course information of 102 - 02 | 3334 Movie and Sociology(經典閱讀:電影與社會學)

Taught In English3334 - 經典閱讀:電影與社會學 Movie and Sociology

教育目標 Course Target

「電影」是現代生活經驗的重要感官再現媒介。 儘管它在誕生之初,是那樣地披著一身令上流文化教養人士不敢恭維的「驚訝」色彩,今天在我們的日常生活中,電影已經佔領了一個迷人又不可或缺的地位。澳洲的文化研究學者Graeme Turner在《電影作為社會實踐》一書的前言中就曾談到:「目前,電影在我們文化中的功能已經不再是作為一種簡單的展示性審美對象而存在。無論對於製片人還是觀眾而言,通俗電影的主要任務就是為觀眾提供快樂,但這並不是說麻痺觀眾或者『向他們大腦裡灌輸垃圾食品』。事實上,通俗電影提供的樂趣確實與文學或美術作品很不相同,但是他們同樣值得我們去理解…電影對於拍攝者和觀眾都是一種社會實踐:從影片的敘事和意義中我們能夠發現我們的文化是如何認識自我的。」 既然,「電影」對現代人的感知心靈有這麼大的啟動力量… …隨著社會學的專業知識和教學經驗逐漸累積,我總是在想:有沒有可能將暢銷電影文本與社會學經典讀本兩者結合起來,使能在教學上發揮互相闡發的豐富效果?! 以上動機,醞釀了這個課程的基本設計構想:我打算從個人主觀的社會學知識品味出發,發掘諸多(通俗)電影文本和社會學經典讀本之間的「詮釋連帶」。亦即:開發電影文本和社會學經典讀本之間可能存在的相互詮釋及再詮釋關係。這當然直接關係到我個人選擇解讀電影的特殊視角的知識能力;或者,應該稱為一種「知識品味的創造性發現」。 這樣一種「形式導向」的課程設計,在教學上有幾點好處: 第一、 為社會學的入門者,打造一條可親可及的知識趣味之路。(這是本堂課,歡迎大一選修的重要理由) 第二、 為社會學的年輕學習者,提供一個符合時代心靈感知特性的經典閱讀的時機。(這是本堂課,仍然適合大二以上選修的理由,因為這些「社會學經典文本」,恐怕在社會系四年畢業之後,也未必曾經翻過一頁。)"Film" is an important sensory representation medium of modern life experience. Although at the beginning of its birth, it was so full of "surprise" that people with upper-class culture could not praise it, today in our daily lives, movies have occupied a fascinating and indispensable position. Australian cultural studies scholar Graeme Turner once said in the preface of the book "Film as Social Practice": "At present, the function of film in our culture is no longer a simple display of aesthetic objects. Regardless of For both producers and audiences, the main task of popular movies is to provide happiness to the audience, but this does not mean to numb the audience or "feed junk food into their brains." In fact, the fun provided by popular movies is indeed the same as that of literature or literature. Fine arts are very different, but they are equally worthy of our understanding... Film is a social practice for both the photographer and the audience: from the narrative and meaning of the film, we can discover how our culture understands itself. " Since "movies" have such a great power to activate modern people's perception and soul... …As my professional knowledge and teaching experience in sociology gradually accumulate, I always wonder: Is it possible to combine best-selling movie texts and classic sociology books so that they can have a rich effect of mutual elucidation in teaching? ! The above motivations gave rise to the basic design concept of this course: I plan to explore the "interpretive connections" between many (popular) film texts and sociological classics based on my personal subjective sociological knowledge taste. That is: to develop possible mutual interpretation and re-interpretation relationships between film texts and sociological classics. This is of course directly related to my personal intellectual ability to choose a special perspective for interpreting movies; or, it should be called a "creative discovery of intellectual taste." Such a "form-oriented" course design has several advantages in teaching: First, create an accessible and interesting path of knowledge for beginners in sociology. (This is an important reason why freshmen are welcome to take this class as an elective) Second, provide young learners of sociology with an opportunity to read classics that are in line with the spiritual perception characteristics of the times. (This is the reason why this class is still suitable for sophomores and above to take as an elective, because these "classic texts of sociology" may not have been turned over even after four years of graduation from the sociology department.)

參考書目 Reference Books

社會學的想像》The Sociological Imagination,C. Wright Mills (1956)陳強、張永強譯 (2005),三聯書店。
《一切堅固的東西都煙消雲散了:現代性體驗》All that is solid melts into air: The Experience of Modernity,Marshall Berman (1982)徐大建、張輯 譯 (2004),商務印書館。
《現代性與大屠殺》Modernity and the holocaust,Zygmunt Bauman (1995)楊渝東、史建華 譯 (2002),譯林出版社。
《臨終者的孤寂》Übert die Einsamkeit Sterbenden,Norbert Elias (1982)鄭義愷 譯 (2008),群學。
《旁觀他人之痛苦》Regarding the pain of others,Susan Sontag(2003)陳耀成 譯 (2010),麥田出版社。
The Sociological Imagination, C. Wright Mills (1956) translated by Chen Qiang and Zhang Yongqiang (2005), Sanlian Bookstore.
"All that is solid melts into air: The Experience of Modernity", Marshall Berman (1982) Translated by Xu Dajian and Zhang Ji (2004), The Commercial Press.
"Modernity and the Holocaust", Zygmunt Bauman (1995) translated by Yang Yudong and Shi Jianhua (2002), Yilin Publishing House.
"The Loneliness of the Dying" Übert die Einsamkeit Sterbenden, translated by Norbert Elias (1982) Zheng Yikai (2008), Qunxue.
"Regarding the pain of others", Susan Sontag (2003) translated by Chen Yaocheng (2010), Wheatfield Publishing House.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Film and issue writing
60 含寫作發表
movie notes
Issue Notes
30 含分組口頭報告

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[C220]
授課教師 Teacher:盧崇真
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:社會系雙掛課程
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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