因此,這個目標其實是要讓大家開始對很多問題與現象開始好奇與思考;這也就聯繫到第二個目標 2、讓大家開始對社會生活產生好奇與興趣;對很多習焉而不察的現象,我們開始以一種新奇的眼光觀察、紀錄,並提問:為什麼是這樣?「這樣」又會為(不同的)人們帶來什麼(不同的)後果?以前是這樣嗎?非這樣不可嗎? 3、社會是一本大書,我們要自己讀它,這就是要求大家多觀察多留意我們所存在的遠遠近近的世界與社會。但同時,很多人閱讀了人生、社會、世界,寫成了書或文章、拍成了電影,我們也要讀讀他們是怎麼讀這個世界的。瞭解他們的觀點與論證的力道與弱點,藉以幫助自己形成自己的看法與論點。所以這門課的第三個目標是:增強大家閱讀各種文本的能力。 要達到這三個目標,大家要按部就班閱讀指定的教材並參與課堂的討論。我會不定期的發給大家隨堂閱讀資料,然後帶領進行分析討論。我也要求同學每週都要進行報紙、期刊或雜誌的資料蒐集工作,或更好的是──你自己在生活中觀察並記錄,並在課堂上報告你上課之前一週內的「社會學觀察」,闡釋其意涵。每位同學都要準備一個剪報或下載資料夾,資料夾可以不必每週帶到課堂,但每週上課時要準備好前一週內你所蒐集的那筆「社會學觀察」資料,並作好隨時上台報告的準備。Welcome everyone! This course is an academic year course and is a basic course for introductory sociology. We hope to achieve three goals this school year: 1. Let everyone start to explore the "sociological" way of thinking; but I want to point out right away that there is actually no single, standard way of thinking sociologically. The interesting thing about sociology is that it accommodates many different ideas and possibilities. Therefore, this goal is actually to make everyone start to be curious and think about many issues and phenomena; this is also related to the second goal 2. Let everyone begin to become curious and interested in social life; we begin to observe and record with a novel eye many phenomena that we are accustomed to and are unaware of, and ask: Why is this so? What (different) consequences will "this" bring to (different) people? Was it like this before? Is it necessary? 3. Society is a big book, and we have to read it ourselves. This requires everyone to observe and pay more attention to the world and society in which we exist, both near and far. But at the same time, many people have read about life, society, and the world, written books or articles, and made movies. We also need to read how they read the world. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of their views and arguments to help you formulate your own. So the third goal of this course is: to enhance everyone's ability to read various texts. To achieve these three goals, everyone must read the designated teaching materials step by step and participate in class discussions. I will send reading materials to everyone from time to time, and then lead analysis and discussion. I also require students to collect information from newspapers, journals or magazines every week, or better yet - observe and record your own life, and report in class your "sociological observations" during the week before class. ”, explain its meaning. Each student must prepare a newspaper clipping or downloaded folder. The folder does not need to be brought to class every week, but you must prepare the "Sociological Observation" data you collected in the previous week during class each week, and make a complete Be prepared to report on stage at any time.

參考書目 Reference Books

費孝通 《鄉土中國》
季登斯 《社會學》
Fei Xiaotong "Native China"
Giddens "Sociology"

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
academic year report
ordinary fraction

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8[SS323]
授課教師 Teacher:趙 剛
修課班級 Class:社會系1A
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 86 人。

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