course information of 102 - 02 | 2183 Financial Sociology Practice(金融社會學實務)

Taught In English2183 - 金融社會學實務 Financial Sociology Practice

教育目標 Course Target

台灣在1990年代私營新銀行未開放之前,金融產業的重要組織主要以信合社、農會之基層金融及公營行庫為主。於1991年新銀行陸續成立16家,直至2001年間金融六法通過後,開放金融控股公司設立,此趨勢主要之緣由是來自1997年發生亞洲金融風暴,使一些台灣企業,因財務管理失控造成倒帳嚴重,連帶失業率創新高,致使台灣金融業直接、間接授信受創甚鉅,許多基層金融、地區性銀行及新銀行受到波及,吃下不少呆帳。政府及立法部門因應時勢所需,不得不於2001年間通過金融六法,產生金融合併相對法源;尤其對不良資產,可透過AMC(資產管理公司)處理,使經營不善的銀行暫獲得歸宿。然而,台灣加入WTO後,中小企業面臨全球化、國際化等潮流,經營倍感壓力。台灣的銀行業有那些業務,在實務上,不論在存款、放款、外匯、財富管理與信用卡等業務,如何以金融專業與金融資本協助企業提升其競爭力或社會之普羅大眾創造財富呢?當中小企業主或普羅大眾有了財富積累後,銀行如何以金融專業協助做好財富傳承規劃?我從事銀行業38年,經歷過1997亞洲金融風暴與2008年雷曼兄弟投資銀行違約事件,造成全球金融風暴。我以多年的經驗積累,對本課程以實務面教授金融社會相關議題,相信同學會有所收獲。Before the opening of private new banks in Taiwan in the 1990s, the important organizations in the financial industry were mainly grassroots financial institutions such as credit unions and farmers' associations, and public banks. In 1991, 16 new banks were established one after another. It was not until the passage of the Six Financial Laws in 2001 that the establishment of financial holding companies was opened. The main reason for this trend was the Asian financial crisis in 1997, which caused some Taiwanese companies to go bankrupt due to out-of-control financial management. The situation is serious, and the unemployment rate has reached a record high, causing direct and indirect credit losses to Taiwan's financial industry. Many grassroots finance, regional banks and new banks have been affected, and they have suffered a lot of bad debts. In response to the needs of the times, the government and legislative departments had to pass the Six Financial Laws in 2001 to create a legal source of financial mergers. In particular, non-performing assets can be handled through AMCs (asset management companies), so that poorly managed banks can temporarily find a home. However, after Taiwan joined the WTO, small and medium-sized enterprises faced trends such as globalization and internationalization, and their operations were under great pressure. What businesses does Taiwan's banking industry have? In practice, whether it is deposits, loans, foreign exchange, wealth management, credit cards, etc., how can financial expertise and financial capital be used to help enterprises improve their competitiveness or create wealth for the general public in society? When small and medium-sized business owners or the general public have accumulated wealth, how can banks use their financial expertise to assist in wealth inheritance planning? I have been in the banking industry for 38 years and have experienced the 1997 Asian financial crisis and the 2008 Lehman Brothers investment bank default, which caused the global financial crisis. I have accumulated many years of experience and will use this course to teach financial and social-related issues from a practical perspective. I believe that students will gain something from it.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.選用書本:銀行實務(Bank Financial Institutions), 作者:劉金華,吉遠出版社,


陳介玄: 1995 貨幣網絡與生活結構,台北:聯經出版事業公司。
2001 文笙國際金融與經濟分析,關鍵歷史。台中:文笙。

高承恕: 1999 頭家娘,台北:聯經出版事業公司。
1. Book selection: Bank Financial Institutions, author: Liu Jinhua, Jiyuan Publishing House,
Book ordering hotline: 0932-515752(Ke Qinglin)

2. Bibliography:

Chen Jiexuan: 1995 Monetary Network and Life Structure, Taipei: Lianjing Publishing Company.
2001 Wensheng International Financial and Economic Analysis, Critical History. Taichung: Wensheng.

Gao Chengshu: 1999 Tou Jianiang, Taipei: Lianjing Publishing Company.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance rate: 30%, personal project report and questions: 10%, midterm and midterm exams each account for 30%
100 出席率每次到課得2分,

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/10,11,12[SS209]
授課教師 Teacher:劉鎮評
修課班級 Class:社會系2,3,4
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 35 人。

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